How many of you do well-being checks?

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:shock: Dude- thats harsh. People thinking your from a group home! Oh my gosh theres a huge difference I agree! Educate us please. Some of us dont know how the system works anyhow, myself included.

I'll PM you. There's something you may know, but didn't know it. Can't say it in public.
Sorry ADers. The information I want to tell you is highly classified, and cannot be shared publicly without serious consequences. If you want a better understanding of my situation, you'll have to do it via PM. That information does not belong on here. matter what you do brother
Don't call the fuzz on me
Sorry ADers. The information I want to tell you is highly classified, and cannot be shared publicly without serious consequences. If you want a better understanding of my situation, you'll have to do it via PM. That information does not belong on here.
Highly classified? You work for the CIA or the military? I've been cleared up thru Top Secret; is that enough?
The afternoon after we returned from our daughter's wedding, we cleaned out her bedroom and made it our home office. :lol:

Find a stash?
I once misplaced a stash,
(Drags cigarette , inhales smoke, exhales smoke in the shape of a stash)
More the once.
20 years later I was going through some old year books and out came some hits of old school acid, still in wee cute tinfoil, that weird shit from NYC the green tissue paper kind with red lips on them. that left you pulling your hair out half way through the trip with a big grin.
Turned out that stuff gets better with age
(Raises eyebrows)
Highly classified? You work for the CIA or the military? I've been cleared up thru Top Secret; is that enough?

No, but they're really strict on privacy. That's why I can't post it here. They would kick me out if they found out. On a secure messaging site is better.
Highly classified? You work for the CIA or the military? I've been cleared up thru Top Secret; is that enough?

He is a spy for the Russian govt. :hmm:
No, but they're really strict on privacy. That's why I can't post it here. They would kick me out if they found out. On a secure messaging site is better.

so that means.... there's something illegal going on?
He is a spy for the Russian govt. :hmm:

Way off. Only way you're finding out is if you or anyone else contact me privately-- I assure you-- nothing harmful, but the information doesn't belong here.
so that means.... there's something illegal going on?

No. I'm trying to get the point across that the program that owns this house has a confidential clause, which means that under no grounds whatsoever can I publicly say where I'm from. That violation would result in explusion.
Ok relax mark
All cool
(Looks out other corner of window)
No. I'm trying to get the point across that the program that owns this house has a confidential clause, which means that under no grounds whatsoever can I publicly say where I'm from. That violation would result in explusion.

........ what?

so that means if a friend wants to visit you... you can't tell him where you live?
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