How do you feel about Immigrants?

Interesting...the legal immigrants I know would not believe that they were the 'privileged few'. Many of them had to work very hard to get here but still went through the proper channels.

Reba mentions some items, but there is A LOT you don't see. Lets start with not having a drivers license. Many of these unlicensed drivers are driving on the roads with you...not a clue on how to drive safely. Many do not understand the concept of having auto insurance...which begs the question of what happens to YOU when you and your family are going through a green light and an unlicensed driver goes through the red light and hits you and your family....and has no insurance? Are you really OK with that?

Then the police show up...the person speaks no English (funny that they know what handcuffs mean and the word 'Immigration'). OK, so now we are dealing with an undocumented license, no nothing. If he tells me is name is Jose Edwardo Rodriguez, how do I know that is really him? Do you think he will give me his correct name. And how do we know he isn't a deported felon (he has committed serious crime in the US and was deported...and came back into the country again)...because the name 'Jose Edwardo Rodriguez' comes up the same for 20 different people. Is this guy him or not?

This happens every single day where I live and my platoon handles at least 1 call every single day just while I'm working. Again, this is just an example. Oh, and don't get me started on what those tattoos on many of them mean...and yes, many illegals in my area are showing 'colors' of various gangs. When you are bored, read up on what MS-13 (among many others) are doing in the Washington DC Metro area.

Please point me to a statistic that crimes by illegal immigrants are 'rare'

Should we get started on Health Care costs? Here, you walk into a Maryland hospital, they HAVE to treat you no matter who you are (if they know who you are) health care while being an illegal alien...not a bad deal if you ask me.
deafdyke said:
Reba, that is ONE example!!!! ONE! Not counting drug related incidents , violent extreme offenses committed by illegal aliens is pretty rare.

Are u sure?

I have seen too many of them here plus our jails are overflow with many of illegal aliens.
deafdyke said:
Reba, that is ONE example!!!! ONE! Not counting drug related incidents , violent extreme offenses committed by illegal aliens is pretty rare.
Where do you get your statistics? Please document your statement that "violent extreme offenses committed by illegal aliens is pretty rare".

Also, you state, "not counting drug related incidents;" aren't those criminal enough? Why except drug-related incidents?

Also, it would be nice if people could go through the channels to legally immigrate here, but there is something called government corruption AND prejudice. ...
Yes, the Mexican government is very corrupt, and they do have their share of racial prejudice.
Arabs have been reported crossing the Arizona border for an unknown period. Border rancher George Morgan encounters thousands of illegals crossing his ranch on a well-used trail. He relates a holiday event: "It was Thanksgiving 1998, and I stepped outside my house and there were over a hundred 'crossers' in my yard. Damnedest bunch of illegals I ever saw. All of them were wearing black pants, white shirts and string ties. Maybe they were hoping to blend in," he chuckled. "They took off, I called the Border Patrol, and a while later, an agent, Dan Green, let me know that they had caught them. He said that they were all Iranians."
The Associated Press reported that Mexican immigration police detained 13 citizens of Yemen on Sept. 24, 2001, who were reportedly waiting to cross the border into Arizona. The Yemenis were arrested Sunday in Agua Prieta, across the border from Douglas. Luis Teran Balaguer, assistant head of immigration in the northern state of Sonora, said, "The evidence indicates that they have nothing to do with terrorist activities."

The Agua Prieta, Mexico newspaper, El Ciarin, clearly did not agree with Balaguer's assessment. The editor, Jose Noriega Durazo, claimed in a front-page El Ciarin headline, "ESTUVIERON AQUI TERRORISTAS ARABES!" (The Arab terrorists were here!) El Ciarin quoted Agua Prieta police officials as identifying the 13 Yemenis as terrorists. Reportedly, the Mexican immigration police returned the Yemenis to a federal detention center near Mexico City, but new information would indicate that they were "released" and returned to Agua Prieta.

Carlos X. Carrillo, assistant chief U. S. Border Patrol, Tucson Sector, told WorldNetDaily in a telephone interview Monday that nine Yemenis were reportedly holed up in a hotel in the border town of Agua Prieta, Sonora, Mexico, across the border from Douglas, Ariz.

"We have passed this tip to the FBI," said Carrillo.

When pressed for more information, he said he could not confirm the number of OTMs or Middle-Easterners apprehended while crossing the American/Mexican border. "We are under OP/SEC and cannot divulge this," the chief said. (OP/SEC is a counter-intelligence acronym for operations security.)

A Border Patrol field patrol agent, who spoke anonymously, confirmed the presence of the nine Yemenis. The agent said, "They can't get a coyote to transport them and they are offering $30,000 per person with no takers."

On Oct. 12, a Mexican national, associated with the hotel in Agua Prieta, abandoned it and moved to Arizona -- to hide out. Speaking on condition of anonymity, he told WND: "There were 13 Arabs there when I left. They were paying the coyotes 30 to 50,000 bucks, apiece, to transport them safely into the U.S. I became so frightened I left. They are genuinely bad hombres." Since Carrillo had reported only nine Arabs at the hotel, it is unclear if the missing five Yemenis made it into the U.S. as reported.
That is why we need to post our US Troops on the border and stop this threat !!!!! Build a Berlin-style wall complete with guards manning the towers, barbed razor wire, attack dogs on the prowl, heavily and well armed US troops ready to repel an illegal invasion and helicopters hovering ahead with machine guns and has heat seeking signatures to catch the illegal aliens and the terrorists who work together to try and mess up America by raping, murder and terroristic acts....There will be a 25 mile no man's land into Mexico where no one is not allowed to get within 25 miles of the heavily guarded border wall and we will employ technology to find suspected tunnels that are being digged etc and with the wall up .... if any Mexicans or Iranians go through the tunnel route then when they come up then everybody will know they are illegal aliens and subject to being shot on sight for breaking the laws of the United States of America and of course don't forget we will have Naval gunships patrolling the waters and US Marines on the beach manning guards to machine gun any illegal aliens or terrorists trying to get through via the sea route. Americans can relax and swim on the beach and be safe from illegal aliens who tried to harrass the beachgoers, there will be no more of that garbage !!!!! Americans are fed up with illegal aliens and an even more dangerous threat, terrorists who cross the borders.

To do your American Duty and report illegal aliens !!!!!

Need to report a company hiring lots of illegal aliens, a bus
service catering to illegals and their employers, or a place where alots of illegals live or congregate?

Below is the nationwide list of Immigration and Naturalization
Service phone numbers for their investigative offices:

(201) 645-2240 Newark office, for New Jersey

(205) 591-0920 Birmingham office, for Alabama

(207) 780-3440 Portland office, for Maine

(208) 334-1824 Boise office, for Idaho

(210) 967-7035 San Antonio office, for Southern Texas

(212) 264-5923 New York office, for Southern New York

(214) 905-5807 Dallas office, for Eastern Texas

(215) 656-7195 Philadelphia office, for Eastern Pennsylvania and

(216) 522-4774 Cleveland office, for Northern Ohio

(303) 371-5028 Denver office, for Colorado

(305) 762-3610 Miami office, for Southern Florida

(307) 772-2040 Cheyenne office, for Wyoming

(312) 353-4465 Chicago office, for Illinois

(313) 568-6042 Detroit office, for Michigan

(314) 539-2538 St. Louis office, for Missouri

(317) 226-6202 Indianapolis office, for Indiana

(319) 364-3280 Cedar Rapids office, for Iowa

(401) 528-5532 Providence office, for Rhode Island (also 528-5545)

(402) 697-9154 Omaha office, for Nebraska (extension 627)

(404) 730-2841 Atlanta office, for Georgia (extension 346)

(405) 231-4595 Oklahoma City office, for Oklahoma

(406) 449-3991 Helena office, for Montana

(407) 855-4418 Orlando office, for Eastern Florida

(410) 962-7449 Baltimore office, for Maryland

(412) 395-4463 Pittsburgh office, for Western Pennsylvania and West

(414) 297-1571 Milwaukee office, for Wisconsin

(501) 646-4722 Ft. Smith office, for Western Arkansas

(502) 582-6953 Louisville office, for Kentucky

(503) 326-7475 Portland office, for Oregon

(504) 589-4120 New Orleans office, for Louisiana

(513) 684-2412 Cincinnati office, for Southern Ohio

(518) 431-0325 Albany office, for Northern New York

(601) 965-5878 Jackson office, for Mississippi

(603) 625-5276 Manchester office, for New Hampshire

(612) 313-9040 Bloomington office, for Minnesota, North Dakota and
South Dakota

(617) 565-3100 Boston office, for Massachusetts

(619) 557-6011 San Diego office, for Southern California

(702) 388-6414 Las Vegas office, for Nevada

(703) 578-4901 Washington office, for District of Columbia and
Northern Virginia

(704) 672-6938 Charlotte office, for North Carolina

(757) 858-7502 Norfolk office, for Southern Virginia

(801) 265-0136 Salt Lake City office, for Utah

(802) 527-3191 St. Albans office, for Vermont

(803) 727-4422 Charleston office, for South Carolina

(813) 288-1226 Tampa Bay office, for Central Florida

(816) 891-8350 Kansas City office, for Kansas

(860) 240-3346 Hartford office, for Connecticut

(901) 544-0256 Memphis office, for Tennessee and Eastern Arkansas
(extension 136)

(907) 474-1025 Fairbanks office, for Alaska

(915) 540-1736 El Paso office, for Western Texas and New Mexico

If no number for your region appears on this list, call INS's
toll-free national service center at 800-375-5283 and they will
provide you with the applicable regional phone number for INS.
David Nadel was a familiar community activist in Berkeley, California, and owned the popular Ashkenaz dance club that featured eclectic music, such as zydeco, cajun, klezmer and the blues. In 1996, he was murdered in the club by an apparent Mexican illegal alien, Juan Rivera Perez, whom Nadel had earlier ejected for harassing other patrons. Perez was in Ashkenaz as part of an English as a Second Language program graduation party. Police believe Perez escaped to Mexico, which is famously unhelpful in extraditing violent criminals. Despite the outcry from law enforcement, victims and the press, our government does not insist on normal compliance in law enforcement from Mexican authorities.
...Barbara Vidlak got off easy with just identity theft. Still, you wouldn't want her problems. The rip-off of her Social Security number by an illegal immigrant has caused Barbara's phone to be turned off, loss of health insurance for her two kids as well as extra money out of pocket from the 34-year-old Omaha resident for credit checks and other expenses, such as lost time at work. She also had to act as a detective to track down the culprit who has filled her life with turmoil and stress. The reporting on this crime is notable for its relentless sympathy for the perpetrator, even when the damage to the victim is obvious for all to see. Rather than note how illegal immigration is not a victimless crime, reporter Cindy Gonzalez quotes an "immigrant rights" advocate who says that "In some ways, both women are victims."
Eighteen-year-old Tricia Taylor of Detroit was in court in December 2002 to hear the plea of the illegal alien who caused her to lose both legs above the knees. Jose Carcamo was driving under the influence (.08 percent blood alcohol level) and speeding when he drove over a curb and smashed Taylor into a wall. One report stated that Carcamo has had 17 violations since 1995. Another noted that he was drag racing at the time of the crash. It is agreed that the car was travelling between 50 and 75 miles per hour on a street posted for 25 mph. Taylor's companion Noah Menard suffered a fractured skull and collarbone, as well as requiring eight pins to reconstruct his mangled elbow. The INS had twice begun deportation proceeding against Carcamo to return him to El Salvador, but regrettably did not follow through. Carcamo will be out of jail in a few years, but Tricia Taylor faces a lifetime of pain and disability because of another failure of the INS to remove a dangerous alien. Incidentally, drinking to excess and then driving is celebrated in Hispanic cultures rather than condemned.
Sister Helen Chaska was murdered in late summer 2002 by being strangled with her rosary beads — the beads were found imbedded in her neck. She was also raped, as was another nun who accompanied Sister Helen during walking prayers. Both women were in Klamath Falls, Oregon, doing missionary work when the crimes occurred. Her accused murderer is Maximiliano Esparza, who is in the United States illegally, and was convicted in 1988 of robbery and kidnapping in Los Angeles. He was sentenced to six years in prison, was released in 1992 and was on probation until 1995. By law, this man should have been deported to Mexico after his release in 1992. Instead, the INS allowed him to remain in the United States and commit even more heinous crimes.
It has been a decade since Oregon State Police Trooper Bret Clodfelter was murdered by an illegal alien, but the crime has not been forgotten. Trooper Clodfelter of Klamath Falls had arrested three Mexican men for being drunk and disorderly, then offered them a ride and was murdered for his generosity. The prosecuter sought the death penalty, but one dissenting juror meant Francisco Manzo-Hernandez got life in prison instead. To add to the tragedy, Clodfelter's widow Rene committed suicide a year after her husband was murdered. The couple had been married just over a month when the murder occurred.
The murder of Kris Eggle, a park ranger in the Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument in southern Arizona on August 9, 2002, was little noted by the media, although the press has paid considerable attention to the deaths of illegal aliens on the border. By contrast, Ranger Eggle was shot down by Mexican drug dealers who were using Organ Pipe as a route for their smuggling. Only 28 when he was murdered, Eggle was a valedictorian and an Eagle Scout who joined the National Park Service because he loved the outdoors. (Organ Pipe is considered to be the most dangerous of the national park system: 200,000 illegal aliens and 700,000 pounds of drugs were intercepted at the park in 2001.)
Vinessa Hoera was a young single mom, only 23, when she was brutally raped and murdered by an illegal alien from Guatemala, Faustino Chavez, who apparently was angry when his advances toward her were not received positively. The bruises on her body showed that she tried to fight off her attacker but was not successful.
The young woman's family was shocked to hear the details of how savage her murder had been, like how her throat had been slashed several times from ear to ear. "I'm in shock," said Donna Hoera, the victim's mother ... Vinessa had a five-year-old son.
Amber Merkle was only 8 when she died in a four-car wreck May 1, caused by illegal alien Arturo Lupian. A third-grade student in Decatur Alabama, Amber lived for a few hours on life support until medical staff took her off because there was no evidence of brain activity. She had been on a Saturday afternoon outing of ice cream and fun with her aunt and cousin.
The drunk driver Arturo Lupian had an elevated blood alcohol level of .11 at 2:30 in the afternoon when his vehicle slammed into the stopped SUV in which Amber was riding. (Alabama has a limit of .08.) There were no skid marks at the accident scene, so apparently Lupian didn't even try to stop. If convicted, he faces 2 to 20 years in prison for manslaughter.
Amber's mother Ruby remarked, "I hope he does more than two years. I don't want him going to Mexico and getting another name, and doing it again."
Troy Payton was stabbed to death with a butcher knife by an illegal alien, Abimael Azmitia, during a confrontation after Azmitia had insulted a 15-year-old girl, all of whom lived in a residence motel near Las Vegas. Even though the killer was a previously deported illegal alien, District Judge Joseph Bonaventure sentenced Azmitia to only 19 to 48 months even though the killer pleaded guilty to voluntary manslaughter. Azmitia also had a prior arrest record for assault and domestic violence in Colorado, and had been deported a month before the killing.
Troy Payton was an iron worker who was remembered by his friends and family as someone who cared deeply for Nevada's history and wide open spaces. "He loved wild horses, Harley Davidsons and mines," according to his mother Peggy Irving. He was 32 years old when he was killed in April.
Officer Will Seuis a motorcycle patrolman in Oakland, California, was killed on his ride home by an illegal alien. Fortunately some witnesses on the highway immediately phoned 911 and the accused hit-and-run driver, Carlos Mares, was quickly caught. Mares was driving his truck with a commercial load.
A sixteen-year veteran of the Police Department, Officer Seuis was remembered at his funeral as a hard-working cop who had received 33 letters of appreciation from citizens, including one from a motorist he had ticketed. He had been in traffic enforcement since 1998, and was a member of the department's 20-member precision motorcycle drill team. Seuis left a wife, Michelle, and two daughters.
The accused killer has a history of traffic convictions. It's curious that illegal alien Mares has his own business, Mares Trucking.
Terry and Lisa Dilks were found murdered from multiple gunshot wounds in their home in Urbandale, Iowa. On August 26, police announced that they had arrested one suspect of two, an illegal alien from Mexico known as Leocardio Lopez, but whose actual name is Audiel Molasco-Tello. The Dilks had a 15-year-old son, Dustin, but he was not at home at the time of the killing. Now he's an orphan because illegal aliens murdered his parents.