Hmph, Dating a Transexual? (Warning: You may find a strange truth about me)

well get a male bird... so these female birds can fight over him, hee hee.:giggle:

Aleser may not want to have to constantly rehome baby birds. Besides most animal shelters are full because people have male and female animals together. I only keep female rats. I do have neutered bucks accassionally though.
We -do- have male and female birds. That said, I own them and I made the choice to have both, so when there's baby birds around, they're our birds too.. I wouldn't ever give away my birds. If it got out of hand, I'd let the females and males out of their homes seperately, but never just turning them over to a shelter or selling them. That would feel like giving away a baby, it'd break my heart.
While I personally think you're an idiot not worth replying to, I'm going to say this for the sake of it being an all to wide-held view.

Every surgery you get is messing with nature. Every time you pop some naproxen for a backache, you're messing with nature. If you go on antibiotics, you're messing with nature. For the 90,000+ people in the us on the UNOS list (united network for organ sharing), they're waiting for something as unnatural as it gets- switching organs with a dead person.

Did it ever cross your insanely small little mind that maybe that's exactly what they're doing, accepting themseleves after a usually long struggle with coming out to themselves and others? By what right do you judge them for that?

You know that whole "walk a mile in my shoes" thing? If you can't do it, don't judge.

:h5:....I agree with you... My friend just had sex change... now he is completely female...I supported her... she was born male trapped inside female... she knew since she was 5 yrs old....she went through the judge changing her birth certification and others.... she is happy now...
And also Conservative signs... I got Saturn in Taurus,,, close mind, Sun in Capricorn, close mind, Mercury in Capricorn, close mind, Mercury rules thinking.... Capricorn rules conservative... SO I am thinking in a conservative way.


What is your moon and adscent (rising) sign, Deafilmedia?
There is a transsexual couple that lives in Eureka Springs, AR. The guy changed to a female, and the wife changed to a male. Very weird.
There is a transsexual couple that lives in Eureka Springs, AR. The guy changed to a female, and the wife changed to a male. Very weird.
Not really.. I have a friend who lives in CA. He and his wife are transexual/transgender. They knew they wanted to change it bec they werent comfy and unhappy when they were before. Now they are happy and love it.
It may be more 'normal' out there in California, but here in AR, it is definitely not the norm. I think it also depends on where you are in the world because different regions and cultures tend to be more open about homosexuality than others.
I have no issues with transgenders. I don't want to be discriminate against them. I prefer to date 100% man instead 50/50 gender just for my own perference.

I noticed that lesbians are more open minded to date them than gays do. I don't blame gays because I totally understand how they feels because I can related to that.

If my children wants to change their sex... I will make sure they understand the process and serious enough about it first... I will support them anyway. I want them to be happy.
I have no issues with transgenders. I don't want to be discriminate against them. I prefer to date 100% man instead 50/50 gender just for my own perference. .

simple you prefer because natural male have elastic while transgenders aren't 100% function. ;)
About Dating a Transexual?

Well umm I would probably *RUNS*, I just can't imagin' imagin' datin' a transexual, tryin' not to ummm ya know like :barf:

I've met one of the transexual and it too weird, how the person acts and talks and thinks, doesn't make accountable senses to me...

Whistlin' does anyone know where I can cross the other side of the road I can run to ? LOL Oops!!!
Believe it or not, I met some transgenders and you can't tell if they're transgenders. Surgury technology improved dramatically lately. I am impressed because most "typical" transgenders are pretty obvious until few of them that i met recently... WOW! One thing scared me what if I meet someone cute and hit on him then find out that he is transgender... I don't know what I will do... :(
Transsexuals are NOT Transvittes.

Well I have been noticing alot of people tend to misunderstand the transsexual by the transversite. Understanding the difference of transsexual and transversite, the transsexual do the surgical produces and taking the hormones to change its own gender (that is why it is so hard to tell if that person is transsexual or not). Transversite do not change its own gender, but wear its opposed gender (that is why it is easier to tell if that person was a transversite as due to too much of make ups for MtF or fake mustaches or beard for FtM).

Here I go with the pictures, transsexuals can look really good.

Transsexual Women


Transsexual Women's Successes

Transsexual Men


Successful TransMen - Photos and links to webpages of transsexual (FtM) men
Nope, I feel that if your a gay man, then you want to be with a MAN, if your willing to be with a tranny, then why get with a tranny?? But then again, it's not really my decision, to each & his own. =)
Nope, I feel that if your a gay man, then you want to be with a MAN, if your willing to be with a tranny, then why get with a tranny?? But then again, it's not really my decision, to each & his own. =)

Yeah it's just varies of people's decision :) I don't mind to date a transsexual really because I don't look at whatever between people's legs, but at their own brain. Yeah I have to agree, the real men are at sexual function very good compare to transmen, but that is not really important to me, the important to me is the love, ya know ;)
I have date alots of ladyboy and shemales

I really don't see what's wrong with dating transsexual, hell i know some poeple who do that, and all i can see is thier being themselves as same situation for homosexuals and hetrosexual, all they can do is be themselves just be comfortable, IM dating someone noe no not a transsexual but given the mind's thought, I can tell u one thing,
IF and this is a HUGE big IF i was to date a transsexual ofc i would say go for it, as long as there's honesty involve from the onset of dating and not a * suprise* later on i can completely respect thier honest words and thier respect for who they choose to be thats all that matter it's not abt sex its not abt whos better in bed, its all abt faith honesty respect trust and comfortablity!

Well. That label "shemale" is porn kind. All of us not like that label so should be very careful when you talk to person who is into transition.

I met online friends who are transgenders (male and female)
I would date a transsexual person if I fell in love with one. Their transsexuality wouldn't stop me for a second. It would be hard to define the relationship as straight or gay since I'm transgender myself. :giggle:
I happen to be bi and I would not refuse to proceed with someone just because they were trans person. People love who they love-