High Frequencies and Dizziness

hi dreama,

thanks. <hugs>

i forgot to mention that my audi also turned down each of the frequencies several notches so that they weren't painfully loud. at one point she turned a low frequency all the way down volume wise and as a result, her voice and mine sounded robotic. it was really strange. LOL!
my audi also plans to contact cochlear about the problems i've been having, so we'll see if they have any ideas as to why this is happening.
hi everyone,

she did the same thing afterward in which she played tones from lowest to highest.

Thats Sweeping i think.

I would be very interested to see what's cochlear has to say about the causes of dizziness as you know i have 4 off due to that too. Umm...:hmm:

So glad you are back to normal bar the crappness in music!
I'm glad to hear you're not dizzy anymore Hear Again!! <happy>
I'm sorry about the music, though. <sad>
Hope you're feeling better in general.
hi nika,

i am. i'm no longer dizzy. i can't stand the way music sounds, but if that's the way it has to be in order for me not to be dizzy and to be able to understand speech, so be it.

having said that, i'm very curious to find out my audi and ci surgeon's explanation as to why this happened. i just don't get it.
Thats Sweeping i think.

I would be very interested to see what's cochlear has to say about the causes of dizziness as you know i have 4 off due to that too. Umm...:hmm:

So glad you are back to normal bar the crappness in music!

hi charlotte,

none of my audis have ever done a sweeping of the electrodes with me before until today.

i really freaked out this afternoon because i asked my audi if my ci's were failing. she said there could be a malfunction going on, but that does not translate into a failure.

i also forgot to mention that i asked my audi about electrical stimulation shifting causing dizziness. she said this wasn't possible due to the fact that the ci is grounded.
Hear Again,

Glad the contributing factors were identified. Did your Audi leave one of your old programs in just in case the cold is causing most of the problems so you don't have to go back if things return to "normal".

I think the deepest electrode is the lowest frequency and the highest one is the closest to where the bones would hammer against the cochlea. At least this is what my thoughts are. If you have a cold and have bad drainage with pressure maybe the cochlea is slightly distorted causing the electrode array to have been moved enough to contribute to the louder volume. Kind of makes logical sence in my mind. Maybe totally off base. I guess this could be the same as what I was meaning around the electrical stimulation shifting in the mid frequencies as the healing process takes place and the electrical paths are created. Basically the electrical path to the ground travels differently as the healing happens is my thought.

I'll be sure to get my audi's thought on this during my appointment this coming Friday. My last appointment, my audi mentioned they get about a years worth of training before they get approved to program CI's. I'm interested to see if I can get a "training" manual to review just to see if I can get the right words for what I go through during the programming process. I'm also interested in how the various settings affect what I hear.


As far as the different speeds, I know they go down as slow as 150/second, maybe slower and as high/fast as 3500/second. The speeds I know are 900, 1200, 1800, 2400, 3500. Below 900, I don't know if it is 150, 300, 600 but will ask this also on Friday also.

I'm also interested in the various ways the electodes can be stimulated. I have thought it is a single electrode at a time or two mixed to hit the right frequency. I for some reason believe there is the ability to use various electrodes to make the same or similar frequency and again for some reason think this contributes significantly to the power consumption. I really would like to see if I can get a technical manual on how this thing works.

All I know is this CI is really working well for what I had to go through to get it with the surgery and all. I find it cool that they can taylor the programs around a patient and not really sacrafice ones ability to understand speech. I'm still at aw with this technology and how well it is working for me. I just have to wonder where the research subjects are that go through the repeated programming and provide feedback surrounding what they can hear and how they like it. This has to be an incredible learning curve for those who are writing the program that our audiologists use because watching it on the computer is quite simple and straight forward.

Anyway, I'm glad both of you have been able to get some relief from the marry-go-round per say.

hi everyone,

i just got back from my appointment.

my audi gave me a hearing test to determine which frequencies were causing dizziness. she did the same thing afterward in which she played tones from lowest to highest. most of the low tones were painfully loud, but the high frequencies were loud and caused dizziness. she ended up turning off 6 high frequency electrodes on my left ci and 6 high frequency electrodes on my right ci for a total of 12 electrodes.

i'm no longer experiencing any dizziness and speech sounds better than it has in a long time.

the only exception is music. music sounds like it is being played through a small, tinny am transistor radio and i'm hearing volume fluctuations depending on what frequency i am hearing. for example, a song could start off sounding very soft and then suddenly get very loud and then soft again.

my audi plans to talk to my ci surgeon to find out why this is happening. she said it's unusual that something like this would happen after me having my ci's for as long as i have.

if my audi and ci surgeon can figure out why this happened, they will let me know.

right now i'm just happy because i'm no longer dizzy. music sounds like crap, but that's okay just as long as i'm able to understand speech.

I'm glad you feel better! <<hugs>>
hi everyone,

i just got back from my appointment.

my audi gave me a hearing test to determine which frequencies were causing dizziness. she did the same thing afterward in which she played tones from lowest to highest. most of the low tones were painfully loud, but the high frequencies were loud and caused dizziness. she ended up turning off 6 high frequency electrodes on my left ci and 6 high frequency electrodes on my right ci for a total of 12 electrodes.

i'm no longer experiencing any dizziness and speech sounds better than it has in a long time.

the only exception is music. music sounds like it is being played through a small, tinny am transistor radio and i'm hearing volume fluctuations depending on what frequency i am hearing. for example, a song could start off sounding very soft and then suddenly get very loud and then soft again.

my audi plans to talk to my ci surgeon to find out why this is happening. she said it's unusual that something like this would happen after me having my ci's for as long as i have.

if my audi and ci surgeon can figure out why this happened, they will let me know.

right now i'm just happy because i'm no longer dizzy. music sounds like crap, but that's okay just as long as i'm able to understand speech.
I am glad things are sorted out for now Lisa. Bummer about the music, but hopefully that is just temporary and things will return to normal in the near future. At least you have no more dizzy spells. Having had them with my meniere's, I know they can be scary.
I am glad things are sorted out for now Lisa. Bummer about the music, but hopefully that is just temporary and things will return to normal in the near future. At least you have no more dizzy spells. Having had them with my meniere's, I know they can be scary.

my audi hopes this is a temporary change and that eventually we will be able to turn my electrodes back on. we'll see.
hi everyone,

oh, no. now i'm worried. i just received an e-mail from my ci surgeon's receptionist. my ci surgeon wants me to have a ct scan. i wonder if that means something is wrong with my ci's? does this also mean i have to have my magnets temporarily removed for the ct scan? i hope someone can respond soon because my appointment will be in a few days.
I have have that a few but not all electodes can be fired per clock sweep.
wow. i'm really amazed at how much all of you know about your ci maps. i don't know anything about mine except that i'm using a speed of 900 hz and that 6 high frequency electrodes were turned off on each ci. i should talk to my audi to find out more specifics about my maps because i'm curious.
hi everyone,

oh, no. now i'm worried. i just received an e-mail from my ci surgeon's receptionist. my ci surgeon wants me to have a ct scan. i wonder if that means something is wrong with my ci's? does this also mean i have to have my magnets temporarily removed for the ct scan? i hope someone can respond soon because my appointment will be in a few days.

CT scan is safe for CI's , don't worry lisa..MRI isn't...

I hope everything is in place!
wow. i'm really amazed at how much all of you know about your ci maps. i don't know anything about mine except that i'm using a speed of 900 hz and that 6 high frequency electrodes were turned off on each ci. i should talk to my audi to find out more specifics about my maps because i'm curious.

I don't know either anything of my maps..I'm put to shame! lol
CT scan is safe for CI's , don't worry lisa..MRI isn't...

I hope everything is in place!


do you know if i can wear my ci's during the ct scan? if not, i will have to request a tactile terp.
Hear again, For CI assessment, i had my CT scan i had to take my Hearing aids out. Also It only took 10 mins.

Good luck Lisa. try not to worry too much. ((((((Hugs)))))

I am off on holiday in couple of hours (flight's at 7.50am it's 21.36 hrs now, i am getting up at 4.30) I will check this post now and then.