Help me.. *How can I block one site*

GalaxyAngel said:

I have nanny net (Parental control)... but it's totally weak.. Children can access into almost EVERYTHING.. so kinds stupid cheap and weak "Nanny Net" Is that part my fault? Stupid business making you buying Nanny net... Thanks to company!
Screw'em.. I still hunting powerful security parental control..

should have observe more..

go on Control Panel...
-- User Acct..
---creat an acct.
---click on computer administer (not the limited)
then click on create account..

then... Pick the acct that you just mad..
--- create password.. then click create password.
restart your computer.

you have window blocked over.. only your user name and pw..
GalaxyAngel said:
Sure, I'll be very happy doing for you... Hugs for my little son.. when he gets home afterschool.. :D
I'll let him know.. :D


My Older son still struggle his head which his choice.. Have not made his decision yet.. (waiting)
He knew what mother's choice made 4 things: Removed 150 bux or 50 bux off or 100 bux off plus extra more chores heavy... Or.. No telephone and TV for 2 weeks. Be Tough.. He is teenager!

IF its me.. thats too many choices to give your older son... dont give choices.. you give him what he suppose to do. chores and stay in room.. same with little son.. but one thing....
i disagreed with you what you did to your little son but i applaud him for doing chores.. but bring friend over? what grounded mean.. chores and stay in room for couple weeks.. he will see friends at school ..
well its your decision... cuz $800 and sneak behind your back .. thats exterme off my ground rules.. you are letting them off easy.. but like i said its your decision..
GalaxyAngel said:
Sure, I'll be very happy doing for you... Hugs for my little son.. when he gets home afterschool.. :D
I'll let him know.. :D


My Older son still struggle his head which his choice.. Have not made his decision yet.. (waiting)
He knew what mother's choice made 4 things: Removed 150 bux or 50 bux off or 100 bux off plus extra more chores heavy... Or.. No telephone and TV for 2 weeks. Be Tough.. He is teenager!

I wonder if your older son can get small job or ? maybe it would be help to pay you back from haboo $800??.. my sister start job at her age 13 or 14 .. i know it too young cause my mom cant afford to buy for her cause she is teenager now cause my mom had to pay phone, hydro, mortage, car insurance, food, cable, etc etc that she have hard time cause my dad and my mom are not together anymore and my dad is moved out so she is on her own to pay everythings not easy my mom told my sister if want the money ? then can get job so my sister got a job at Havery's till she quitted the job last summer and spend time with her own father now the summer is over till she got a job Wal mart now :) .. she can earn her own money and my mom can pay bills, .. yeah christmas stuff ahh lol /.. my sister is 16 yrs old now not 13 or 14 yrs old anymore :D

i dunno if your older son can get small job or cant I just opioin (spelling) :)
DoofusMama said:
IF its me.. thats too many choices to give your older son... dont give choices.. you give him what he suppose to do. chores and stay in room.. same with little son.. but one thing....
i disagreed with you what you did to your little son but i applaud him for doing chores.. but bring friend over? what grounded mean.. chores and stay in room for couple weeks.. he will see friends at school ..
well its your decision... cuz $800 and sneak behind you thats exterme off my ground rules.. you are letting them off easy.. but like i said its your decision..

I can understand where you come from but GalaxyAngel said in her previous post that her little son accept his mistake and agree to have $50 instead of $150 for Xmas present. He admitted his mistake and do chore etc which it´s enough.

For older son... He refused to admit it - okay... ground him to not use computer for a month. Don´t be soft to older son.. Firm him with fix limit... because he didnt admit his mistake an earlier... then ground him for no computer or TV for month...

$800 is too much... yes... I would say... not blame children because they didn´t familiar kid websites... They know now what kid webistes is after saw $800 bill... It´s GalaxyAngel´s responsible, not children.
yeah deafmonkey

other ideas..
go to old people homes to see if they need anything big job to lift or clean up like garage.. shovel snow or mow the lawn.. (if you are in winter season)..
go to neighbors to ask for little job to be needed.
ask school to see if there are any orgranizations that you can make money after school..

many more.. think of.. :D oh.. ask grandparents or relatives..
Liebling:-))) said:
I can understand where you come from but GalaxyAngel said in her previous post that her little son accept his mistake and agree to have $50 instead of $150 for Xmas present. He admitted his mistake and do chore etc which it´s enough.

For older son... He refused to admit it - okay... ground him to not use computer for a month. Don´t be soft to older son.. Firm him with fix limit... because he didnt admit his mistake an earlier... then ground him for no computer or TV for month...

$800 is too much... yes... I would say... not blame children because they didn´t familiar kid websites... They know now what kid webistes is after saw $800 bill... It´s GalaxyAngel´s responsible, not children.

Ahh i crossed the posts and missed it..
i understand now what 50, 100 150... Well I prefer separate.. gifts and chores/grounded..
to make them work and pay back to 800..
but still celebrate christmas with families..

I understand that cant afford anymore to buy more christmas.. make it smaller amount than you spend before..

Thanks Liebling:))) for agreeing with me part of it.. "It's GalaxyAngel's responsible, not children"
DoofusMama said:
yeah deafmonkey

other ideas..
go to old people homes to see if they need anything big job to lift or clean up like garage.. shovel snow or mow the lawn.. (if you are in winter season)..
go to neighbors to ask for little job to be needed.
ask school to see if there are any orgranizations that you can make money after school..

many more.. think of.. :D oh.. ask grandparents or relatives..

yeah if she would like of their idea .. now the lawn hehe we are in winter now not the summer yet till 2006 :D.. if she willing like the idea ? wait and see what she said
I did gave idea suggest my older son .. your choice shovel outside.. earn $ to pay off your amount.

Yes I do pay for it Bell Canada company.. Have to.. which our responbile for this.

My older son have not made his decision detectable money away 50 bux or 100 bux off depend his choice... still not decision yet.. I don't mind and wait his answer.. He still grounded... cannot go out.. phone and no t.v. too bad anyway..

I understand Doofus your preference but my older son.. hell no way He is ADHD.. *whistle* senstive out of control when he angry.. I do not want see him more his cap off flew his mind out.. I have to flexible w/my older son what his choice best decision..

Im not worry.. Just I want give my two boys flexible grounded.. make two boys made mistake yes.. that good start.. As long two boys do their chores.. that is it..

I do not like "HEAVY STRICT" Just regluar grounded.. Im not soft.. I've been learned it lot from ADHD course and website so many different ways of displince.. as for your choice different than mine.. That's fine..

That's okay , different disagree w/me..

update: My little son has done his chores dishes.. good boy.. little missing wipe dry off but not bother at all.. He gone.. I grab it back and dry it off more 110% satisfty.. ehhehe...


My older son cannot go job.. because he still part of probabtion for a year.. he broke once law.. and can't get a job until he smarten up.. which I'm glad Judge did made an order him do so attend probabtion every once a week.. Too bad for him and learn his lesson.. When probation is finished a year then he can get a real job.
GalaxyAngel said:

My older son cannot go job.. because he still part of probabtion for a year.. he broke once law.. and can't get a job until he smarten up.. which I'm glad Judge did made an order him do so attend probabtion every once a week.. Too bad for him and learn his lesson.. When probation is finished a year then he can get a real job.

Ohhhh ok I got it now :) now I understand :)
If you have a financial problem, I would likely suggest you to close your ISP account especially AOL for now so that you would able to pay off your bills. I closed my account for two months to cover my expenses. That's too bad for me, but I felt like four days instead of 2 months cuz the time fly so fast.

Other idea, you would hire an financial advisor or accountant to help you with your paperwork.

If you have AOL account, I strongly recommend you to switch a different ISP service for a better price. It does NOT make any different between AOL and a regular ISP service because it is the same concept such as checking our own e-mails, chatting on AOL Instant Message (of course, it's free), surf on the internet, and more etc. I do not have AOL, but I still use the AOL IM since five years.
webexplorer said:
If you have a financial problem, I would likely suggest you to close your ISP account especially AOL for now so that you would able to pay off your bills. I closed my account for two months to cover my expenses. That's too bad for me, but I felt like four days instead of 2 months cuz the time fly so fast.

Other idea, you would hire an financial advisor or accountant to help you with your paperwork.

If you have AOL account, I strongly recommend you to switch a different ISP service for a better price. It does NOT make any different between AOL and a regular ISP service because it is the same concept such as checking our own e-mails, chatting on AOL Instant Message (of course, it's free), surf on the internet, and more etc. I do not have AOL, but I still use the AOL IM since five years.

That's sound good.. that what we did, we closed cable co account, (includes modem for this computer & VP too).. we havent use VP since last may.. we were struggling to pay off bills all through summer.. Finally we got it out of it and got DSL instead..

Yeah, I would elminate the "additional on phone" like cell phone, id callers, all those extra costs.. for couple months.. maybe elminate cable or something like that.. for couple months so wont be deep burden financial problems..

GalaxyAngel--- sorry about not knowing that your sons have add and adhd.. my son have ebd.. i have to avoid some area that will make him outbrust.. but still yet.. need to know rules though.. thats rough calls.. but so far you are doing good.. keep your feet down..
Yes, Will DSL ultra goes down to basic dsl.. Too bad for my children.. Slower speed.. cheaper for us.. We doesn't mind at all.. *smile*

Wishes me good luck an interview job fair on Dec 7th tag along w/employment supervisor want watch behind my back reason to make sure some Employer who will interview.. If hear says I can't hire you because Deaf.. My Employment supervisor will confront to employer any companies at job fair.. *crossing finger*


What is EBD ? Can you explain me pretty please.. I'd love to learn what yours. *smile*~:)
GalaxyAngel said:

What is EBD ? Can you explain me pretty please.. I'd love to learn what yours. *smile*~:)

Emotional Behavioral Disorder

Yes I know those issue because my 20 years old nephew suffer since he was a little boy. It's rough job to deal with EBD children... which it's not very easy. It's different as ADHD and ADD children. Read this link.
GalaxyAngel said:
My older son have not made his decision detectable money away 50 bux or 100 bux off depend his choice... still not decision yet.. I don't mind and wait his answer.. He still grounded... cannot go out.. phone and no t.v. too bad anyway..

I got it now.... I understand what you are trying to explain us now that your son haven't decide yet. I thought you said that your eldest son refused to admit the truth. Sorry about my misunderstand on your posts.

Yes, I has to agree with your discipline on eldest son because I myself has a ADD son. I give my children 2 choices to be ground.

I understand Doofus your preference but my older son.. hell no way He is ADHD.. *whistle* senstive out of control when he angry.. I do not want see him more his cap off flew his mind out.. I have to flexible w/my older son what his choice best decision..

*nodding agreement* It could turn rebelious against you if you are hard on your eldest son which it's no good...

Im not worry.. Just I want give my two boys flexible grounded.. make two boys made mistake yes.. that good start.. As long two boys do their chores.. that is it..

Correct - I do the same - example about mobile phone.

I do not like "HEAVY STRICT" Just regluar grounded.. Im not soft.. I've been learned it lot from ADHD course and website so many different ways of displince.. as for your choice different than mine.. That's fine..

Very true, I learn a lot from parental conference... also therapies, counsellor, too... how to deal with ADD or ADHD children. That's why I change my form of discipline into neat way with FIRM limit with them but I know my young son don't have ADD but I do the same with him as what I did with my eldest son... They doing with no problem for show their respect on us WITHOUT rebellious against us. I firm my limit with my children without give in... It's bad if you give in and let them win... Show children you are the boss and win in firm way...
DoofusMama said:
Ahh i crossed the posts and missed it..
i understand now what 50, 100 150... Well I prefer separate.. gifts and chores/grounded..

Yes, I'm agree with you to this.

But it's good that Bullym0m's little son agree to have $50 instead of $150.

Thanks Liebling:))) for agreeing with me part of it.. "It's GalaxyAngel's responsible, not children"

Welcome :thumb: Yes, it's parent's responsible to be superisvon on their children...
Also sit down to have a talk with your phone company and put a block on what needs to be blocked and ask about what your phone company frequently blocks for all of the parents... you will want to get on that list. I don't have kids yet but I am an uncle and it would be hell on my wallet if I got married with my wife and made a bunch of kids then they grow up and get onto those websites or 900 phone nbrs. When I was a kid and saw those late night commericals of hot and beautiful ladies on 900 # I would get on TTY and call them up thru relay. ( This was mid 1980's maybe alittle right around the edge of the early 1990's ) My dad gave me hell over that and one day I stopped. I learned my lesson. Kids get into everything. I am seeing that with my nephews and nieces. I wish it did not surprise me but it does being an uncle. Kids can be full of crazy surprises sometimes.
Heath said:
Also sit down to have a talk with your phone company and put a block on what needs to be blocked and ask about what your phone company frequently blocks for all of the parents... you will want to get on that list. I don't have kids yet but I am an uncle and it would be hell on my wallet if I got married with my wife and made a bunch of kids then they grow up and get onto those websites or 900 phone nbrs. When I was a kid and saw those late night commericals of hot and beautiful ladies on 900 # I would get on TTY and call them up thru relay. My dad gave me hell over that and one day I stopped. I learned my lesson. Kids get into everything. I am seeing that with my nephews and nieces. I wish it did not surprise me but it does being an uncle. Kids can be full of crazy surprises sometimes.

She already called to block 900 on the list already did
pcmag said that panda platinum internet security's parent control is fair, not great.
Whew.... :wtf: that's a hard one I don't have a 100 % answer but the big companies should know better they have kids of their own. I understand they want to make money but it is in the " how they make the money " that matters. Cold heartless corporate bastards robbing and breaking the banks of parent's hard earned dollars and corrupting the morals of our American youth and what is worse... IT IS ALL LEGAL :pissed: :type:

To top it off The corporations put up an invisible sign that says pretty accurately...


Plus this is the example they are setting for American youth ??? Makes me mad because the parents are outnumbered 100 to 1 you know what I mean? I am gonna be a dad someday