Go, Ron Paul, Go!

Heh hypocrite,

Paul fights Washington spending, flies first class

Ron Paul is from Texas, how could he not know about TX based Southwest Airlines and the fact that they never charge a change fee? :hmm:

wow.... that's it??? he's really flying it more modest than me!

Newt Gingrich’s Private Plane Flights Responsible For Nearly Half Of $1M Debt | TPMDC
Newt Gingrich’s presidential campaign is over $1 million in debt, nearly half of which — $451,946 — is attributable to his preference for private jets.

That’s how much the Gingrich campaign owes to Moby Dick Airways, the same company he used for flights paid for by his former 527 group, American Solutions. In April, May and June of last year, American Solutions gave $677,539 to Moby Dick Airways.

Adding in the $41,453 and $10,478 payments Gingrich’s campaign already made to Moby Dick in April and May brings the total amount he paid the private plane company over the half-million mark. His list of campaign expenditures includes 30 separate travel-related payments, most of them for thousands of dollars each.

Newt Gingrich Called For Two Toilets, First-Class Airfare For Appearances Before 2012 Run
Newt Gingrich Called For Two Toilets, First-Class Airfare For Appearances Before 2012 Run

The Mitt Romney campaign spent nearly $100,000 more on private planes than commercial flights during the third fundraising quarter, according to financial disclosure reports made public today.

The campaign spent $233,911 on three private aviation companies listed in the report as “air travel.” Marquis Jet Partners, described on its website as “the gold standard for private aviation,” was paid more than $135,000 by the campaign.

Commercial airlines didn’t get as big of a payout from the Romney group. Ten different airlines were flown, but cost the campaign far less than the private digs, totaling $134,228.

Southwest Airlines, which was featured in an August tweet by Romney, who thanked his flight crew for an “easy flight,” received $14,212 of Romney’s money.

News from The Associated Press
The AP reviewed congressional travel before the Iowa caucuses for the two members of Congress running at the time - Paul and Rep. Michele Bachmann of Minnesota. Bachmann later ended her presidential campaign.

House records show Bachmann, like most other congressional members, also paid the more expensive government rate for airfare. But her staff would not provide access to more detailed expense records that show when and what type of tickets were purchased.

Paul's congressional staff provided access to all expense records requested.

Rick Perry Private Jet Spending Doubles His Rivals'
Forms filed Saturday with the Federal Election Commission reveal that Perry's campaign spent $276,424.03 on private chartered jets during just six weeks from the August 13 launch of his campaign to the end of September.

That figure is nearly nine times the $33,657.25 his campaign spent on commercial air travel during the same period.

The sum also dwarfs the private jet spending of GOP frontrunner Mitt Romney, who reported $135,083 in private jet expenses during the three months ending September 30. Another high-flyer, Michele Bachmann, spent over $130,000 with D.C.-area based Moby Dick Airways, Ltd.

Perry has positioned himself as a belt-tightening fiscal conservative, and in his 2010 book Fed Up! he railed against lawmakers who "see no problem with spending other people's money."

Good for him. Sitting in economy is torture on long flights, and for someone who has to fly as much as he does, having crummy seating accommodations could place a lot of stress on his job performance.

I find it commendable that he made his all his records fully accessible when requested. If this is the most dirt they can dig up on him, he sure must be a rotten fellow. . . .
Well done, Mr. Jiro. Well done.

Good for him. Sitting in economy is torture on long flights, and for someone who has to fly as much as he does, having crummy seating accommodations could place a lot of stress on his job performance.

I find it commendable that he made his all his records fully accessible when requested. If this is the most dirt they can dig up on him, he sure must be a rotten fellow. . . .

I have no problem with first class....I only fly first class in fact. But I do it on my dime.
How does his spending compare to other Congressmen?

Does it matter? He claims to be Dr. Frugal. He is a wealthy man, if he wants to fly first class why not pay for it himself and spare the taxpayer? Seems hypocritical to me. :dunno:
according to one website that got a hold of congressmen's spending in total - not just on flights but everything - Ron Paul was very much in the middle range. Moderate spender.

fine by me! it's still less than most of buffoons' spendings.
:hmm: Not good.

As for overall spending (the Sunlight Foundation includes the categories of franked mail, personnel compensation, travel, rent, printing, supplies, equipment and other services), Paul shelled out $1.37 million, which places him 232nd.

not good?
The best part was the lame excuses..... "I need a full fare ticket so I can make changes...." Same ol same ol
Does it matter? He claims to be Dr. Frugal. He is a wealthy man, if he wants to fly first class why not pay for it himself and spare the taxpayer? Seems hypocritical to me. :dunno:

He's not that wealthy. He is worth only about 2.5 million (I think). He is a pauper compared to the other candidates.
So Dr. Frugal's spending puts him right in the middle. :cool2:

that's fine. at least he's not in the 1%.

curious - are Gingrich, Perry, Romney, and Bachmann right in the middle too or way above Dr. Frugal?