Gas price expect to soar again

diehardbiker65 said:
Yea!!! I couldn't believe my own eyes, the rising cost of gas is the FASTEST, and HIGHEST PERCENT increases I ever seen in the last 35 years! This is unreal, but now we are at where it should cost this much if going within inflation. So, if it goes a quarter or more THEN its FUNKED UP, and BAD! I do HAVE one big concern, once the gas price goes up, everything else will follow. Especially that many of stuffs we buy is imported and without any doubts, they ARE GOING TO GO UP! Whats more, many companies are now considering forget about China and come back here! So, hope more jobs coming back here.
one of my fears about companies comming back to USA to have a facotry will cause pollution, take up the beauty of forest. cutting down trees.. where's the beauty of nature?

Nesmuth said:
America can get out of this GAS crisis as easy as tricycling. We all rode trikes before and we can do it again!


It's good exercise too and a good break from stress.

i've seen most of them around highways people riding them on side of highway.. but its a 2 wheel bike they sit down not a tribike. i prefer 2 wheel that you sit down its more fun :D
Magatsu said:
Liebling:))), yep. That is about the same as for Swedes. Many of them used the small cars as well. Mostly european cars. I am planning to sell my jeep before I gone to Sweden because I want to buy SAAB or whatever that my friends would suggest me to get. There are fourteen women co-workers of mine who are working at ristorante, all of them used the bicycles or public transportation to go anywhere.

I also am thrilling that house prices in Sweden is very reasonable compared to America's so it helps somehow and I am able to afford to buy a car for me & Nas without loans or monthly payments. Loans or monthly payments are utterly headache-like (imho).

Good luck with other things that you are going through... ;)

Rofl. Good one.

Good luck :thumb: Sweden is not far from Germany... When will you move out to live in Sweden for good...

Well, this is life but we accept to this and manage it well. You can manage it well only if you budget carefully. :mrgreen:
With the gas prices going thru the roof I've been forced to park my car for the duration. Good thing is my job is only a 2 mile walk from my home. So starting Tuesday I will be walking to work a lot unless I encounter bad weather then I gotta drive so that should keep my gas in the tank much longer and give me some exercise I need!
Highest Regular Gas Prices in the Last 60 Hours
Price ..... Station..... Area ....... Time
$3.37........Fill-N-Go......Tierrasanta.......Thu 2:56 PM

$3.29.....Tierrasanta Gas......Tierrasanta.......Thu 2:56 PM

Both of these gas stations are the nearest gas stations .... Had to ditch them and drove five miles to get $2.85 a gallon last night.
:sure: :dizzy: [:slap: GAS GOUGING]


*Note: this image is actively linked from so this is the current average and will change if the average changes.

DeafSCUBA98 said:
one of my fears about companies comming back to USA to have a facotry will cause pollution, take up the beauty of forest. cutting down trees.. where's the beauty of nature?
Well... our current Admin already did that. It'll get worse if certain people didn't wake up about our current Admin and their agendas which I found it very unlikely.

Here's proof or this proof.

Nesmuth, I hate that tricycle but idea of exercise or gas-conservation is excellent.

Back to this topic, I stopped by one of gas stations which was closer to my place and I was ready to pump the gas and I found it was gone. I tried others and three of pumps were out of service as well. There was a long line so I left for other gas station which costs bit higher than other station. Seem that it is getting worse for real.
I discovered something very interesting about my homestate, New Jersey.
They have a state law forbidding gas stations to raise their prices more than once within 24 hours period. For that reason, some gas stations just simply close down when the prices goes up and up. Some gas stations are operating at loss of profits in NJ because of that law.

My best friend told me yesterday that in my hometown, it was $2.81 for regular, then this morning it soared again to $2.99 for regular. It's really bad in the East Coast! Here in Utah, there are still some gas stations that sell for $2.49 per gallon.
in wisconsin.. it will increase up to 3.50 per gal.. i was like damn.. im gonna stay home till the gas price drop 1.00 or 2.00 off.
kuifje75 said:
I discovered something very interesting about my homestate, New Jersey.
They have a state law forbidding gas stations to raise their prices more than once within 24 hours period. For that reason, some gas stations just simply close down when the prices goes up and up. Some gas stations are operating at loss of profits in NJ because of that law.

Finally that's a law with real teeth! Wish the 48 other states (excluding Joisey and Hawaii that just passed a price cap on gas law a week ago) should be adopting that kind of law to prevent price gouging on the gas.
Is no one thinking of the real victims here?.....

The poor gas station employees who have to change those signs every 5 minutes!
Over here...there are few gas stations that are out of regular gas today. I am not that surprised because too many people got all of the gas.
Not a concern! One of reasons why companies moved to China is that china don't have anti-pollution laws like USA have! Now that with rising cost of oil, and WHO (World Health Organization) is now scrutizing the China for lack of anti pollution law. Get the picture?

DeafSCUBA98 said:
one of my fears about companies comming back to USA to have a facotry will cause pollution, take up the beauty of forest. cutting down trees.. where's the beauty of nature?
cental34 said:
Is no one thinking of the real victims here?.....

The poor gas station employees who have to change those signs every 5 minutes!

Good one cental!

*sarcasm* :dizzy: Perhaps we should give them the Medal of Honor for having to endure a mind-boggling week of changing the signs every 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 minutes. :dizzy: *sarcasm*
Well, there WILL be problem with this law, gas station can shut down. and tell gov't to kiss their ass! This law is not workable.

sablescort said:
Finally that's a law with real teeth! Wish the 48 other states (excluding Joisey and Hawaii that just passed a price cap on gas law a week ago) should be adopting that kind of law to prevent price gouging on the gas.
BabyAngel said:
Over here...there are few gas stations that are out of regular gas today. I am not that surprised because too many people got all of the gas.
Guess who to blame? Bush! I know part of Hurricane too but still