Gas price expect to soar again

California $2.09 ? Not in San Diego

Our average in San Diego County is 2.90 (that is included the cities of Oceanside, Campo, Chula Vista, and San Diego).

We will see 3.20$ sometime soon. Fun, fun, fun. :dance2:
gnarlydorkette said:
Our average in San Diego County is 2.90 (that is included the cities of Oceanside, Campo, Chula Vista, and San Diego).

We will see 3.20$ sometime soon. Fun, fun, fun. :dance2:

Try Michigan, it's really high there than California. Average $3.15 per gallon. My sweetie told me it's $3.19 when she filled up gas.
Currently at $2.73 here in Memphis. I've heard some reports of $3.15 over towards the airport.
Just got back from beer run in Knoxville's Kingston Pike area and gas at 3.09.

Atlanta just went nuts with gas hovering 6.00 a gallon. Now there goes cheap Ga gas outa the window, but the Governor of Ga just set up a phoneline for ppl to complain about price gouging on the gas.
Here where I am is $2.79 and I just recently fill it up the gas because I heard that it will go raise more and more
sablescort said:
Just got back from beer run in Knoxville's Kingston Pike area and gas at 3.09.

Atlanta just went nuts with gas hovering 6.00 a gallon. Now there goes cheap Ga gas outa the window, but the Governor of Ga just set up a phoneline for ppl to complain about price gouging on the gas.

:eek2: :-o :mad2:

Looks like I won't be taking any trips to Atlanta any time soon. Funny, my grandparents, always used to cross from TN into GA for cheaper gas.
my brother told me they expect the gas to go up to 4.00 a gallon!!! i was like..impossible dude. he said no, its up to 3.26 right now i said no way! i just got gas two days ago and it was 2.59. it jumped that much in 2 days.

something has got to snap. probably half this country is unemployed. those who are employed are probably getting minimum wage...gas is going up. somethings got to happen. i dont know if there will be a war where the people are against the government or what. but the U.S. is going down for sure.
The difference from two days ago to today has been dramatic!!! Two days ago, I could get gas at about $2.50 or so and then yesterday it was about $2.60. Today was about $2.99 .... :eek: This is in NC.

*Sigh* It is going to get worst before it gets any better...
It was $2.89 at 9 p.m. tonight in the Charleston area. Also, every gas station we passed was packed with cars. The station we stopped at was full of cars. The pumps were working very, very slowly. People were getting impatient. One man was getting very aggressive and yelling. I am afraid there may be some violence.

Some stations ran out of diesel.
(I probably will be flamed for what I said)

No offense to anyone but I don't know why some people are complaining about gas prices in America. I had been staying in Stockholm, Sweden for full summer and gas prices are like $5.80 - $6.10. So consider yourself lucky that gas prices in America are ridiculously cheaper compared to other countries.

I think it is about time for Americans to do something about their excessively gas-wasting situation regardless. Buy the sledgehammers and smash these SUVs until oblivious. That is just a start.


Hat tip to Gnarly for that picture (it's hers).
don't rent movies, shop only if you need something, use the phone instead of going visiting someone far, make friends with neighbors, buy no junk foods,
eat less, don't go on expensive vacation, stop smoking, and cut back.
cental34 said:
Funny, my grandparents, always used to cross from TN into GA for cheaper gas.

Tell that to me! When I lived in Chattanooga, I would often sneak into GA to take advantage of the cheap gas whenever either my 1978 Toyota or the 1982 Mercury Lynx needed gas. Boy, that was 13 years ago!

Now with the insanity over gas prices lately, I should be thankful I don't drive a gas pig of a SUV! I would had a heart attack for sure if I filled the SUV up at today's prices.
Wow Gas sure is nuts, up here in Canada we use litres not Gallons. 4 Gallons = 1 Litre and we pay $1.10 per litre which makes $4.40 a gallon... and I herd that tomorow gas will be up to 1.25 a litre!!!!!!!!! ahhhh.
$2.79 here now, as soon as it hits $3.00 I am riding my bike everywhere. I remember last summer when I said I will ride my bike when it hits $2.00!! :rofl:
believe it or not, our gas price here has increased to $3 a gallon instead of $2 ugh
so we are having a gas crisis now and my brother wont have enough money to make it to charlotte from greensboro this weekend having to make more than $30 to pump gas to get him back to greensboro...*sigh*
The last time I got gas for my car was a few weeks ago. I've been so busy with work that I haven't had a chance to drive the car much. Anyway, then I last got gas for my car... it was something like $2.50 per gallon. Now, it's something like $2.85 per gallon! If this keeps up... it will be $3... $4... $5... $10 per gallon! In that case, I'll be spending $100 just to fill up my car! ARGH!
BabyAngel said:
Here where I am is $2.79 and I just recently fill it up the gas because I heard that it will go raise more and more
yup thats right.. i did fill out gas for my car today.. cuz of tmw start gas high... UGH! tmw will be 2.76
Gas prices for northeastern Ohio is $3.00-3.09....wouldn't be surprised if we're to see it around 4 bucks per gallon before the year's over....

Time to ask the 'boss' for that raise....
Roadrunner said:
Gas prices for northeastern Ohio is $3.00-3.09....wouldn't be surprised if we're to see it around 4 bucks per gallon before the year's over....

Time to ask the 'boss' for that raise....

already has hit $4 per gallon in many places, including Atlanta.
I'm aware it has at other places across the country, yet, just merely pointing out to where I'm at--but thanks anyhow...and pardon me for not being clear-- ;) But then again, it may happen sooner when other areas is already hovering around at 4 bucks per gallon....