Gas price expect to soar again

$3 in Ohio!? Shit! I better not drive any more!

The price of gas is increasing faster than the increase in minimum wage! If that's the case, we'll all end up in the poor house! :(
ITS ALREADY 3 BUCKS HERE so i try not to go places that are unnessasary
so tmw i have to pay 2 bills then home sweet home im cuttng down on travel time and just go to visit my grrl before going to work it helps :)
Magatsu said:
(I probably will be flamed for what I said)

No offense to anyone but I don't know why some people are complaining about gas prices in America. I had been staying in Stockholm, Sweden for full summer and gas prices are like $5.80 - $6.10. So consider yourself lucky that gas prices in America are ridiculously cheaper compared to other countries.

I think it is about time for Americans to do something about their excessively gas-wasting situation regardless. Buy the sledgehammers and smash these SUVs until oblivious. That is just a start.


Hat tip to Gnarly for that picture (it's hers).

Yeah, I know. I often told members in few threads about gasoline in Europe. :lol:

When the picture of gasoline price €1.22 taken? I bet the picture was taken between June and July. Right? We have €1.40 per litres here in Germany now.

$6.45 per gallon in Germany. (€1.40 = $1.73 per litre)
$6.75 per gallon in England. (1 pound = $1.80 per litre)

We are supposing to go Switerzland and Republic Czech. last week but we has to postpone because of that gasoline price.

Worst is flight price :(
I went to Travel Agency every 2 days for almost 3 weeks to ask for price offer to book the return fly to America this October. They offered me between $950 and $1,150 and plus tax, $170 for US Securities, etc. (terrorist protection) and plus $125 extra for gasoline... :( I told them that flight tax is understandable but US securities and gasoline???? They explained that there´re new law to pay extra charge for security since 2003 and has to pay extra for gasoline because of gasoline econmony. .( It look like that it´s impossible for me to go America this October :(

I check my oil tank at small room in basement and surprised that we need oil to fill 7,000 litres tank for heating in our house real soon after 2 years. We checked with 3 different oil companies yesterday. Cheapest is 0.86 cent - It means that it will cost us $6,020 to full the oil tank. Our last fill oil at 2 years ago was $2,450. (0.35 cents per litre). We decided to order oil for to fill 3,000 litre in tank instead of 7,000 litre...

I noticed that 2005 is a bad year for people to spent on with money.... :( I believe everything will be okay next or 2 years time...

We use bicycle everyday to get small foods from stores... we have to take car if we need big shopping... we have to do something to change since gasoline goes raise and raise........

This is a life... :thumb:
sablescort said:
Just got back from beer run in Knoxville's Kingston Pike area and gas at 3.09.

Atlanta just went nuts with gas hovering 6.00 a gallon. Now there goes cheap Ga gas outa the window, but the Governor of Ga just set up a phoneline for ppl to complain about price gouging on the gas.

..... I just left Atlanta I didnt see no $6 proof plz :-P
i knew the gas price will jump dramitally this week.. blame the hurricane katrina for damaging the oil refinaries. alot of our gas are from louisana oil refinaries. they have bunches of them there.

here it already hit $3.01.. and its killing me! also hearing HUGE rumors around town that it will hit $4 or possibally even $5 by the end of year. its killing me!.. since whole family live 2 hours away.. for christ sake!

also was reading business newspaper. reading what it can affect.. it says that encominist says " Oil price is STILL CHEAP! USA and China are the leading oil buyers.. and both china and USA get oil for CHEAP than any other countries." also i dunno why they also say that it doesn't hurt us.. because of those home value boomers. :confused: anyway.. but the cons.. are it will affect other business such as airliners expecally Untied airlines, and one more because they're already on backrupty and facing problems with gas prices.

Northwest airlines will probally go on backrupty because of air fuel increase huge time.. will lose costomers and are already losing billions of dollars.

other con they say... milk, bread, etc many supplies prices will go up.. because of the cost to ship them, etc.

now i'm wondering why they say it won't hurt our encomiey? (sp?)
yup that what i am planning to, if they going high then i am cutting travel.. but LUCKY LUCKY i got airplane ticket EARLY first week of aug.. WHEW!
DeafBiker4JC said:
..... I just left Atlanta I didnt see no $6 proof plz :-P
I saw it on news few minutes ago and the prices are pretty clear. $5.59 - $6.09.

But here's proof:
(KUTV) ALTLANTA, Georgia Gasoline prices were climbing out of control Wednesday in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.

Gasoline in Atlanta, Georgia was selling for nearly $6 a gallon.
What's more is that Governor of Georgia is very angry at these gas retailers who gouge consumers. More information at: Prices soar as rumors of shortage spread

Liebling:))), heh yeah. I do remember that you mentioned about it to several AD members in the past. Fortunately that transportation system in Sweden is incredible and flexible so higher gas prices does not matter to many of us. I met many friends (same as my age) who don't have the cars. They had ridiculed me for suggesting to get a car to make their life bit easier. Actually there is only one guy who I consider as good friend have two cars at his home. I'm sorry to hear that you had to postponed your trips :-/

Funny though, several of Swedes made a joke about Americans that there is huge obesity epidemic problem in America because they forget how to walk or ride the bicycle.
Actually there was a report of $5.87 a gallon somewhere in the Atlanta's Southside suburbs - I think it was in or somewhere near Stockbridge.

You can read more what Governor Sonny said: article. I would believe those gougling fuel prices have lowered the prices to avoid from being penalized by the state.
DeafSCUBA98 said:
i knew the gas price will jump dramitally this week.. blame the hurricane katrina for damaging the oil refinaries. alot of our gas are from louisana oil refinaries. they have bunches of them there.
Well, even without Katrina incident, gas prices will climbing up and up regardless of natural disaster or not.

DeafSCUBA98 said:
other con they say... milk, bread, etc many supplies prices will go up.. because of the cost to ship them, etc.

now i'm wondering why they say it won't hurt our encomiey? (sp?)
There are several different solutions to solve the high costs of transportation already. Just do it with local method. Local farming. Local distributing. Etc etc... But unfortunately that it constantly blocked by big corporations & oil companies. The solutions has been laying on the table for few years now and politicans kept looking away from them. Like one of my co-worker said, "Money controls stupid people. Stupid people controls money."
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I guess I'm a slow typer tonight. :D Thanks Magatsu for providing links. :)
I just drove over to my parents house, and on the way saw prices all over the place. $2.75, 2.89, 2.69, 2.99, 3.19. Not looking good for tomorrow.
TweetyBird said:
yup that what i am planning to, if they going high then i am cutting travel.. but LUCKY LUCKY i got airplane ticket EARLY first week of aug.. WHEW!

How are ya going to fly if the plane isn't having any gas?? seems like we're going into Depression 2.. or seems like it!
I may be wrong but I think after Tuesday, fuel prices will begin to drop and things will go back to normal.

I'm thinking about buying a smaller car now. :(
In my hometown.. we've got 2.67, 2.60 so far I've seen.. I haven't been anywhere. I'm too scared to drive my friggin' car, uses up gas. Oh, and I went to the store to get cigs for myself.. and the gas station put up a sign and said.. Out Of Gas.. no friggin' gas in my small town.. f*cking nuts... :cry:
RebelGirl said:
How are ya going to fly if the plane isn't having any gas?? seems like we're going into Depression 2.. or seems like it!
i doubt we will be out of fuel.. there's more oil refinaries in other states where katrina didnt hit. but it will be hard on them because they have to produce more and more than they normally do.

tweetybird.. u flying on northwest airlines? i'm wondering if they're having strike there too those mechanics?
RebelGirl said:
How are ya going to fly if the plane isn't having any gas?? seems like we're going into Depression 2.. or seems like it!
well, airplane tickets are going high cuz of gas high... so wait and see what happen later...
TweetyBird said:
well, airplane tickets are going high cuz of gas high... so wait and see what happen later...

Lets hope you can go!!!! Just keep an eye on the planes .. to see if they're gonna be on strike or not!
Magatsu said:
Well, even without Katrina incident, gas prices will climbing up and up regardless of natural disaster or not.

gas price

this is an article explaining about gas price soaring so quickly. so its to blame the hurricane katrina
ironically oil stock price went up.. wish i bought their stock and i'll be RICH!
DeafSCUBA98 said:
gas price

this is an article explaining about gas price soaring so quickly. so its to blame the hurricane katrina
Yeah but I spoke of pre-Katrina. Pre-Katrina era, gas prices were like $2.50 or something. I don't know much it costs since We came back from Sweden few days ago but I do aware that pre-Katrina gas prices were higher than last year and still climbing up and up... slowly but surely until Katrina incident.

I'll look up these pre-Katrina gas prices via google for comparison tomorrow.
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