Every Tuesday weigh-in support

Liebling isn't went off topic.. I did myself asking quesiton.. whoever can give me information about south beach...

Now I understand what is about the south beach information.. Pretty quite interesting.. BIG ABUSE diet.. but hard for everyone trying to "STOP EATING" what your favorite.. ouch. that awful lot...
Pretty quite try their best goal attach w/south beach's instruction...
I'll try but can't... *wailing*
GalaxyAngel said:
Liebling isn't went off topic.. I did myself asking quesiton.. whoever can give me information about south beach...

Now I understand what is about the south beach information.. Pretty quite interesting.. BIG ABUSE diet.. but hard for everyone trying to "STOP EATING" what your favorite.. ouch. that awful lot...
Pretty quite try their best goal attach w/south beach's instruction...
I'll try but can't... *wailing*

What I like about SBD is that I'm almost never hungry...can eat three meals a day plus two snacks, but if I start to get hungry anyway, I eat third snacks, but very rarely. Drinking water is very important and like Liebling said, very limited salt too. Drinking water regularly helps curb the hungry pangs.
Liebling:-))) said:
:confused: I saw your good post an around half hour ago... I want to take your post as quote later but you edited and change your post... Your last post is good one... *sigh*

Anyway, I'm not saying that South Beach Diet is not for everyone and different healthwise ... all what I only said in my previous post that German doctors are not support South Beach Diet and any diets issue but right and health foods. I didn't know why until I found out from the link today and know why..... I asked my co-worker what she think of South Beach Diet and why... She said that she heard negative about South Beach Diet like what I said in my previous post...

That's simple questions: How long will you stick kind of diets? Forever? or What?

If you take kind of diets (including South Beach Diet, Atkin Diet and any diets) and stick it until you are tiring and fed up...after stick kind of diets for long and then give up and go back to eat normal... it could gain weight more because it confuse your body...

That's why I beleive to stick health and right foods... I do eat wrong foods sometimes, not all the time... It's bad if you eat wrong foods all the time...

Remember that I did not recommend you to give South Beach Diet or other diets up but your own decision... ;)

What I said in my previous posts is my decision what kind of diet I want to pick is right and health foods but use combining diet sometimes because it make me happy. :)

If any kind of diets make you happy then stick with it... If not, bad...

There's 3rd phrase diet in SBD, which I will be able to eat more foods, more like what you eat. Right now I'm on 2nd phrase, which is phrase when Im losing weight til the weight goal is reached. 3rd phrase is after weight goal is already reached, and to stay that way. I am going to read your www about combined foods diet plan...I'm curious about yours too! smile
Just to give u idea of what phrase 2 is.

Here's the list of foods that SBD dieters can have on phrase 2:

Phrase two: Foods we can have:

Fruit Popcorn
Apples Potato, small, sweet
Apricots, dried or fresh Brown/Wild rice
Bananas (medium)
Cherries Vegetables & Legumes
Grapes Barley
Kiwi Beans, pinto
Mangoes Black-eyed peas
Oranges Carrots
Plums Miscellaneous
Chocolate (sparingly)
Dairy bittersweet
Yogurt, nonfat flavored, artifically sweetened Pudding, fat-free, sugar-free
Wine, red or white
Starches (Use sparingly)

Bagels, small, whole grain
oat and bran
whole wheat
Fiber One
Kellog's Extra-Fiber All Bran
Oatmeal (not instant)
Other high-fiber
Uncle Sam
Muffins, bran
sugar-free (no raisins)
Pasta, whole wheat
Peas, green
Pita (stone-ground or whole wheat)


This is the food list that rarely can have:

Foods to avoid or eat rarely

Starches and breads

Bagel, refined wheat
refined wheat
Pasta, white flour
baked, white
Rice cakes
Rice, white
Rolls, dinner


White Potatoes


Canned fruit, juice packed
Fruit juice


Ice cream
Liebling, I read your www about combined food diet. This is interesting. On your diet you don't combine protein with carbo at same time. Can eat carbo WITH neutral foods only...do u have longer list of foods that is in Protein, neutral and carbo? So if you eat lunch with protein and vegs, then wait three hours to eat carbo if want to eat carbo? I can see that your diet and mine are different...just interesting to read about it. I will stay with SBD, but I think your diet will work too for people that prefers it. Thanks for sharing this with us, Liebling. :hug:
You're welcome, TB. Thanks Cheri...smile

In addition to the list of foods, can eat meat, fish, pork, beef, cheese and nuts. Pls forgive my typo on fruit popcorn, etc lol...I copied it off my word pad that I typed up, and somehow some words became clinged together for some reason when I transferred it to here lol...fruit popcorn sounds soggy doesn't it? :laugh2: apple potato, etc...ignore that. just each word by themselves ok
Can you give me ideas what pharse 1 ?
Should I follow this instruction...
(actually I'm trying my best to follow yours) :D
Peachy Lady said:
Liebling, I read your www about combined food diet. This is interesting. On your diet you don't combine protein with carbo at same time. Can eat carbo WITH neutral foods only...do u have longer list of foods that is in Protein, neutral and carbo? So if you eat lunch with protein and vegs, then wait three hours to eat carbo if want to eat carbo? I can see that your diet and mine are different...just interesting to read about it. I will stay with SBD, but I think your diet will work too for people that prefers it. Thanks for sharing this with us, Liebling. :hug:

wow Thank you for share list of SBD foods... it´s interesting... but what about Phase 1? I heard that fruits, breads and pasta are ban in 1 phase for 2 or 3 weeks... correct? I decide SBD is not for me because I like to eat pastas and rices - I can´t live without rice salads or pasta salads... mmmhhh that´s why I decide for combining diet because it´s too easy for me... I didnt use combining diet ALL THE TIME but sometimes....

Let me share the example about combining diet what I often eat... I will create a thread separate from your thread about proteins, carbo and neutral group...

Here is an example:

To the products of the group of proteins belong to separation plan:

Use Carbohydrates for the breakfast
Wheat toast or rolls with butter or half fat butter & honey.
Rye bread with quark & jam (I know jams is not recommend on the list ssshhhh but I own homemade jams)
Any wheat bread or rolls, butter or half fat butter with cheese from 60% fat.
Any wheat bread or rolls with cottage cheese & tomatoe

Between break time.
Neutral = Apple or Kiwi e.g.
Carbohydrate = banana

Protein group:
Any meat or fish with salad or vegetables (WITHOUT potatoes, noodle, pastas or rice.. Remember you should not mix with Protein & Carbohydrate)

Neutral group:
Cottage cheese with raw tomatoes

If you want to eat potatoes e.g. then do it with salad or vegetables WITHOUT meats.

Break time: Protein group is yoghurt or Neutral group is fruits.

Evening snack:
Protein group = cottage cheese with 3 tomatoes, meat with salads, cheese salad, ham salad e.g. WITHOUT bread or potatoes

Carbohydrate group= baked potatoes with butter or Quark & clive... or cheese or slice sausage sandwiches but cheese or sliced sausages should be from 60% fat. Remember under 60% fat belongs to Protein.

You can remind me about any foods if you notice something missing on the list.

Remember: Keep starch and protein separate!

I made list of foods... Ask me questions what is your favorite foods... then I can fix which carbo, neutral and protein groups... I know alot about combining diet because I often eat them for years... I prefer to eat meat with salads (protein group) or potatoes with vegetable, gravy (carbohydrate group)... This is simple.
Today is weigh-in and I am sad to report that I've gained 2 lbs. I think I had too much salt. Not drinking enough water. Tonite Im going to grocery store to get healthy food as I'm running out of them.

How was your weigh-in?
ive pm'ed a few people telling them what im about to say, but i figured id post it here too incase i forgot some people.

i just wanted to say congratulations on all who have lost weight. and if u gain a pound dont worry about it at all, more than likely it is muscle that u gained, not fat. so if u get on the scale and noticed that u gained a pound dont freak out.

just some advice if u would like to take it, if not then no big deal. instead of weighing urself, use a tape measurer. count the inches uve lost instead of the pounds.

anyway. like i said u guys are doing great, keep it up.
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AJ said:
ive pm'ed a few people telling them what im about to say, but i figured id post it here too incase i forgot some people.

i just wanted to say congratulations on all who have lost weight. and if u gain a pound dont worry about it at all, more than likely it is muscle that u gained, not fat. so if u get on the scale and noticed that u gained a pound dont freak out.

just some advice if u would like to take it, if not then no big deal. instead of weight urself, use a tape measurer. count the inches uve lost instead of the pounds.

anyway. like i said u guys are doing great, keep it up.


Well kindly said AJ! Likewise, I couldn't have said it any better and congrats to those who are working on their diets, even if a pound or two has been noted, no need to despair, just stick with the plan and over time, will acheive your own lofty weight goal! :thumb:
Roadrunner said:

Well kindly said AJ! Likewise, I couldn't have said it any better and congrats to those who are working on their diets, even if a pound or two has been noted, no need to despair, just stick with the plan and over time, will acheive your own lofty weight goal! :thumb:

yup, and eventually u will hit a plato, where u wont lose anymore weight for awhile. but it doesn't mean ur doing anything wrong. keep going. ur body will be like, no way man im not losing anymore weight, but it will give in eventually and ull start losing weight again.
Awww your'e the best, guys! Yes true, I may be gaining muscles cuz I've been excercising at Curves. At the Curves they do take measurements once a month and mine is coming up next week! Will let u know if I lost inches. Last month when she measured my body, I gained inches on my upper legs and upper arms, lost inches everywhere else, which is good...cuz that means my muscles are increasing. smile!
I lost one pound since last Tuesday. Yah!! I just eat less starch each day. How's everyone doing since last Tuesday?
My very first time buy..... called

Danone "Silhouette" Spring Water w/Pink Grapefruit-Green tea...
Pretty interesting..
I reading Nutrition facts...
Calories zero
fat zero
carbohydrate zero
protein zero
calcium 2%

Not a signiffcant source of saturated fat trans fat , cholesterol, sodium, flibe=re, sugars, vitamin A, Vitamin C or iron.

Interesting 'bout this bottle...

((shaking my hands and try to drink those today))

source link
Peachy Lady said:
I lost one pound since last Tuesday. Yah!! I just eat less starch each day. How's everyone doing since last Tuesday?

That's awesome Peachy Lady :hug:
TweetyBird said:
same weight.. grrr... i will try my best more lost weight

Aww you will hon, one day at a time right? :hug: