Cat Beaten to Deat, Teenage Boys Accused

this is so sad... this is two hours from me. I am keeping cats indoors!
people are so sick
Oddball said:
I admitted that I accidently killed a squirrel and pigeon. I drove over them in ten years ago and recently few months ago. Of course, I felt bad for poor animals. It was a purely accident. Does that make me a killer?

Now, I was told last week that a lame preacher with no consience said if man hits woman for any reason, so therefore, it is woman's fault. I was stunned to hear that from someone who knows him in PA (not directly to Heath). I heard some odd stories about a preacher with christian stuff...he is a religion zealot knows nothing about sex until his marriage. Gosh. Of course, I strongly disagree on his statement. It is not woman's fault whatever happened to woman and man in the house. It called domestic violence. I talked to myself, what the hell did he think? Dumb f*cker.

If the child hurts animals repeatedly, I would take him or her to therapist and find out whats wrong with them. Sometimes pastor or religious people may not know how to deal with them. :hyper:

Now when a domestic dispute when a man hits his wife He gets handcuffed and goes to jail. But when the wife hits a man or bitch slaps him he calls the police they wont arrest her theyre laugh at the guy who got bitch slapped by her.
Buckdodgers said:
Now when a domestic dispute when a man hits his wife He gets handcuffed and goes to jail. But when the wife hits a man or bitch slaps him he calls the police they wont arrest her theyre laugh at the guy who got bitch slapped by her.

Actually cops do arrest the wife if the wife hits the man. I have seen it on COPS.
ButterflyGirl said:
But in one of your posts somewhere in AD you supported that man who killed a teenager for walking over his yard so that makes you just like that man :whistle:

*amen* I remember that.
Oddball said:
I admitted that I accidently killed a squirrel and pigeon. I drove over them in ten years ago and recently few months ago. Of course, I felt bad for poor animals. It was a purely accident. Does that make me a killer?

No it doesn't cause it was an accident and beside I was talking about pets...
Oddball said:
I admitted that I accidently killed a squirrel and pigeon. I drove over them in ten years ago and recently few months ago. Of course, I felt bad for poor animals. It was a purely accident. Does that make me a killer?

Now, I was told last week that a lame preacher with no consience said if man hits woman for any reason, so therefore, it is woman's fault. I was stunned to hear that from someone who knows him in PA (not directly to Heath). I heard some odd stories about a preacher with christian stuff...he is a religion zealot knows nothing about sex until his marriage. Gosh. Of course, I strongly disagree on his statement. It is not woman's fault whatever happened to woman and man in the house. It called domestic violence. I talked to myself, what the hell did he think? Dumb f*cker.

If the child hurts animals repeatedly, I would take him or her to therapist and find out whats wrong with them. Sometimes pastor or religious people may not know how to deal with them. :hyper:

I agree with you in 100 percent. I ran over a few squirrels back then ugh... I felt awful. It was a pure accident. Health literally killed a cat with his bare hands intentionally! Health mentioned earlier it is a typical for boys to do that. Sigh it is unacceptable. If I catch my kid abusing the animal(s) (or even bugs lol just joking) I will have my kid to seek professional help immediately!
You cant help it if your driving a rabbit or squirrel or even a chipmunk runs across the road.Stuff happens you know.
Dino65 said:
I agree with you in 100 percent. I ran over a few squirrels back then ugh... I felt awful. It was a pure accident. Health literally killed a cat with his bare hands intentionally! Health mentioned earlier it is a typical for boys to do that. Sigh it is unacceptable. If I catch my kid abusing the animal(s) (or even bugs lol just joking) I will have my kid to seek professional help immediately!

:werd: Exactly..
LuciaDisturbed said:
Counselors' job is to find out WHY the kid did it, and find out what is wrong with the kid, so that they can tell you about it so you can help your kid. That is not brainwashing.

Exactly that's what I tried to explain Heath in my previous post about therapy.
Oddball said:
If the child hurts animals repeatedly, I would take him or her to therapist and find out whats wrong with them. Sometimes pastor or religious people may not know how to deal with them.

A professionally trained counselor, psychologist or psychiatrist is trained to handle this, a pastor is not. At best, a pastor receives less than one semester of training on how to "counsel" someone. Clearly, Heath doesn't see the psychological problem of animal cruelty, which is far different than what hunting is.
The signs of a person who possibly will grow up to become serial killer is the 3 types of behaviors which is done while growing up.
I only remember 2 of these behaviors since its been awhile since Ive read about it. It is mentioned in crime books and other sources though if you want to look it up.

1) Bed wetting

2) Cruelty to animals and maybe killing them

3) I have forgotten third behavior but police do check up possible killer's behavior from childhood to see if they have all 3 behaviors.

About Heath, if he did not exhibit 3 behaviors which strongly suggest a person becomes a serial killer then he does understands the law and does not repeat the crime again therefore he is considered normal.

When I was little, I did throw stones at my guinea pig (sp?) and told my mom that I want to sell the pig--privately I was afraid that I would kill it. Years later, I understood that I threw stones at it out of frustration of being in hearing culture. Kids do things out of different reasons and not always means they become killers and cruel people. Be careful of passing judgement on other people that you dont understand becuz you never experienced same things as they did.
Here is my question: did you feel any remorse at the time? When did you first feel remorse for what you did?
Rose Immortal said:
Here is my question: did you feel any remorse at the time? When did you first feel remorse for what you did?

Did you not read what I said? My conscience got the better of me and I got punished by my parents and I never did it again.
Heath said:
Did you not read what I said? My conscience got the better of me and I got punished by my parents and I never did it again.

Yes, but did you feel very badly for what you did? Did you realize what you did and cry about it?
LuciaDisturbed said:
Yes, but did you feel very badly for what you did? Did you realize what you did and cry about it?

Yes I felt bad about it but I did not cry about it. I was angry I got grounded but I never did it again because I saw the cat a few days later dead in the sun with flies buzzing and my conscience got the better of me and I gave the cat a proper burial. I never did it again.
Heath said:
Yes I felt bad about it but I did not cry about it. I was angry I got grounded but I never did it again because I saw the cat a few days later dead in the sun with flies buzzing and my conscience got the better of me and I gave the cat a proper burial. I never did it again.

You are not completely honest with yourself.... keep bible out of this issue... we talk about how we feel about cruelty of animals...
SxyPorkie said:
You are not completely honest with yourself.... keep bible out of this issue... we talk about how we feel about cruelty of animals...

This is preciscely what I meant by brainswashing , you tell them the truth and they try to twist and conform you to their verison of the truth when you already have told the truth. I never said anything about the Bible when I responded to Lucia's question and You are trying to be a manipulative person. I am not gonna have that. I already told you the truth. Why should I lie and conform to your verison of the truth? You are being a liar and a lousy counselor at that too plus you are not really listening you just want to make people's lives a shithole and if you were a licensed counselor then you would be in it for the money. I was right so fuck off. I don't need anybody telling me what to think or behave or anything like that when I already know the truth and you know I will not hurt a cat ever again, much less anybody else unless it is in self defense that is it. Stop running your head wild with imagination and you are the one with the problem. Not me. Also anybody smart enough will see right through you and know that I am telling the truth.
Heath said:
Did you not read what I said? My conscience got the better of me and I got punished by my parents and I never did it again.

I was not addressing you. See the post above mine.