Cat Beaten to Deat, Teenage Boys Accused

Cheri said:
You're missing the point, Heath, I'm not speaking of your future son. Let's not discuss about a son that you don't have. I'm talking about you, your past crimes, You did something so cruel to a cat, You should have went to jail like everyone else. Talking and yelling does nothing. Action does. You should have been charge with animal cruelty.

Please don't take this personal. :thumb:

Ok.... my parents knew me better than anybody and the situation worked itself out. I never did it again.
Heath said:
It is clear this generation is different than my generation.

I did not get any testing or any therapy. My parents knew me better than anybody and the situation worked itself out. I grew up fine. What you aren't getting is that I do not do those things as a man. I don't do those things as an adult.

No, you don't seem fine to me.
LuciaDisturbed said:
Yeah, but did you feel any remorse for what you did to the animal? Or did you think it was funny? Or just don't care?

Did you not read that my conscience got the better of me and I never did it again after I saw a cat dead for days in the sun with flies buzzing around the cat. My conscience got the better of me.

Sometimes a conscience does what say about 10 years worth of counseling therapy sessions never could do.

I would talk to my son first and let the situation work itself out but if he still does that again and again after I as the father warned him time and time again then something is up. I would take him to my church pastor first and have him talk to my son then go from there and see what can be done to help him and if counseling is needed then I would be very careful as some counselors will brainwash or damage the kid further which is something nobody needs.
LuciaDisturbed said:
No, you don't seem fine to me.

That is your problem. I know inwardly inside that I would not do those things as an adult. That is how I know.
Heath said:
Did you not read that my conscience got the better of me and I never did it again after I saw a cat dead for days with flies buzzing around the cat. My conscience got the better of me.

Sometimes conscience does what 10 years worth of counseling therapy sessions never could do.

I would talk to my son first and let the situation work itself out but if he still does that again and again after I as the father warned him time and time again then something is up. I would take him to my church pastor first and have him talk to my son then go from there and see what can be done to help him and if counseling is needed then I would be very careful as some counselors will brainwash or damage the kid further which is something nobody needs.

Counselors' job is to find out WHY the kid did it, and find out what is wrong with the kid, so that they can tell you about it so you can help your kid. That is not brainwashing.
LuciaDisturbed said:
But he is acting like it's a normal thing for boys to do...IT IS NOT NORMAL! He is brushing it off like it is not a big deal to hurt an animal. IT IS A HUGE DEAL!

If I found out that one of my kids hurt an animal...I would take my kid to get psychological testing and therapy pronto!

I know, but Heath was grounded by his mother for 2 weeks for hurtin' a cat. That was a long time ago - old news. Oh, yeah I know what you mean about bein' NOT normal at least he learned his lesson that it was WRONG to do.
Heath said:
Ok.... my parents knew me better than anybody and the situation worked itself out. I never did it again.

I don't care who knows you better, You broke the law, You beaten that cat to death, the cat suffered until his/her last breath. That cat was somebody's cat, somebody's family. Do you understand that?
LuciaDisturbed said:
Counselors' job is to find out WHY the kid did it, and find out what is wrong with the kid, so that they can tell you about it so you can help your kid. That is not brainwashing.

I have seen many a counselors recommendations damage the kids further.

I have seen it with my own eyes and the women have no clue and the women evelate the therapists as on par with Jesus Christ and women think therapy is the answer to all the problems.

Men know that some things are best left alone and to be worked out on its own.

Harrassing the kid with therapy sessions sometimes damages the kids more than it does help the kid.
Heath said:
I have seen many a counselors recommendations damage the kids further.

I have seen it with my own eyes and the women have no clue and the women evelate the therapists as on par with Jesus Christ and women think therapy is the answer to all the problems.

Men know that some things are best left alone and to be worked out on its own.

Harrassing the kid with therapy sessions sometimes damages the kids more than it does help the kid.

So you are saying that women don't know anything, that women are dumb? Figures. You have NO respect for women at all.

Some things are best left alone? The result is people like Jeffrey Dahmer!
Cheri said:
I don't care who knows you better, You broke the law, You beaten that cat to death, the cat suffered until his/her last breath. That cat was somebody's cat, somebody's family. Do you understand that?

That was explained to me by my father. He told me that could be some old lady's lifeline and her companion .... What are you trying to say my parents are now already bad too ? Hell Fuckin ' No !!!!!! My parents were good to me and the worked hard and raised me good and I turned out fine. Sure, I had a rough childhood. Everybody does but it does not mean I am a bad horrible person as you make me out to be. I think you guys are blind and following the crowd and not thinking for yourself and knowing that I do not do those things as an adult now.
LuciaDisturbed said:
So you are saying that women don't know anything, that women are dumb? Figures. You have NO respect for women at all.

Did I say women are stupid. No, I have seen the results and the behavior of the women with their kids and they see the therapist as some sort of Jesus Christ and a wonderful answer to the problem when sometimes it is best to let the situation work itself out.

Some things are best left alone? The result is people like Jeffrey Dahmer!

Sometimes even with therapy people turn into some nutcases like Jeffrey Dahmer and he is one very sick individual. I am glad he is dead and he can not harm children anymore. Jeffrey should have been a normal boy and sure if he hurt a cat that is not good but he should not have grown up to have homosexual sexual relations with boys and kill them and become a serial killer. He should have been a fine good young man who worked hard and did not do those things as an adult but he turned out to be a very very bad apple, even with counseling.
Heath said:
Did I say women are stupid. No, I have seen the results and the behavior of the women with their kids and they see the therapist as some sort of Jesus Christ and a wonderful answer to the problem when sometimes it is best to let the situation work itself out.

I do not see therapist as some sort of "jesus christ". I see therapist as a TOOL to help people. You just don't get it.

I wouldn't just leave the problem alone--that is SCARY.
LuciaDisturbed said:
I do not see therapist as some sort of "jesus christ". I see therapist as a TOOL to help people. You just don't get it.

Maybe for you, Good that you see the therapist as a tool to help the kid but for alots of women they put the therapist as on par with Jesus Christ which is :crazy:

I wouldn't just leave the problem alone--that is SCARY.

I never said I would leave the problem alone. Did not you read that I said I would talk to him then see how it goes from there and take him to my church pastor, a godly man and talk to him then go from there. If therapist is required. I would be very careful and be there with him at the sessions to be sure he is not being brainwashed and programmed to become a worse kid. Remember the therapy cottage industry is a multi-billion dollar operation and they pretend they care about the kids but they really don't give a shit about the kids. It is all about the money, the numbers, the stats and the percentage, writing out medical presciptions and the problem still is not solved. It would be good business for the therapy cottage industry to turn out kids much , much more worse than the orginial state that the kids were in which is exactly what is happening today. Just take one look at Prozac, Ritalin, very messed up liberal establishment practices and no real Christian Biblical counseling with alots of love and support.
These Boys need to go to juvenile hall detention center until they reach 18 years old. That would be punishment enough for them.So that way theyre miss alot from their teenage age years like dates,Senior Proms and graduation day.They wont be experancing that.But instead they get their education from juvenile hall detention center and then maybe theyre think about all that time they lost as a teenager and when they get out become men theyre realize what they did and learn a lesson.
Heath said:
What are you trying to say my parents are now already bad too ? Hell Fuckin ' No !!!!!!
Did I said that? Don't make accusations now.
Everybody does but it does not mean I am a bad horrible person as you make me out to be.
Not everyone does animal cruelty. Only those with mental disorder. I didn't say you are a horrible person. Don't be jumping to conclusions, I was pointing out the crime that you had committed. And the crime was horrible. The cat dies, You received a minor punishment.
I think you guys are blind and following the crowd and not thinking for yourself and knowing that I do not do those things as an adult now.
I'm not following anyone, I have a mind of my own and I speak my mind.
Minnesota has very liberal Judges just like Judge Cashman in vermont who gave a sexaual preditor only 60 days in jail.He repeatedly assulted and raped a 11 year old girl.And That Liberal judge in columbus Ohio gave a sexaual preditor probation and make him attend an adult treatment center to get counseling when he raped 8 and 10 year old boys.We cant have these kinds of liberal judges in our courts.These Boys commited a crime.A cat is part of the family and Liberals dont give a rats ass if a cat was part of the family.Liberals dont think killing a pet is crime enough to go to prison.Just like raping kids isnt crime enough to go to prison.
The another thing you have to think about are those men who are in correctional facilities ( big prisons ) that have commited violent crimes and they grew up never hurting animals at all and don't tell me that is a low percentage because there are a very high percentage of guys who are in prison for murder and they never hurt animals as a boy and now they got sent up on murder charges in the big house. Many a guys did not hurt animals as a boy but when they were men they killed somebody.

That is something else to think about. I find it hypocritical and two-faced to focus on those guys who have hurt an animal as a boy but grew up fine as young good men yet, you label those who hurt an animal when they were a boy and later never having hurt an animal as a man to be labeled as a horrible person when in fact there are many more guys who grew up never hurting an animal and they end up on murder charges then be sent to the big house and that is a high percentage of the prison population that has as a boy never hurt a fly, a mouse or a cat but they still later killed somebody as a man which in itself is tragical too either way, wheter they did hurt or didn't hurt an animal as a boy.
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I admitted that I accidently killed a squirrel and pigeon. I drove over them in ten years ago and recently few months ago. Of course, I felt bad for poor animals. It was a purely accident. Does that make me a killer?

Now, I was told last week that a lame preacher with no consience said if man hits woman for any reason, so therefore, it is woman's fault. I was stunned to hear that from someone who knows him in PA (not directly to Heath). I heard some odd stories about a preacher with christian stuff...he is a religion zealot knows nothing about sex until his marriage. Gosh. Of course, I strongly disagree on his statement. It is not woman's fault whatever happened to woman and man in the house. It called domestic violence. I talked to myself, what the hell did he think? Dumb f*cker.

If the child hurts animals repeatedly, I would take him or her to therapist and find out whats wrong with them. Sometimes pastor or religious people may not know how to deal with them. :hyper:
Oddball said:
I admitted that I accidently killed a squirrel and pigeon. I drove over them in ten years ago and recently few months ago. Of course, I felt bad for poor animals. It was a purely accident. Does that make me a killer?

Now, I was told last week that a lame preacher with no consience said if man hits woman for any reason, so therefore, it is woman's fault. I was stunned to hear that from someone who knows him in PA (not directly to Heath). I heard some odd stories about a preacher with christian stuff...he is a religion zealot knows nothing about sex until his marriage. Gosh. Of course, I strongly disagree on his statement. It is not woman's fault whatever happened to woman and man in the house. It called domestic violence. I talked to myself, what the hell did he think? Dumb f*cker.

If the child hurts animals repeatedly, I would take him or her to therapist and find out whats wrong with them. Sometimes pastor or religious people may not know how to deal with them. :hyper:

I agree.
Oddball said:
I admitted that I accidently killed a squirrel and pigeon. I drove over them in ten years ago and recently few months ago. Of course, I felt bad for poor animals. It was a purely accident. Does that make me a killer?

No, it does not make you a killer. I have ran over animals by accident before and I did not do it on purpose, my heart stopped there for a mintune there and I had a lump in my throat. I felt bad about it and said a prayer for the animal.

Now, I was told last week that a lame preacher with no consience said if man hits woman for any reason, so therefore, it is woman's fault.

No, A man is responsible for what he does with his hands. His hands can build a house, fix cars or hold a baby in his hands for the first time or he could be sent to the war frontlines to fight with his hands with a rifle, knife or bare hands or he could be a medic with the military using his hands to save lives or anything and There is absoutely no excuse for a man to hit a woman at all and it is not the woman's fault at all, even if she has a nasty mouth and an attidute. That still is no excuse to hit her in the first place.

I was stunned to hear that from someone who knows him in PA (not directly to Heath). I heard some odd stories about a preacher with christian stuff...he is a religion zealot knows nothing about sex until his marriage. Gosh. Of course, I strongly disagree on his statement. It is not woman's fault whatever happened to woman and man in the house. It called domestic violence. I talked to myself, what the hell did he think? Dumb f*cker.

I don't agree with that pastor at all either and there are some good pastors and some real bad pastors. A man has no business laying his hands on a woman period.

If the child hurts animals repeatedly, I would take him or her to therapist and find out whats wrong with them. Sometimes pastor or religious people may not know how to deal with them. :hyper:

I would take my kid to the pastor first but of couse I have enough commonsense to know if he does or does not know what he is doing and I would get him some help if he repeatedly hurts animals. That is a given.