BlackBerry 8700g vs Sidekick 3

Neo said:
My friends who own SK2 and I are IN SAME area. They got 1-3 bars and I got full bars. Remember we are in exactly same area just 3 feets away from me.

850Mhz added almost 400,000 square miles of new coverage this year. 400,000 sq miles is LOT.

I went to TX last month to tour around. My friend use Cingular so We test around each for signal and don't see any diff. We are same. Cuz we have 850mhz band and much better signal than Sk2 due no 850mhz band.

More info.

Yea, of course.

I can't wait to upgrade into SK3 but signal for my SK2 is around 4-5 at most time. SK 2 is too behind to get 850 mhz since most other cell phone and Treo have 850 mhz since 2004 or 2005. Yea, 400,000 sq miles are too huge and people are lucky if live in big cities, also including inner suburb and outer suburb in some part, it would support in full and rural area with 850 mhz.

Diehardbikers don't get it and he is supposed to understand about 400,000 sq miles but he probably live in crappy area.
(Laughing too) Let him find out for himself!

When I had blast time with 4 of my friends on motorcycle ride. I went down to Woodstock, NY... Guess what? Only Sprint and Verizon offers coverage down there while Tmo was dead!!! I was so pissed off seeing my friend using Sprint. I asked him if he had problem, he said Nah! I had Tmo and I got dead signal! Now I am with Sprint and I see the difference.

deafclimber said:
(laughing)hey mr knoweverythingaboutmobile... probably you dont know more about tmobile either...

cant you see the differences in these wireless companies' coverages?....

tmobile's coverage is much smaller than verizon, sprint and cingular's if you are speaking the nationwide coverages.
volcomskatz said:
Yea, of course.

I can't wait to upgrade into SK3 but signal for my SK2 is around 4-5 at most time. SK 2 is too behind to get 850 mhz since most other cell phone and Treo have 850 mhz since 2004 or 2005. Yea, 400,000 sq miles are too huge and people are lucky if live in big cities, also including inner suburb and outer suburb in some part, it would support in full and rural area with 850 mhz.

Diehardbikers don't get it and he is supposed to understand about 400,000 sq miles but he probably live in crappy area.

i find this funny... in this thread we talk about 850mhz bands and in my other wireless mobiles websites forums we talk about the towers...

in my other forums, we dont care about the bands issues and we talking about the towers, we depend on the towers more that the phones can support only. we dont care about the bands. *scuffs*

frequently bands is just a bandwave.. these "850 mhz bands" posts are really pointless ! i m tired of these silly posts.

no more posts about 850 mhz bands please ! *scuffing*
deafclimber said:
(laughing)hey mr knoweverythingaboutmobile... probably you dont know more about tmobile either...

cant you see the differences in these wireless companies' coverages?....

tmobile's coverage is much smaller than verizon, sprint and cingular's if you are speaking the nationwide coverages.

I know about T-Mobile for long time and dealer was already explained about 850 mhz on SK3.

It had been much improved than few years ago

Cingular don't work in some area too.
volcomskatz was added to my ignore list... *sigh*

mr knoweverythingabouttmobile, you dont respect older and wiser ppl..
deafclimber said:
i find this funny... in this thread we talk about 850mhz bands and in my other wireless mobiles websites forums we talk about the towers...

in my other forums, we dont care about the bands issues and we talking about the towers, we depend on the towers more that the phones can support only. we dont care about the bands. *scuffs*

frequently bands is just a bandwave.. these "850 mhz bands" posts are really pointless ! i m tired of these silly posts.

no more posts about 850 mhz bands please ! *scuffing*

That's fine, I just let everyone to talk about crappy thing against T-Mobile.

I'm happy with my SK2 (soon be SK3) and under T-Mobile network.

Now, I don't care about someone who hate T-Mobile because of coverage but people who live in large cities like LA, Chicago, NYC, Miami, Phoenix, SF, Seattle, Atlanta and much more then coverage is moot point.
diehardbiker65 said:
Still you don't get it, I don't care how much coverage they offer. If they don't offer in my area, so what good is it anyway? It becomes pointless anyway. I just simply go where there is coverage exists, period!

Just explain to me plesae why My friends who own SK2 and I are IN SAME area. They got 1-3 bars and I got full bars. Remember we are in exactly same area just 3 feets away from me?
Volcomskatz, it's nice to see someone so interested in the wireless industry. I understand you're learning a lot, and I appreciate that you're passionate about the Sidekick. Keep up the learning, there's a lot of stuff out there to know.

The 850mhz band is not some special band that magically makes the cell phone reception on a Sidekick better. The 850mhz spectrum just happens to be lower in frequency to the more common 1800 or 1900 mhz bands. The lower the frequency, generally, the wider the coverage one tower can cast, but at the same time, you cannot serve as many simultaneous calls. This is great for rural areas, yes, but using the same frequency in the city will kill ya.

However, here's the funny thing -- CDMA also has the 850mhz spectrum. So, geez, huh, my Sprint phone should work just as well as a Sidekick, AS LONG AS THE ROAMING AGREEMENTS ARE IN PLACE. Sprint has roaming agreements with many providers like Verizon, US Cellular, ALLTEL, etc. I believe T-Mobile has agreements with Cingular and a few others. So, because they can use the near-same frequencies, there should be no difference in range or capacity for either, but it's all about the roaming agreements. The radio frequencies aren't that important. What's important is getting what you need when you need it, and for that, the roaming agreements are what will save your kiester.
Easy to answer!!! It is the TOWER!!!! for example, your friend SK2 uses tower that is say 2 miles away and works with that SK2 and other specific devices, WHILE your device may use tower that is 15 miles away.... and you get weaker signal that way.... Like I said it all depends on coverage!!!

If not understand, then ask yourself, where do the devices get signal from??? Of course from the Tower! Do all towers looks alike? Im sure you know the answer!

Some tower can have coverage of as little as 2 miles radius while other towers can have up to 15 miles radius... 30 miles radius is in the making (meaning it is under construction and development).

Neo said:
Just explain to me plesae why My friends who own SK2 and I are IN SAME area. They got 1-3 bars and I got full bars. Remember we are in exactly same area just 3 feets away from me?
Neo said:
Just explain to me plesae why My friends who own SK2 and I are IN SAME area. They got 1-3 bars and I got full bars. Remember we are in exactly same area just 3 feets away from me?

As if you have Treo 700 (correct me if I may be wrong).

The reasons why the different bars in volumes (?) may only work for the exact area of the company's tower.

1. The lower volumes for SK2 would be a bit long distance to the another company's tower.

2. Sk2s may be roaming from the closest competitor's tower sending/receiving nearby the TMO's tower.

Keep in mind that SK2 not only works for one TMO tower but different towers with competitors' wireless services.
Dennis said:
Volcomskatz, it's nice to see someone so interested in the wireless industry. I understand you're learning a lot, and I appreciate that you're passionate about the Sidekick. Keep up the learning, there's a lot of stuff out there to know.

The 850mhz band is not some special band that magically makes the cell phone reception on a Sidekick better. The 850mhz spectrum just happens to be lower in frequency to the more common 1800 or 1900 mhz bands. The lower the frequency, generally, the wider the coverage one tower can cast, but at the same time, you cannot serve as many simultaneous calls. This is great for rural areas, yes, but using the same frequency in the city will kill ya.

However, here's the funny thing -- CDMA also has the 850mhz spectrum. So, geez, huh, my Sprint phone should work just as well as a Sidekick, AS LONG AS THE ROAMING AGREEMENTS ARE IN PLACE. Sprint has roaming agreements with many providers like Verizon, US Cellular, ALLTEL, etc. I believe T-Mobile has agreements with Cingular and a few others. So, because they can use the near-same frequencies, there should be no difference in range or capacity for either, but it's all about the roaming agreements. The radio frequencies aren't that important. What's important is getting what you need when you need it, and for that, the roaming agreements are what will save your kiester.

Yea, I agree with you.

Thanks for explain to me.
Neo said:
Just explain to me plesae why My friends who own SK2 and I are IN SAME area. They got 1-3 bars and I got full bars. Remember we are in exactly same area just 3 feets away from me?

it is possible that sometimes a phone doesnt see the tower in front of it and it keeps connected to other tower that is distancing away from that phone which hasnt been transfered to that tower from other tower... sometimes when that tower gets a full hand of network(calls/internet), it can drop a call or send that networkings to other tower...

it is almost same idea with a cable internet... if too manny ppl use cable internet in neighborhood, that wud make the internet speed slower down. ya know.
Yes, even worse if Tower A gets crowdy, then usually pager looks for another tower for faster communications. Every tower has its limitation. I know of Cell tower can handle up to 850 at a time. If it hits over 850, it rejects the remaining signals. Im not sure about other types of tower's limitation but I am sure there is limitation anyway.

deafclimber said:
it is possible that sometimes a phone doesnt see the tower in front of it and it keeps connected to other tower that is distancing away from that phone which hasnt been transfered to that tower from other tower... sometimes when that tower gets a full hand of network(calls/internet), it can drop a call or send that networkings to other tower...

it is almost same idea with a cable internet... if too manny ppl use cable internet in neighborhood, that wud make the internet speed slower down. ya know.
Dennis said:
Volcomskatz, it's nice to see someone so interested in the wireless industry. I understand you're learning a lot, and I appreciate that you're passionate about the Sidekick. Keep up the learning, there's a lot of stuff out there to know.

The 850mhz band is not some special band that magically makes the cell phone reception on a Sidekick better. The 850mhz spectrum just happens to be lower in frequency to the more common 1800 or 1900 mhz bands. The lower the frequency, generally, the wider the coverage one tower can cast, but at the same time, you cannot serve as many simultaneous calls. This is great for rural areas, yes, but using the same frequency in the city will kill ya.

However, here's the funny thing -- CDMA also has the 850mhz spectrum. So, geez, huh, my Sprint phone should work just as well as a Sidekick, AS LONG AS THE ROAMING AGREEMENTS ARE IN PLACE. Sprint has roaming agreements with many providers like Verizon, US Cellular, ALLTEL, etc. I believe T-Mobile has agreements with Cingular and a few others. So, because they can use the near-same frequencies, there should be no difference in range or capacity for either, but it's all about the roaming agreements. The radio frequencies aren't that important. What's important is getting what you need when you need it, and for that, the roaming agreements are what will save your kiester.

bingo, thanks.. i was going to make new thread about the explainations of mobiles/frequent bands, but you beat me... thanks again dennis.

in usa and americas we use GSM 850 and 1900 and in europe they use GSM 900 and 1800. some countries in south america use GSM 900. that is why the world need to seperate the bands that wud make the wireless companies and governments more easy to handle the bands. like i said before, the best thing to do is to get a quadband mobile if you travel around the world like i do.
From what I remember, I went to west TX where have big desert.

One of my friend had SK1
I had Nokia 6800 under AT&T Wireless (before Cingular merge)
My friend had Blackberry with antenna under Nextel (before Sprint merge)

It's located in north outside of Rankin, TX

My nokia got 1 bar (sometime 2)
Blackberry get no signaler, but turn antenna and get 2 bars
SK (color verison) get no signaler at all. He is dead meat!
See my point? It is all about coverage availablity! There is no such thing as one size fits all... Every tower has its own system, all based on lease agreement from various carrier, licensing rights from FCC, legal (zoning) issues, etc etc. There is limitation on how you use each frequency in specific areas. FCC isn't open for any unlimitation due to security reason and interference issues. Too many things that affects the coverage. Not just frequency that devices uses.

EDGE said:
From what I remember, I went to west TX where have big desert.

One of my friend had SK1
I had Nokia 6800 under AT&T Wireless (before Cingular merge)
My friend had Blackberry with antenna under Nextel (before Sprint merge)

It's located in north outside of Rankin, TX

My nokia got 1 bar (sometime 2)
Blackberry get no signaler, but turn antenna and get 2 bars
SK (color verison) get no signaler at all. He is dead meat!
Wha... completion everyone are debate about your pager is the best than yours...

Who cares.. as long everyone who feel comfortable their own pager peroid..

As long whoever is happy w/your pager.. then stick w/it..

Really not necessary debate issuses about your pager details and coverage roam..

I'm very happy w/my pager blackberry 2790 rim... one day I will get another pager improved upgrade better...

Important your feel insicts about your pager is suitable for you and comfy roam coverage the area.... Go for it!
Exactly!!!! That is what I have been trying to tell this! All I care is that I get the coverage, period! If there is no coverage available, then WTF good is it?
I don't care which bands, I care the one that *WORKS*. (note the "period" in the end?)

GalaxyAngel said:
Wha... completion everyone are debate about your pager is the best than yours...

Who cares.. as long everyone who feel comfortable their own pager peroid..

As long whoever is happy w/your pager.. then stick w/it..

Really not necessary debate issuses about your pager details and coverage roam..

I'm very happy w/my pager blackberry 2790 rim... one day I will get another pager improved upgrade better...

Important your feel insicts about your pager is suitable for you and comfy roam coverage the area.... Go for it!