Audism examples

Another one: ASL does not help you with jobs.

And ironically enough, saying ASL doesn't help isn't true. If any customers use ASL then you can communicate effectively without needing pen/paper or an interpreter.
Wirelessly posted

A said:
Another one: ASL does not help you with jobs.

But honestly, discrimation against ASL isn't really audism in the strictest sense.

That concept of language discrimation belongs to another word.
Is this Audism when:

Doctor tells parents not to use ASL with their deaf child because it'll hinder their language development?

We know this is a scare tactic, no?
I prefer to use Professionals because it could be anyone that tell the parents not to use ASL. Teachers, audiologists, speech therapists, etc.
How about this one, which I hear often (like my English college professor) Deaf children MUST have cochlear implants because it is a disability.
I believe I have a beaut!

My friend whom I met up with last night. She mentioned she is thinking about getting a CI. Because of few incidents but this one stood out.

She is a teacher and her students is deaf but many can speak well and have CI's etc.
One day she took them on a school excursion to someplace ( don't know what) and the man was there explaining about whatever, but the teacher couldn't understand because she doesn't lipread well enough. Understandably she was embarrassed because few students volunteered to interpret for her and others what the man was saying. She didn't want the kids to interpret as it is not their responsibility.

Anyway, afterward, this man rang the school and spoke to a staff and asked 'is this deaf teacher qualified?' Staff said yes. He said 'oh right, so she is deaf and has a degree, but why doesn't she speak?'

Well, what do you think of this appalling ignorance?
Audism, is when hearing people impose oralism because they cannot think of functioning without being oral. It is beyond their comprehension.
I believe I have a beaut!

My friend whom I met up with last night. She mentioned she is thinking about getting a CI. Because of few incidents but this one stood out.

She is a teacher and her students is deaf but many can speak well and have CI's etc.
One day she took them on a school excursion to someplace ( don't know what) and the man was there explaining about whatever, but the teacher couldn't understand because she doesn't lipread well enough. Understandably she was embarrassed because few students volunteered to interpret for her and others what the man was saying. She didn't want the kids to interpret as it is not their responsibility.

Anyway, afterward, this man rang the school and spoke to a staff and asked 'is this deaf teacher qualified?' Staff said yes. He said 'oh right, so she is deaf and has a degree, but why doesn't she speak?'

Well, what do you think of this appalling ignorance?

That is horrible!!! I would tell the man to go stick one up his a***!
'I am concerned that people's lives would be at risk because you are Deaf, and not able to take blood pressure, therefore your entrance into the ADN program would be denied. You will not be able to pass the skills test to be Certified as a Nurse's Aide if you are asked to check blood pressure.'


I have my certificate right here. Highest score in the class for skills testing too. :D

Took Blood Pressure by palp.
"I dont think this is the right career for you because you will be dealing with people and your deafness will prevent that"

VR counselor telling me that when I was 18 years old and considering a career in Interior Designing.

And I was raised orally for the purpose to "assimiliate" in the hearing world. That was my first of many slaps in my face I got about not being "hearing" enough.
Wirelessly posted

But honestly, discrimation against ASL isn't really audism in the strictest sense.

That concept of language discrimation belongs to another word.

If you ask deaf people who don't use speech at all what they think audism is, it is usually related to people's attitude toward ASL. I think we have a different view what audism is because we do use our voice.
"don't get her pregnant, she could have deaf children"
'I am concerned that people's lives would be at risk because you are Deaf, and not able to take blood pressure, therefore your entrance into the ADN program would be denied. You will not be able to pass the skills test to be Certified as a Nurse's Aide if you are asked to check blood pressure.'


I have my certificate right here. Highest score in the class for skills testing too. :D

Took Blood Pressure by palp.
Oh geez, I was a nurse aide for 3 or 4 years... There are ways to take blood pressure...Most nurses prefer to use a electronic BP, and if they need a manual, I could use a digital sethoscope, but I usually just ask a hearing person to do it, and I will do favor back to her (like taking over her work) Most seem to be happy about that because I gave them easy jobs and I took the hard jobs from them.
Wirelessly posted

A said:
Wirelessly posted

But honestly, discrimation against ASL isn't really audism in the strictest sense.

That concept of language discrimation belongs to another word.

If you ask deaf people who don't use speech at all what they think audism is, it is usually related to people's attitude toward ASL. I think we have a different view what audism is because we do use our voice.

We have to be careful how we use the word "audism."

It's already losing the impact of the words when people apply it to situations where it's still a form of discrimination (racism, sexism, classism anf so on), but not within the definition of audism.
It all stem down to this, even with ASL:

Audism, is when hearing people impose oralism because they cannot think of functioning without being oral. It is beyond their comprehension.
I used to get asked by my grandmother all the time to be sure I don't get my driver's license because deaf people can't drive .... :roll:
When a teacher prefer to talk to any hearing person(husband) beside you about your son...even if you can communicate ok with her... In her mind, a hearing person is better
If you ask deaf people who don't use speech at all what they think audism is, it is usually related to people's attitude toward ASL. I think we have a different view what audism is because we do use our voice.

Anything anti-ASL is audist because ASL and Deaf culture are very strongly correlated, and even though there are Deaf people that only use their voice, that strong correlation still needs to be taken into account.
I have told so many here, especially those who advocate for oralism, that sometimes speech becomes such a focal point of our lives and we seem to cant get a separate identity from it. It sucks.

I know! When someone tells my dad I have good speech, when we get home he will go on and on and on and on about how hard my mother worked on my speech till I feel like screaming at him "GOOD SPEECH FFS! IS THAT ALL I AM?"