Asl speed limit

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First off: Umad?

Second: Most of us have move long past the t-shirt. We're talking about different things at this point. Try to keep up.

Third: Ignoring the fact that YES, you did put words in my mouth and I called you on it. Oh, let's just agree to disagree on that one. :roll:

First of all...Why would I be mad?

Second of all.... I am responding to what you post towards me. So I am keeping up.

Third of all. You can deny it all you want.

You agreeing to disagree.. Awesome!! :wave:

Carry on with your pissing contest.....
I did not put words in your mouth.. You said it yourself.

I think anyone reading this thread can see that what I said was I have a better grasp of linguistics. That does not I see myself as superior. And based on the responses thus far, I think it's true. I'd be perfectly happy to give you a rundown of my formal education in linguistics if you'd prefer?

I never stated you were superior to me.

Yes you did:

Oh so you think you are superior to us!! *gasp* I am so offended!!

Oh my, now who is a hypocrit??


Go ahead and put it under the microscope, and analize away with your superior linguistic self!! :roll:

Any other denying/lying you'd like to do?

Please!! Get over yourself!! :roll:

Good god, lady. What is your problem? You're the one who needs to get over something.
I believe it's a well-known fact that poem is not well linguistically-conveyed in oral sense but it is better conveyed with bodily expression to reach out more people.

Proof: tribes. third world countries. foreigners. plays. Charles Chaplin.

Do you mean when being conveyed cross-linguistically? Well of course. A poem is an artistic expression of language that makes use of imagery, idioms, wordplay, rhythm, timing, etc--all things that must be known by the audience prior to the performance.

Even an ASL poem is not going to be as beautiful to a non-ASL user as it is to a fluent ASLer
I think anyone reading this thread can see that what I said was I have a better grasp of linguistics. That does not I see myself as superior. And based on the responses thus far, I think it's true. I'd be perfectly happy to give you a rundown of my formal education in linguistics if you'd prefer?

Nope, heard enough bragging for the day..from you. That head might explode soon.

Good god, lady. What is your problem? You're the one who needs to get over something.

You still stuck on yourself. Hope it makes you feel better.. :)
Do you mean when being conveyed cross-linguistically? Well of course. A poem is an artistic expression of language that makes use of imagery, idioms, wordplay, rhythm, timing, etc--all things that must be known by the audience prior to the performance.

Even an ASL poem is not going to be as beautiful to a non-ASL user as it is to a fluent ASLer
and Oral poem is still not going to be beautiful to just about any regular folks as it is to English majors.

I think regular folks still prefer ASL poem over Oral poem
Nope, heard enough bragging for the day..from you. That head might exploid soon.

You still stuck on yourself. Hope it makes you feel better.. :)

It's too bad you don't know how to converse without resorting to ad hominem attacks. Pretty childish and ignorant. Oh well.
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and Oral poem is still not going to be beautiful to just about any regular folks as it is to English majors.

I think regular folks still prefer ASL poem over Oral poem

Good god, don't get me started on that. All the ASL students coming to me about ASL poetry.

At least at the ASL happy hour last night, nobody did that. whew.

What exactly were you hoping for?

For deaf people who are very pro-ASL to have a sudden revelation: "Wow I am doing exactly what hearing people do to us. I treat ASL as if it was way more superior than other languages/modes."

Even though your formal linguistics background may tell you that it's not quite the case.

It's kind of like a religion scholar trying to convince a die hard Christian that most major religions have basically the same amount of evidence that their religion is the "correct" religion or historically accurate.
and Oral poem is still not going to be beautiful to just about any regular folks as it is to English majors.

I think regular folks still prefer ASL poem over Oral poem

Well, that really depends on the poem, oral or ASL. There are plenty of English poems that are beloved by many people all across the user-level spectrum. For example, everyone loves "The Road Less Traveled" by Robert Frost. Don't have to be an English major to appreciate it. Also, music lyrics are a form of poetry. Lots of folks seem to like those, even deaf folks.

I have seen plenty of ASL poems that suck and were very simple, and I have seen some that left my jaw hanging. It just really depends on the poem and the personal response of the listener/viewer.
Asl! Asl! Asl!
It's too bad you don't know how to converse without resorting to ad hoc attacks. Pretty childish and ignorant. Oh well.

Remember, when you point your finger at someone for doing something, there is always three fingers pointing back at you. :)

Have a good day, Sir..

"Just because I walk away does not mean you won, Just means I am done with you"

What exactly were you hoping for?

For deaf people who are very pro-ASL to have a sudden revelation: "Wow I am doing exactly what hearing people do to us. I treat ASL as if it was way more superior than other languages/modes."

Even though your formal linguistics background may tell you that it's not quite the case.

It's kind of like a religion scholar trying to convince a die hard Christian that most major religions have basically the same amount of evidence that their religion is the "correct" religion or historically accurate.

So you're saying it's not worth a try?
So you're saying it's not worth a try?


Maybe... but, geez, not in a "joke" thread.

And maybe be nicer about it? :-P

Do I need to give you "How to try to make people think/debate without sounding mean" classes?
Remember, when you point your finger at someone for doing something, there is always three fingers pointing back at you. :)

Have a good day, Sir..

"Just because I walk away does not mean you won, Just means I am done with you"

I didn't realize you were trying to compete with me?

Oh well.


Maybe... but, geez, not in a "joke" thread.

And maybe be nicer about it? :-P

Do I need to give you "How to try to make people think/debate without sounding mean" classes?

Okay. Yes m'am.

Hey, did Jiro take those classes from you? He's been a lot nicer lately. ;)
DD's Clockwork Orange Project is working.
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