Are cops fair?

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I've never had any problem with the police. I've never been unfairly stopped by the police for anything, never ticketed, never arrested, so maybe I don't have enough personal experience (I'm only 55). :dunno:

When I was a kid, we were taught to respect the police. I'm still not comfortable using the word "cop".

I know that some police are bad apples but that is the same with people in all walks of life.

Hi Reba, I was brought up to show respect for the police too. Yes, I am also not comfortable with using the word cop as that is really the bad guy's slang for his street language and it is not part of the law abiding American citizen's language.

The law abiding American citizens say the word, police and the criminals use the word, cop.

I only use the word cop because that is what the AD'ers will understand and you are right, I should use the word police as that shows more respect for police officers.

I have been only treated un-fairly 2 or 3 times but that was because they did not know I was Deaf and they had the right to use excessive force. Yes, The emotions will get in the way of logic and reason at those times but I understood the police were only doing their jobs and they have to always automatically assume the worst in people and that is with a very good reason, that is for the police officer's own safety.
No, you obviously don't understand. Not everything is black and white, you cock gobbler. I reiterate: Go. Fuck. Yourself.

If by calling Heath a cock gobbler you are continuing the boring tradition of using homophobic insults to get your point across, count me out.
If by calling Heath a cock gobbler you are continuing the boring tradition of using homophobic insults to get your point across, count me out.

My insults are hardly from a homophobic viewpoint. Its Heath who is the homophobe. I'm simply insulting Heath because I find him to be ignorant, dull-witted, and exciteable. That, and I've given up on civil conversation since I've realized it accomplishes nothing with this neanderthal.
FINISH.. knock it off??? Come on..we are adults here.. aren't we? Name calling and so on is so high school! :roll: So what if our views are different.. but it does not give you a right to insult others. Thank you!

My insults are hardly from a homophobic viewpoint. Its Heath who is the homophobe. I'm simply insulting Heath because I find him to be ignorant, dull-witted, and exciteable. That, and I've given up on civil conversation since I've realized it accomplishes nothing with this neanderthal.
Operatorrally, You are ignorant of the things , the high stress that cops go through. You do not focus enough on the positive qualities of having tough, politically incorrect cops who do really a very good job kicking the shit out of the criminals that try to abuse, murder and rape innocent people on a daily basis. Your mind is too stuck on the negative things of the cops.

Your mind really needs to see the negative shit that criminals cause !!!!!!!

As for minorities loitering around at 3 a.m. what the hell !!!!! They should be home in bed getting ready for work or school and if they don't have a job, stay the fuck home !!!!!! Don't be like the street idiot thugs outside at 3 a.m. and normal people do not hang out at 3 a.m. period.

See what happens when a minority high and drunk on beer, liquor and has done lines of cocaine is loitering near the liquor store at 3 a.m.

God Bless the police officer's family. My prayers go out to the police officers. They were doing their jobs.

You Fucking Politically Correct Loser Bastards Who Act Like You Have No Fucking Clue That These Criminals Are Breaking The Law In The First Place !!!!! :madfawk:

Hehe, why am I assumed to be 'politically correct', or are you just quoting Rush Limbaugh because it's convenient for you? There is a difference between racism and political incorrectness; a non-PC person might call a black person a negro because they don't know the right 'term', whereas a racist person might assume that all black people driving nice vehicles have stolen them. Big difference. And no, making racist jokes about people isn't simply 'politically incorrect', it indicates that you don't respect that population in an oppressive way. Hence someone who calls a deaf person a retard isn't simply politically incorrect; they downright do not respect that deaf person's rights or their value as an intelligent person. I for one, do not tolerate that kind of treatment of the deaf and see nothing wrong with telling any hearing people who call deaf people retards, that this is discrimination. But perhaps you'd prefer that I agree with these people and accept their hate for the deaf as good old fashioned 'political incorrectness'.

A lot of people 'loiter' in places because they have no place else to go, not because they are committing crimes. [What's with you and liquor stores?] And yes, police systematically single out black kids for crimes committed by the entire population, such as drug dealing. I don't think minorities should be allowed to commit crimes, I just don't think they should automatically profiled for crimes statistically dominated by white people, shoplifting being another example. I also believe that the issue isn't the arrest of criminals, its the automatic criminalization of certain populations and the violation of criminals' human rights.

I don't hate cops and think they should have to be attacked without the right to defend themselves. And no, being a police officer isn't the most dangerous job in the world, even if there are rough situations. You are more likely to be killed on the job working for minimum wage in a convenience store, so the idea that it is THE most dangerous job out there is wrong, but that's another story.

The idea that I am a crime loving cop hater is rather extreme; one of the reasons I know about systemic corruption in police forces is that I have a good friend who's a police officer, and she is pretty disgusted with a lot of the stuff her fellow officers do.

Also, the term 'cop' wasn't coined by criminals, its an abbreviation for 'constable on patrol' which was popularized by British newspapers because cop fits in headlines more conveniently than 'constable' or 'police officer'. It isn't an anti-police term to be compared with say, people who call them pigs.
FINISH.. knock it off??? Come on..we are adults here.. aren't we? Name calling and so on is so high school! :roll: So what if our views are different.. but it does not give you a right to insult others. Thank you!

Perhaps the insults are a result that Heath seems to have a bit of a potty mouth and some of us will respond when provoked.
Sorry guido, I'm glad you're not a homophobe, I'm just sick of dudes calling each other cock sucker etc because the root of the insult is an implication that the other guy has sex with men...
Perhaps the insults are a result that Heath seems to have a bit of a potty mouth and some of us will respond when provoked.
Sorry guido, I'm glad you're not a homophobe, I'm just sick of dudes calling each other cock sucker etc because the root of the insult is an implication that the other guy has sex with men...

And you wouldn't consider it ironic taking into account Heath's rampant homophobia? Do a search of his posts in the past and you'll get a good clue. The dude is insane, and I no longer care for playing nice. Immature, uncalled for, high-schoolish. Call me whatever you might like. I'm past the point of attempting a civil discussion with people who stand firmly in ignorance. I'd rather throw bricks and have fun. It's just as productive as trying to discuss something with waste-of-minds like Heath.
Heath has been through alot in his life and you don't understand where he has been coming from . He is not an asshole like y'all make him out to be. Get to know him personally and it will suprise you. If you don't want to, it's your loss!

And you wouldn't consider it ironic taking into account Heath's rampant homophobia? Do a search of his posts in the past and you'll get a good clue. The dude is insane, and I no longer care for playing nice. Immature, uncalled for, high-schoolish. Call me whatever you might like. I'm past the point of attempting a civil discussion with people who stand firmly in ignorance. I'd rather throw bricks and have fun. It's just as productive as trying to discuss something with waste-of-minds like Heath.
Heath has been through alot in his life and you don't understand where he has been coming from . He is not an asshole like y'all make him out to be. Get to know him personally and it will suprise you. If you don't want to, it's your loss!

If you're so in love with him, why don't you marry him?

Oh, and Ben Affleck sucks :laugh2:

I need you like Ben Affleck needs acting lessons.
Uhh.. we are very good friends and shut up about Ben Affleck.. YOU SUCk!!!!!!!!

QUOTE=guido;674050]If you're so in love with him, why don't you marry him?

Oh, and Ben Affleck sucks :laugh2:

I need you like Ben Affleck needs acting lessons.[/QUOTE]
yeah.. where did you get the queto about Heath? Stop being so obbessed with him! GET A LIFE!!!!! :MAD:
Uhh.. we are very good friends and shut up about Ben Affleck.. YOU SUCk!!!!!!!!

QUOTE=guido;674050]If you're so in love with him, why don't you marry him?

Oh, and Ben Affleck sucks :laugh2:

I need you like Ben Affleck needs acting lessons.

Not nearly as much as Ben Affleck in Pearl Harbor.
What's wrong with Ben Affleck in Pearl Harbor.. I happen to like him because he is a great actor and he is handsome to me. We have different tastes.. get over it! :roll:

Not nearly as much as Ben Affleck in Pearl Harbor.
Sorry but guido just pisses me off .. sorry for being offpoint Lilysdad.

QUOTE=Lillys dad;674058]So much for this conversation.......[/QUOTE]
So much for this conversation.......

I agree Lillysdad, so much for this conversation and Felixkat930, Thank you.

Hey Guido, Just one simple question.

Which is worse in God's eyes?

A constant stream of profanities said at the right time to express what a man thinks ?


Which is more worse to have a ulterior motive with an evil heart ? I ask you ?
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