Are cops fair?

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I bravo to police what they done to their jobs for crimes etc....

But sometimes, They are corrupted.:nono:

I live in City.. I dont like police city here... My grandparents who lives in very small town(800 people) in New York upstate. The sheriff people are very friendly. That is werid.

"I have actually dealt with many cops and intervened on cops in my city who were abusing a helpless native man. This same force was caught up in a scandal because they were circulating racist emails amongst themselves. Cops in a neighbouring Canadian city were taken to court because they had a racist policy of driving Natives to the edge of town, confiscating their coats, and letting them freeze to death. I could go on with more examples if you like."
Are there there corrupt cops? Of course, like Sequoias said, there are good and bad in all walks of life. But How do you know the guy was helpless, do you know what happened before you the fight? Also, the way you describe, that police department, you make the assumption that it was the entire dept.
Scubalady, Let me ask you a question. How many of those city cops do you know? Have you talked tried to see why it is that you do not like them? Do you not like them becsuse they come across as rude and it seems they cannot be bothered with saying hi o rusing common courtesy? Just curious, what city do you live in in Texas? I lived in Dallas and Austin, and visited Houston several times. If you live in one of these cities, or any other city for that matter, I can tell you why the cops appear rude. They are busy trying to keep up. They run from call to call, they are constantly trying to catch up. They simply do not have time to be polite in some cases. On the rare occasion that they have a little down time, the last thing they want to do is have a meanigless conversation with someone they do not know. Trust me, I spent years working in a big city police department. You are so overworked, underpaid, criticized, and overall shit on, you really dont want to deal with anyone except other cops, or your family. That is one of the many reasons that I left the St.Louis Police Department. After 6 years, I had become someone that I didnt like too much.
As I have said many times here lately, I am aware of corrupt that corrupt cops exist. I am aware that some cops dont play by the rules, hell I have played outside the rules a time or two. Have I broken the rules? Sure, who at their job hasnt? But the public perception of corruption and excessive force is way out of whack. I have been a cop,or been around cops almost all of my adult life. I can honestly say that I have encountered 3 cops that are straight up racists, and 1 cop that is straight up dirty. As a teenager, I was a police Explorer. I spent many, many, nights patrolling with, training with, and learning police work from a group of cops that volunteered to show us the ropes. While on a car stop, the officer I was riding with began being very racist with the guys in the car, calling them ******, boy and all that stuff. It was out of line, unprofessional and obviously uncalled for. I was talking to these guys while they were sitting on the curb, and the cop was in the car running them to see if they had warrants. I strongly urged them to go to the police depanrtment and make a complaint. I even wrote down the cops name for them. Then, I advised the police officers that were in charge of our explorerpost that I did not want to ride with that cop anymore, and told them why. Due to his actions, he was removed from the ride along program and fired shortly there4after for his actions. Then as a cop, I had to deal with the others. They were eventually forced out of police work due to complaints. The dirty cop eventually got what was coming to him. I will leave that as is stands.
So yes, there are dirty cops. But in the 16 years of being around cops and being a cop, I can count on one hand the amount that I have encountered. They are not nearly as common as people think.
It's disturbing to see how many people here are badmouthing the police officers. Yes, it is true that there are corruption among some. It may be common at one district and uncommon at another. I don't believe most cops are corrupted.

The only problem is, the bad cops stick out like a sore thumb. Especially in the media. :-/

Just like an idiot in a crowd of hundreds of peaceful protesters would appear on the front page for doing something that many would be appalled at.
Nope, not all cops are fair, and beside I don't trust them all just some of them
As I said in this thread, and the other anti-cop thread, repeatedly. I am not sayin gthat all cops are good decent people. I take issue with people making broad statements that are anti cop.
Example "I think abusive behavior is practically institutionalized for cops; look at the Rodney King incident, or Amadou Diallo and on and on. For white cops, racism is a CONSTANT issue. I've never heard of a single police force on this continent that was able to solve the problem of racism. When you count the people cops abuse; people of color, sex trade workers, homeless people etc, it is no surprise that they are also known for being useless to the deaf community- good on you Yessie for stepping up to do something about it!".
Biased one sided statement that I find offensive. By his statement, he is blatantly saying that I am all of these things. Now, if someone called you all of these things would you be upset?
Then there are others here that make more rational statements, "It's disturbing to see how many people here are badmouthing the police officers. Yes, it is true that there are corruption among some. It may be common at one district and uncommon at another. I don't believe most cops are corrupted.

The only problem is, the bad cops stick out like a sore thumb. Especially in the media. :-/

Just like an idiot in a crowd of hundreds of peaceful protesters would appear on the front page for doing something that many would be appalled at."

I have absolutely no problem with this statement. He speaks his opinion in a logical manner. He is not making any broad accusations that all police are corrupt.

The one thing I find curoius with your statemants is the fact that you toned down the negativity on this thread as opposed to the other. Why is that?

When I first joined this website I was constantly attacked with one sided arguments in which I was blamed for the actions of the majorit of the hearing world. It pisses me off when people accuse others of being stereotypical, and biased, when they are doing the exact same things in the very statements they make.
If you want to make statements about cops being racist, nazis or what ever, fine, just be prepared to defend your comments without broad generalizations.
As I said in this thread, and the other anti-cop thread, repeatedly. I am not sayin gthat all cops are good decent people. I take issue with people making broad statements that are anti cop.
Example "I think abusive behavior is practically institutionalized for cops; look at the Rodney King incident, or Amadou Diallo and on and on. For white cops, racism is a CONSTANT issue. I've never heard of a single police force on this continent that was able to solve the problem of racism. When you count the people cops abuse; people of color, sex trade workers, homeless people etc, it is no surprise that they are also known for being useless to the deaf community- good on you Yessie for stepping up to do something about it!".
Biased one sided statement that I find offensive. By his statement, he is blatantly saying that I am all of these things. Now, if someone called you all of these things would you be upset?
Then there are others here that make more rational statements, "It's disturbing to see how many people here are badmouthing the police officers. Yes, it is true that there are corruption among some. It may be common at one district and uncommon at another. I don't believe most cops are corrupted.

The only problem is, the bad cops stick out like a sore thumb. Especially in the media. :-/

Just like an idiot in a crowd of hundreds of peaceful protesters would appear on the front page for doing something that many would be appalled at."

I have absolutely no problem with this statement. He speaks his opinion in a logical manner. He is not making any broad accusations that all police are corrupt.

The one thing I find curoius with your statemants is the fact that you toned down the negativity on this thread as opposed to the other. Why is that?

When I first joined this website I was constantly attacked with one sided arguments in which I was blamed for the actions of the majorit of the hearing world. It pisses me off when people accuse others of being stereotypical, and biased, when they are doing the exact same things in the very statements they make.
If you want to make statements about cops being racist, nazis or what ever, fine, just be prepared to defend your comments without broad generalizations.

Deaf people are your new best friend. ;)

I don't blame on all of them but some cops are bitch.
Yes, some cops are bitches. I am very aware of this. I have to work with them. But, cops are people. They are no different than others. Som epeople are bitches, regardless of their chose profession. As said, I am the first person to say that some cops are idiots. When I was a cop in the 'hood, I worked with an incredible group of cops. They were all very good at their jobs. We werent politically correct. But then again, you cant be PC in the hood, it will get you killed quickly. The ones that were no good, didn;t last too long. We called it baptism by blood.
Now where I work now, has several damn good cops. A high % of the good ones came from other departments where they had to deal with alot of shit. The problem we have are the young guys that come straigh out of the4 academy and they think they are bad asses because they have a badge. Well, my motto is "If someone could kick your ass before you had a badge, they can kick your ass after you have a badge". Unfortunately, I am afraid the only way these guys will learn this is by takeing an ass whoopin. Do they deserve it, yes. Will I let it happen, no. I cannto stand by and let another cop learn that lesson. I have sat a few of them down and had a talk with them. Most listen, the others dont. Once again, just like all people, some take advice, the rest think they know all. "Bitches".
I don't like cops too much. :ugh3: Because I believe in my feeling are,
them are some are bad, some are good. I wish any cops, FBI,
S.W.A.T., Highway Patrol could be educate for deaf and hard-of-hearing
people that could been for-- safety; what is going on that you had never
seem to know until a cop write a paper for any
deaf or hard-of-hearing person. :)

I am not comfortable with any cops around here in our car. :ugh3:
Because I don't want my mother get tickets for speeding, cell phones talking her family/friends, running the red light,
or beat the red light on the yellow.
Yes, some cops are bitches. I am very aware of this. I have to work with them. But, cops are people. They are no different than others. Som epeople are bitches, regardless of their chose profession. As said, I am the first person to say that some cops are idiots. When I was a cop in the 'hood, I worked with an incredible group of cops. They were all very good at their jobs. We werent politically correct. But then again, you cant be PC in the hood, it will get you killed quickly. The ones that were no good, didn;t last too long. We called it baptism by blood.
Now where I work now, has several damn good cops. A high % of the good ones came from other departments where they had to deal with alot of shit. The problem we have are the young guys that come straigh out of the4 academy and they think they are bad asses because they have a badge. Well, my motto is "If someone could kick your ass before you had a badge, they can kick your ass after you have a badge". Unfortunately, I am afraid the only way these guys will learn this is by takeing an ass whoopin. Do they deserve it, yes. Will I let it happen, no. I cannto stand by and let another cop learn that lesson. I have sat a few of them down and had a talk with them. Most listen, the others dont. Once again, just like all people, some take advice, the rest think they know all. "Bitches".

Yea, I'm sure that cops have rights to light tackle the people's bodies and hold their bodies, hand or feet to avoid to get more violence. All of this action isn't assault and just prevent to get more injuries.
I don't like cops too much. :ugh3: Because I believe in my feeling are,
them are some are bad, some are good. I wish any cops, FBI,
S.W.A.T., Highway Patrol could be educate for deaf and hard-of-hearing
people that could been for-- safety; what is going on that you had never
seem to know until a cop write a paper for any
deaf or hard-of-hearing person. :)

I am not comfortable with any cops around here in our car. :ugh3:
Because I don't want my mother get tickets for speeding, cell phones talking her family/friends, running the red light,
or beat the red light on the yellow.

Who is your father? Police! :D
CC, while it would be ideal for the police to learn more about communicating with the deaf, I dont really se it happening (unfortunately). Think of all the people with all the different disabilities, in which there are communication issues. There would never be any cops on the street because they will be at the academy for years learnign all of the different communication issues. It is simply not financially feasble also. A few years ago, I did go to an academy class that was for communicating with non english speaking people.
In this class, there was a section about communicating with deaf people. They gave us a book with drawing in it that helped to figure stuff out and getting info.
As far as the cops not writing your mom tickets for speeding, cell phone or red lights, there is an esaay way to prevent this from happening. Tell your mom not to speed, talk on the phone while driving, or run red lights. DUU.

Pacman, Light tackles? Bullshit. If the fight is on, I am allowed to do anything whatever is necessary to end the fight, and get him in cuffs. If I need to punch him in the face, so be it. If necessary, I am 100 % allowed to beat a man to death. Simply put, police officers are allowed to do what ever is necessary in the preservation of his personal safety or the safety of the public. PERIOD

What do you all think? That people automatically give up and go peacefully? Why do you think that I do not have the right to protect myself, other cops, the public?
Do you realize that there are even circumstances where shooting a man in the back is 100% justified? What about running someone over with a cop car? Even beting someone to death with a flashlight or stick?
CC, while it would be ideal for the police to learn more about communicating with the deaf, I dont really se it happening (unfortunately). Think of all the people with all the different disabilities, in which there are communication issues. There would never be any cops on the street because they will be at the academy for years learnign all of the different communication issues. It is simply not financially feasble also. A few years ago, I did go to an academy class that was for communicating with non english speaking people.
In this class, there was a section about communicating with deaf people. They gave us a book with drawing in it that helped to figure stuff out and getting info.
As far as the cops not writing your mom tickets for speeding, cell phone or red lights, there is an esaay way to prevent this from happening. Tell your mom not to speed, talk on the phone while driving, or run red lights. DUU.

Pacman, Light tackles? Bullshit. If the fight is on, I am allowed to do anything whatever is necessary to end the fight, and get him in cuffs. If I need to punch him in the face, so be it. If necessary, I am 100 % allowed to beat a man to death. Simply put, police officers are allowed to do what ever is necessary in the preservation of his personal safety or the safety of the public. PERIOD

What do you all think? That people automatically give up and go peacefully? Why do you think that I do not have the right to protect myself, other cops, the public?
Do you realize that there are even circumstances where shooting a man in the back is 100% justified? What about running someone over with a cop car? Even beting someone to death with a flashlight or stick?

Hard to explain about light tackle, just like try catch their bodies then down on ground. That's what my friend told me because their dad is work as police officer. I guess that every local police have different policies or something.

I'm really don't care about them because I don't commit crime.
CC, while it would be ideal for the police to learn more about communicating with the deaf, I dont really se it happening (unfortunately). Think of all the people with all the different disabilities, in which there are communication issues. There would never be any cops on the street because they will be at the academy for years learnign all of the different communication issues. It is simply not financially feasble also. A few years ago, I did go to an academy class that was for communicating with non english speaking people.
In this class, there was a section about communicating with deaf people. They gave us a book with drawing in it that helped to figure stuff out and getting info.

Well, if the police would at least be informed as to how to communicate with the deaf (I meant like they can use paper and pen) and to actually do it instead of just handcuffing deaf people before they get a chance to explain themselves, relations between the deaf community and the police would be a lot better. I'm not saying you HAVE to learn a LOT of sign language, but a few simple signs would be helpful (such as asking to see your license, etc) and then providing paper and pen so that the deaf will have a chance to explain themselves (provided that they are being calm, not being aggressive, etc) then unneccessary arresting/handcuffing would not have to happen. I also want to stress that when you handcuff a deaf person before she/he has a chance to explain her/himself, you are taking away the deaf person's ability to communicate (either by signing or by using paper and pen - they need their hands) and that is when a deaf person often starts to panic, making things harder on both parties.
Yea, I'm sure that cops have rights to light tackle the people's bodies and hold their bodies, hand or feet to avoid to get more violence. All of this action isn't assault and just prevent to get more injuries.

Oftentimes light tackles aren't going to be enough. Especially when the person is high on drugs, it can make them very aggressive.
Working in the ER, I have the chance to interact with lots of police officers.....90% of them are awsome and fun to talk to and joke with....very few act like pricks.....but like many have said.....I can thnk of many people (some doctors for example) who are way worse people.
Lillysdad, I was born in Houston ( H-town ) Tx and I saw how really overwhelmingly aggressive the Houston cops are and that is with a very, very Good Reason because of the nature of the city and the situation itself and also the tough Texas culture. There are many, many rough nights and daytimes that most people never see the reality of what goes on in the daytime in Houston that is if they are that so law-abiding also, I have never seen cops being that so openly aggressive anywhere else with the possible exception of the Detriot cops being so aggressive and the Detriot cops have a very good reason too. Not even the L.A.P.D. cops are that aggressive. The only ones I have seen openly aggressive were Houston and Detriot strangely enough, these two cities have been working very hard on helping the Deaf community there with the sign language classes and so forth which is really good. I don't see that anywhere else, maybe because it is not that so adversited that the Deaf community really does not have public exposure or the knowledge that the police deptartments are training their cops on how to deal with Deaf people or either the Deaf agencies are really not keeping the Deaf community up to date on Deaf and The Police Issues. Sometimes, the Deaf agencies are as much at fault and that is something not too many Deaf people will admit because it is always much easier to blame the cops than for the Deaf agencies that are being irresponsible enough to be able to owe up to their own faults and correct their own mistakes. I know I might get yelled at really viciously for telling the hard hitting truth. :cool:
Lillys Dad, I'm sorry if you get the impression that I'm speaking specifically about you, what I mean is not that all individual cops are bad, but that as an institution our police forces have so much corruption and racism that they do not make us all feel safe and in many cases they downright oppress us. And again, while I know that there are nice guys like yourself around, I would argue that this is systemic, meaning it happens so often that there is a pattern. As an example, police officers frequently rape prostitutes according too many statistics, including the memoirs of Norma Jean Almodovar, who worked as a cop AND as a prostitute and witnessed all kinds of abuse. In my home town, the chief himself was revealed to have forced a street worker to perform a sexual act on him. There was also a controversial expose in which journalists had been listening to police radios and recorded racist comments from over half the officers. Over half the officers is not a case of a few bad apples, thats part of the system.
And while yes, there are bad people in every job, these men and women have the right to physically attack us.
In the case of the cops beating up the Native guy, I did see the entire thing because it occurred across from my girlfriends apartment. The guy was young and mouthy and regardless of what they were arresting him for, they had no right to beat the tar out of him just because he was mouthy. Im sorry, but as a public servant, you cannot just attack someone because they do something you don't like unless it physically threatens you. This kid was standing a few feet away from them and made no attempt to touch either of them. I've heard the excuse that cops shouldn't have to put up with verbal abuse. Of course, I don't think they should, but there are lots of other postitions in which people put up with abuse and don't have the right to even defend themselves verbally. As a relay operator I make sexually humiliating phone calls on a daily basis, but I am not allowed to defend myself or disconnect the call.
The problem isnt that police officers should be perfect human beings, its that considering that they're above the law, it is absolutely unacceptable to exhibit certain behaviour because you're a public servant. And these incidents are too rampant to shrug off as bad apples. Such behavior, which I've observed in the cities I live in, and I've worked in social services, would include:
-raping or sexually assaulting prostitutes because they could
-assuming that a Native who had had a stroke on the sidewalk was drunk, taking him to the drunk tank so he could proceed to lose complete control of one side of his body forever as a result of not being taken to a hospital
-physically attacking people when it was unnecessary
-speeding through an intersection when there was no chase and killing a 4 year old boy
-circulating racist emails
-making racist comments on the police radio
-assuming that a black teenager in a public place is loitering and harassing them as such
-driving Native homeless people out of town and taking away their jackets so they freeze to death
-the list goes on...

Naturally, when I meet a police officer I am diplomatic and polite, but I do not have to trust them or respect decisions that they make, including those that may not be official policy but happen so commonly they may as well be...
Operatorrally, You are ignorant of the things , the high stress that cops go through. You do not focus enough on the positive qualities of having tough, politically incorrect cops who do really a very good job kicking the shit out of the criminals that try to abuse, murder and rape innocent people on a daily basis. Your mind is too stuck on the negative things of the cops.

Your mind really needs to see the negative shit that criminals cause !!!!!!!

As for minorities loitering around at 3 a.m. what the hell !!!!! They should be home in bed getting ready for work or school and if they don't have a job, stay the fuck home !!!!!! Don't be like the street idiot thugs outside at 3 a.m. and normal people do not hang out at 3 a.m. period.

See what happens when a minority high and drunk on beer, liquor and has done lines of cocaine is loitering near the liquor store at 3 a.m.

God Bless the police officer's family. My prayers go out to the police officers. They were doing their jobs.

Here is the graphic video clip, Caution:

Scenes of Actual Deaths Captured on Security Camera

YouTube - andres_raya_01

By the way the SWAT police machine gunned him down in a dark alley as he was running away from just having murdered 2 or more police officers. You gonna cry for that criminal ? Fucking Bleeding Liberal Heart !!!!! I have no time for asshole guys like you who are so fucking politically correct you could not even see past the common sense that is saving people's lives. These cops shot dead a cop killer and you wanna jump around and criticize the cops for doing their jobs in stopping somebody who is a minority, high and drunk and loitering at 3 a.m. Do you know why most minorities loiter at 3 a.m. that is because they are either selling drugs or looking for un-fortunate victims to rob from or they are simply there to draw attention to the police and divert the police's attention away to more urgent emergencies elsewhere so more of these minority criminals can commit crimes in safety and not worry about the police coming to kick the living daylight shit out of the criminals, which the criminals damn well deserve !!!!!

You Fucking Politically Correct Loser Bastards Who Act Like You Have No Fucking Clue That These Criminals Are Breaking The Law In The First Place !!!!! :madfawk:
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Heath said:
Operatorrally, You are ignorant of the things , the high stress that cops go through. You do not focus enough on the positive qualities of having tough, politically incorrect cops who do really a very good job kicking the shit out of the criminals that try to abuse, murder and rape innocent people on a daily basis. Your mind is too stuck on the negative things of the cops.

Your mind really needs to see the negative shit that criminals cause !!!!!!!

As for minorities loitering around at 3 a.m. what the hell !!!!! They should be home in bed getting ready for work or school and if they don't have a job, stay the fuck home !!!!!! Don't be like the street idiot thugs outside at 3 a.m. and normal people do not hang out at 3 a.m. period.

See what happens when a minority high and drunk on beer, liquor and has done lines of cocaine is loitering near the liquor store at 3 a.m.

God Bless the police officer's family. My prayers go out to the police officers. They were doing their jobs.

Here is the graphic video clip, Caution:

Scenes of Actual Deaths Captured on Security Camera

YouTube - andres_raya_01

By the way the SWAT police machine gunned him down in a dark alley as he was running away from just having murdered 2 or more police officers. You gonna cry for that criminal ? Fucking Bleeding Liberal Heart !!!!! I have no time for asshole guys like you who are so fucking politically correct you could not even see past the common sense that is saving people's lives. These cops shot dead a cop killer and you wanna jump around and criticize the cops for doing their jobs in stopping somebody who is a minority, high and drunk and loitering at 3 a.m. Do you know why most minorities loiter at 3 a.m. that is because they are either selling drugs or looking for un-fortunate victims to rob from or they are simply there to draw attention to the police and divert the police's attention away to more urgent emergencies elsewhere so more of these minority criminals can commit crimes in safety and not worry about the police coming to kick the living daylight shit out of the criminals, which the criminals damn well deserve !!!!!

You Fucking Politically Correct Loser Bastards Who Act Like You Have No Fucking Clue That These Criminals Are Breaking The Law In The First Place !!!!!

:jaw: @ Heath's post, Well, I happen to agree with Operatorrally here and I see it the same way as she/he does...and btw If I was your mother, I would have washed your mouth out with soap... tsk,
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