An Interesting Article

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What does it matter, Jiro? Obama is President. End of story.

because like what Reba said - what does it hurt to publish the statistics? It's just interesting to speculate based on statistic and exit polls. it's just for a muse, I suppose. :)

conclusion's already crystal-cleared.... THIS ELECTION WAS NOT RACIALLY-MOTIVATED. TRY AGAIN for those who think it is.
Yeppers. I believe that in the current unemployment statistics, Repubs are loosing jobs as fast as Dems are. :lol:

Exactly. That's what accounts for the high unemployment rate. Honestly, some of the arguments conservatives come up with really amuse me. :giggle:
...if I helped him out he will help me cause we are black, I won't have to put gas in my car or pay my mortgage anymore....
I did see that interview on TV; it was very weird.
What does it matter, Jiro? Obama is President. End of story.

yes. I voted for him, remember? I regret nothing but I will continue to criticize and question him. and yes I will hate him on certain issues :)


** It's a pix of - there's a big caption on top of pix saying "QUESTIONING AUTHORITY IS AMERICAN. and then below is American flag on left side connecting with big red banner on right side saying "BLIND OBEDIENCE IS NOT"
OMG! Now you are resorting to the accusation that Obama used subliminal messages in his campaign? Can you say "paranoid"?:laugh2:
Not at all, nothing subliminal about it - just needed to pay attention.

Please provide substantiation for this. Transcripts of his speeches are available all over the internet, so it should be quite easy for you to substantiate such an allegation....if it occurred. And that is one huge "IF".
You seem to have much more free time than I if you want to post. I would suggest to anyone to research for themselves.

The above is so blantantly racist and bigoted that it doesn't even deserve a response. Thanks for showing your true colors.
Jillio, you are totally inappropriate and very much the educated prejudice/discriminatory idiot.
The above you referred to were quotes by the BO followers - it is them you are calling racist.

Typical liberal ploy to call everyone not a liberal a racist, you know and shows some psycological issues. I notice you have been called out more than once by more than one member about trying to use your "education" to put other members down and acting in a derogatory way toward other members.
Since I am not a racist and will not be bullied by this ploy and shrink away because "OMG, someone said racist" you had best be able to prove an outlandish claim such as that.

I see now that perhaps I met a different personality a long while ago. You certainly are small minded and probably racist yourself.
Bush/McCain Administration used FEAR tactic. Obama used CHANGE tactic. both are not racially-motivated.
Actually reverse that - Fear for both
No hope or change in sight
You seem to have much more free time than I if you want to post. I would suggest to anyone to research for themselves.

oh not again....... the "I HAVE A LIFE" card... <facepalm>
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