Ack, Ack, Ack, Ack!!!


New Member
Dec 8, 2004
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TTT said:
I looked like this....

Don't I look beautifullllllllll????

la la la la la la la la la laaaaaaaa ET PHONE HOMEEEEEEEE!!!!

haha.. you dont look too bad!! (runs away!) :P
Umm... am I missing something here? I thought you left? :roll:
TTT said:
Do you think Raven still available for me to date?

yep he sure is!!!!!

CALLING FOR RAVENSTEVE!!!!!!!!!!! TTT has the hots for u now!!!!!!

perfect match so u 2 can go ahead and whine to eachother :ugh2:
TTT said:
I will invite everyone to my wedding here...
And we will get married at Las Vegas...
to elope.
And then Roadrunner will give me away.
And Zesty will be my maid of honor.
And Meg will be the Godmother to all my future 10 children.

And we will have pink wedding.
And then, we will all have happy meals at McDonalds
because catering will be too expensive...
We need to save some money for the lonnnnnngggg honeymoon weekend at
Hong Kong.

So I hope everybody comes,, so where is Raven? :fingersx: offense but how can I be willing to be a godmother to Raven's children???? I will never support a fanatic left sided Republican like him. He and I will just argue nonstop and your 10 children will be miserable.
TTT said:
I will invite everyone to my wedding here...
And we will get married at Las Vegas...
to elope.
And then Roadrunner will give me away.
And Zesty will be my maid of honor.
And Meg will be the Godmother to all my future 10 children.

And we will have pink wedding.
And then, we will all have happy meals at McDonalds
because catering will be too expensive...
We need to save some money for the lonnnnnngggg honeymoon weekend at
Hong Kong.

So I hope everybody comes,, so where is Raven? :fingersx:

u are cracking me up girl!! :rofl: :D
Meg said: offense but how can I be willing to be a godmother to Raven's children???? I will never support a fanatic left sided Republican like him. He and I will just argue nonstop and your 10 children will be miserable.
<--- that is very true... i will feel sorry for the kids that are fathered by raven.. i personally cant imagine him being my dad.. my dad is a lot better than him.. sheesh..
* looks* Walks away * closes the door* theres nothing to joke abt thats my fave movie and u belittle it ??? just for a joke?? humph!
Hey TTT - why don't you post a real picture of yourself? I double dog dare you. I'll bet that all this "I look like the fucking Elephant Man" bullshit is just that - a bunch of bullshit. Why don't you show us what you really look like and let us judge for ourselves?
Oops - I did it again. I'm using my wife's laptop and forgot to log her out. That was my post, not hers. If you want to flame, direct it at me - not her.
TTT said:
I will invite everyone to my wedding here...
And we will get married at Las Vegas...
to elope.
And then Roadrunner will give me away.
And Zesty will be my maid of honor.
And Meg will be the Godmother to all my future 10 children.

And we will have pink wedding.
And then, we will all have happy meals at McDonalds
because catering will be too expensive...
We need to save some money for the lonnnnnngggg honeymoon weekend at
Hong Kong.

So I hope everybody comes,, so where is Raven? :fingersx:

hey, what about CoolieFroggie ?
She deserve the credit for creating that thread
for both of you ! And Deaf258 planted the
original seed at another thread here
Look at:
Oh, and by the way, can anyone here help me, a computer dummy? TTT's picture is a bmp file which I can't open. JPEG, please......
Tousi said:
Do I sense a manic/depressive in our midst?

speaking of the devil.. meg and i were talking about that last night.. we were trying to figure out whether she is bipolar or manic depressive.. cuz of her behavior that is very unpredictable... (sigh) we suspect it is more of manic depressive than bipolar.. hmmm....
Yeah, Zesty but since we are only "armchair" experts, we better leave this one alone, eh? Hehe
Tousi said:
Yeah, Zesty but since we are only "armchair" experts, we better leave this one alone, eh? Hehe

yep you got that right.. oh well.. (shrugs)