If you had Bill Gates Money what would you do?


New Member
Oct 28, 2004
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With 40 billion id buy
Los Angeles Clippers and move em to baltimore.
Id sell mircosoft to donald trump.
Id negotate with vince mc manhon and buy the WWE.
Ill build a 20,000 seat arena in baltimore for $300 million.
Ill Buy the Cleveland Barons and move em to baltimore.
Ill buy a giant manson in carrol county maryland.
Ill buy a vacation home in orlando florida.
Ill build an amusement park in eastern shore maryland.
Ill buy the Nashville Kats AFL team move em to baltimore and theyre be called Baltimore WildColts.
Ill buy princess cruiselines and theyre become American Cruselines.
Rest of money will go towards real estate.
Your list sounds like you way selfish person. I am sure glad I aren't dating you I might use my dad's gun on you. Watch out babe. ;)
ravensteve1961 said:
Ohhh,, Youre Jeulous cause you watch the barons dont you? ;)

You got it wrong dude I am no where being jealous of your list. You gotta be kidding me? You just made me laugh here. :laugh2:
sorry, i got to agree with cheri, i think ur being selfish.. no offense though.
I would give most of the money to charities. I read somewhere he gets about a million dollars a minute or a hour?? Is that true?? I couldn't cope with having that much money

Oh! and it sounds like you've been giving way too much thought on this
If I had his money...

I'll buy out the WWE and never air a single episode ever again. No more wrestling for me. (No offense to Ravensteve)

I'll donate millions to medical research labs to make improvements to the healthcare system.

I'll buy the best movie projector out there and to install an add-on device to enable closed-captioning on the movie projector so I can enjoy movies in the way they are meant to.

I'll buy some land, and build a village out of it.

I'll buy the best computers money can buy for me to work on.

I'll donate computers to schools that need them and hire computer experts to ensure that the students don't screw up the computers. (This is badly needed, many students ignore the "No Instant Messenging Programs rule" which is why so many computers are nearly ruined by the viruses and need to be reformatted several times, they need to be educated more on the dangers of using IMs since they would easily accept any download requests)

I'll buy the best mattress money can buy.

I'll buy enough pairs of white socks to wear a new pair every day of my life and never having to wear one twice.
Ravensteve1961 said:
Ill Buy the Cleveland Barons and move em to baltimore

umm actually it is Cleveland Browns not Barons....but since they stink, you can move them to Baltimore if you want.... :giggle:
Raging you realize charities are full of scandels. Like the red cross for example. Not many of the families vitcims of 9-11 recived one penny from the red cross as george clooney promised on the telethon.Im glad bill orielly jumped on george clooney for this because actors have the power to influance your minds and get away with it. Look at the movie oceans twelve. Its not even in the top 5 . Because people still dont forgive george clooney for what he done.
Cheri you have the browns back. But baltimore didnt even get the name COLTS back or their colors and their tradition. You still have the cleveland browns and their tradition. So why are you mad we took your team but when you got em back? If you are so pissed off modell moved them why didnt you support em?
I will buy

~~an airplane
~~an island in Hawaii
~~visit all my friends from AD
~~give some money to the homeless people and shelters for hungry children program
~~find a cure different types of disease
~~buy a big land to built a building to take care of unwanted pets and place them into homes etc....
~~buy myself a sandwich store
~~ buy a building for RR to start a business

I have tons of more in mind but that's enough for now LOL
Raven, would you be willing to purchase this mansion
for the purpose of Alldeaf's special events
such as a Big Wedding for any Alldeaf members
as well as our future Christmas party celebration
gathering there ??? Look here:

ravensteve1961 said:
Cheri you have the browns back. But baltimore didnt even get the name COLTS back or their colors and their tradition. You still have the cleveland browns and their tradition. So why are you mad we took your team but when you got em back? If you are so pissed off modell moved them why didnt you support em?

Who said I was pissed off at the Cleveland Browns? It wasn't their fault. We have a new Cleveland Browns team and glad that Art Modell isn't in charge of our team anymore.. We were more mad at Art Modell, don't like him and don't want him in Cleveland. So, Keep him there....

Ok Back on Topic:

- Donate most of my money to children charities ;)
- House with a huge back yard for my boys.
- A Jeep
- Donate money to the homeless and the poor.
- Take AllDeaf members who I admire so much on a cruise round the world on my expense. :hug:
Banjo said:
If I had his money...

I'll buy out the WWE and never air a single episode ever again. No more wrestling for me. (No offense to Ravensteve)
LOL. I have to agree on that one.

I don't know what ravensteve said but based on title of this topic and members' comments, I have enough information to post my comment.

If I have Bill Gates' money... I would buy off ALL of wildlife and national park lands to prevent Bush and his admin to chop off and destroy these beautiful lands.

If I have Bill Gates' money... I will establish some kind of business or organization to help out the 'needy' people by providing the jobs and etc etc.

If I have Bill Gates' money... I will travel to different countries and collect the information about their cultures, histories, etc etc.. then write the books about it.

If I have Bill Gates' money... I will go to Tom Brown's Tracker school and take all of courses to learn how to survive in wilderness and teach others.

If I have Bill Gates' money... I will establish a nonprofit TV News organization to provide the unbiased and non-partisan news unlikely these so-called corporate news such as Fraud (Fox) news, CNN and others. So people finally can hear the pure truth from TV news like what New York Times did.

If I have Bill Gates' money... I will organize the lobbyists for white house to support and fight for our rights (especially women's rights), dying Democracy and Freedom against Bush.

If I have Bill Gates' money... I will establish a nonprofit organization for women for rights (such as equal pay) included the program to help prostitutes to get out of prostitution business by providing the training jobs for them, special discount for college fees, etc etc.. Also block Bush's anti-women's rights laws from passing as well with the lobbyists' helps.

If I have Bill Gates' money... I will organize the lobbyists for White House to amend a new law - Hate Crime to stop these ridiculous hateful comments.

If I have Bill Gates' money... I will organize the other lobbyists for White House to amend a new law - Anti-Enforce Beliefs on others to criminalize these hypocritical christians for enforcing their pathetically beliefs on any americans.

If I have Bill Gates' money... Fund any movie directors who plan to expose the truth about Bush, his Admin and Pentagon. It is time for truth to get out for americans and the world to know.

If I have Bill Gates' money... Fund the studies on Sweden's near-perfect system and economy to develop the system for America with lobbyists' helps to get the bills to pass. Or hire these intelligent people in Sweden to share their systems and ideas for America.

If I have Bill Gates' money... I will establish a nonprofit organization for organic, raw, biodymanic and non-chemcial foods & farms. Encourge the small farms to grow and support them.

That's what I will do with Bill Gates' money.
Even better Y ill buy this for alldeaf members.

Its the baltimore guilfordhouse. Yes youll have to travel to baltimore. :)
Alright, Raven Thank you for giving me
your personal checks and credit cards
I already got all of your account numbers
verified and transferred to the Alldeaf account.
I'll take care of them. Hmm, There is a rumor
going around that there will be a future wedding
coming up soon (within Alldeaf members)....

Please do continue these real estate investments
and stocks for growth and income.
Banjo said:
If I had his money...

I'll buy out the WWE and never air a single episode ever again. No more wrestling for me. (No offense to Ravensteve)
Youll be missing a whole new excitement of wrestling.
If i ran the WWE heres what id do.
Sign a network contract on FOX ,TNT and on HBO.
Tuesday at 8:30PM-11PM bell time LIVE on FOX.
Friday 7:30-10PM LIVE on TNT
Special Events like Summerslam,No way out, Wrestlemania on HBO LIVE 5PM-8PM on sunday. No more thing NO MORE DANCING GIRLS.
Theyre be more exciting matches that the fans would love.
Y said:
Alright, Raven Thank you for giving me
your personal checks and credit cards
I already got all of your account numbers
verified and transferred to the Alldeaf account.
I'll take care of them. Hmm, There is a rumor
going around that there will be a future wedding
coming up soon (within Alldeaf members)....

Please do continue these real estate investments
and stocks for growth and income.

You forgot one thing,,I just hired the FBI :Owned:
Huh?? From reading other people's posts, it sounds like Ravensteve1961 has money and a mansion.. Shit, TTT should be happy and say, "Fuck, YES!" to Ravensteve1961's proposal!
Deaf258 said:
Huh?? From reading other people's posts, it sounds like Ravensteve1961 has money and a mansion.. Shit, TTT should be happy and say, "Fuck, YES!" to Ravensteve1961's proposal!
I definitely have to track your posts down from now, man you are funny.
