A Question For Homosexuals

"I'm a steamroller, baby. Gonna roll all over you!"
James Taylor.

Ol' man river, dat ol' man river
He must know sumpin', but don't say nuthin'
He jes keeps rollin'
He keeps on rollin' along
what happened to the guy that answers all the questions asked of him? He left a couple unanswered.:confused:
I went and re-read your post#458 and there is only one question mark in the whole post. It is not a real question for me to answer.
There, also, was no request for "concession and apology". I don't know why there would be a request anyway as I've nothing to apologize for and not anything to concede.
Perhaps reading your own post careful would benefit you. But be careful not to vomit.
I went and re-read your post#458 and there is only one question mark in the whole post. It is not a real question for me to answer.
There, also, was no request for "concession and apology". I don't know why there would be a request anyway as I've nothing to apologize for and not anything to concede.
Perhaps reading your own post careful would benefit you. But be careful not to vomit.

Post #438 was the original post where I outlined the numerous reasons why I considered your behavior to be dishonest and disrespectful. Post #458 was where I further addressed a number of objections you claimed to have where you supposedly were defending yourself, which I took apart.

So I'll reiterate, and ask you again to apologize for being disrespectful and downright dishonest in this thread. I'm certain you won't, because you appear to be completely shameless and entirely untrustworthy, but if you are as "honorable" or whatnot as you claim to be, here's your chance to do so.

I just re, read one of your old post where you said you "echo" jillo.
At least you are a honest man.

Shame the same couldn't be said of yourself. If concepts such as honesty are something you actually care about, I've given you the valid means to prove yourself. If you choose to disabuse yourself of that option, then please kindly gtfo.
I went back to post #438 and do see where I need to clarify my #2 respond.......
In respond to you, I should have made it clear that if allowed by specific law, it is legal but that you should already know this and this discussion never should have gone far.
In you post #438, you outline YOUR OPINION and that is all it is, your opinion. Does not make you right nor wrong because it is just an opinion. You get upset when I don't follow your opinion and I am thankful you do because it shows you have a mind of your own. We can agree to disagree but it servers no purpose for one member to tell another member "gtfo" that is censorship, at worst, and down right rude, at the least.
I went back to post #438 and do see where I need to clarify my #2 respond.......
In respond to you, I should have made it clear that if allowed by specific law, it is legal but that you should already know this and this discussion never should have gone far.

I agree, it should have never come to this. But you were the one continually claiming "OH NOES SHE'S TRYING TO MAKE ME COMMIT CRIMES" which is why it kept going around and around and around.

In you post #438, you outline YOUR OPINION and that is all it is, your opinion. Does not make you right nor wrong because it is just an opinion. You get upset when I don't follow your opinion and I am thankful you do because it shows you have a mind of your own. We can agree to disagree but it servers no purpose for one member to tell another member "gtfo" that is censorship, at worst, and down right rude, at the least.

First off, it's not my own opinion, I was outlining the way the laws in the US works. Those are facts. I presented facts which directly contradicted claims that you made. You made a claim about a fact ("Jillio was encouraging me to commit a crime!") which is objectively either true or false. I presented evidence detailing to you why your claim was objectively false. None of this is "opinion", it was factual evidence. If you're unable to contradict it or present other supporting, factual evidence, then your opinion and claim are factually false. I do not agree to disagree with people who insist upon making knowingly false claims, especially when those claims are directly attacking other people.

Secondly, me telling you that I do not welcome your presence and that I think everyone here would be better off if you ceased communicating or sharing your opinion isn't censorship, because I have no power to enforce that opinion. I am being rude about it because I don't give respect to those who have not only not earned it, but by their own choices and actions, have lost any modicum of respect I may have ever held for them simply as decent human beings.
I have a dear friend whose daughter works for Anheuser Busch company, and a couple days ago she took a two-week business trip to San Francisco. Part of her job entails running a booth promoting her beer company at the Gay Pride Parade next week, and I was in stitches at her poor mother's worries about her daughter's activities there. She promised to take a lot of pictures for me and I look forward to seeing them.

You posted a simple situation in very few words and I answered in my opinion. While I'm aware of what the law says and how it works, I can, and often do, disagree.

Your post is much like the person who tells, "Fire", in a crowded theater. It is my opinion, that person should go to jail for a long time. However, many here will ask what happened after the yell? So to will the law. However again, I don't look at it any other way except that the person yelling meant harm. Since jillo's post was meant to me and me alone, I should be the only person to judge jillo's intent because only I can decide. Nevertheless, you are RIGHT about the law and the law is a sword that cuts both ways. Win some, lose some.
In the future, I'll ask for a more clear understanding of which you meant...my opinion or the law.
However, not one person here should decide for all what the law is since there is too little information to go by.

You posted a simple situation in very few words and I answered in my opinion. While I'm aware of what the law says and how it works, I can, and often do, disagree.

Your post is much like the person who tells, "Fire", in a crowded theater. It is my opinion, that person should go to jail for a long time. However, many here will ask what happened after the yell? So to will the law. However again, I don't look at it any other way except that the person yelling meant harm. Since jillo's post was meant to me and me alone, I should be the only person to judge jillo's intent because only I can decide. Nevertheless, you are RIGHT about the law and the law is a sword that cuts both ways. Win some, lose some.
In the future, I'll ask for a more clear understanding of which you meant...my opinion or the law.
However, not one person here should decide for all what the law is since there is too little information to go by.

So, is this your extremely roundabout way of saying "Sorry, I was wrong, jillio didn't encourage me to commit a crime. Jillio encouraged me to perform an action that I wish was a crime, but isn't, in fact, currently one."?

And all of the rest of your posts, where you said " :blah: we shouldn't let AD be a place where people are allowed to encourage others to commit crimes" should actually read " :blah: AD moderators should censor anyone who advocates in favor of actions which I personally wish would be illegal, regardless of their legal status where I, or anyone else, lives"? (And yes, by asking moderators, who do have the power to remove messages, to do so for opinions which you disagree with, is censorship. Unlike me, who does not have the power to enforce it, asking you to go away.)