A Parent's joy versus animal's torment.

That is not what echo stated caz stated.
I was very clear in my statement. I even used "cultural genocide"
And i stand by my statment.
Throwing around terms like "cultural genocide" and "conspiracy" can lead to people leeping though. They're extreme terms that generate emotional responses.

Systematic destruction? A secret plan to wipe out Deaf culture? You honestly think there's a group of people out there who are planning the systematic destruction of Deaf culture? Sitting at a conference table, asking, "so how can we further the destruction of Deaf culture this week?"
The meaning I took from what caz said is that if CIs existed at the time of Hitler hearing via a CI would make no difference. You would still have been killed for being "genetic deaf"

You sort of did state this, though, Hoichi.

Caz didn't, in my opinion, though. I'm with Reba on the interpretation of what Caz said. I think she just meant
CI wouldn't have saved Deaf from Hitler's genetic cleansing, and I agree. Hitler was about artificially "cleaning up" the genetic variance in the human race... making a more "perfect" human.

Reba probably agrees with us but I think the post you are referring to is mine.
In the Hitler example, if he had succeeded in killing all the existing and future deaf population that were under his control, he would also effectively be killing off the Deaf culture in that domain.

Even if the CI was available during Hitler's reign, it wouldn't have saved deaf people from genocide (physical and cultural). Hitler's philosophy didn't allow for "fixing" "deficient" people--he just wanted them gone.
Haha shoot, sorry Jane B. I remembered that wrong (probably remembered the like by Reba).

No problem just wanted to keep it straight who thought what. It seems we three, at least, are all together!

You say CI is an attack on Deaf culture because doctors make a recommendation that kids not learn ASL.
No. I state ci is a technology of normalization, and the negative policies of those involved in the trade towards sign language aquisition for implanted babies and children, so that the implanted do not revert back to being deaf is having a far reaching and deeply negative impact on our language and our culture.

But deaf kids of hearing parents are going to see an ENT and AuD regardless as to whether they get a CI or not. It's that first appointment, when teh doctor says "You child has profound hearing loss" and then starts to make recommendations "here are your options..." that it's too late. You say that doctors making these recommendations is why CI is bad, but these recommendations come before CI. You've been arguing that doctors recommending against ASL is the death of ASL. So yes, you are arguing that by seeing a doctor even once, it's too late.
I am discussing the polcies of doctors and adiologists involved in the ci trade. If the negative policy towards sign is brought up in the first meeting as you seem to believe, or later is prob dictated more on the individual level regarding the spacific patients.

And yet you were arguing that since it's legal (age of consent) it doesn't matter. So why now are you arguing against this legal act, but used the same argument (it's legal) to defend age of consent?

There has never been any argument to the contrary. Indeed absolutely, there is no doubt about it, ci is legal. If you cannot descern the difference between age of consent laws rwgarding sex, and implanting babies and children against there will, or ignoring their will, then im sad to state i doubt very much the rest of this conversation will bare much fruit.

This is why seeing a doctor even once makes it too late. It's not CI that's the problem then, it's seeing a doctor and having him recommend whatever the sheeple will believe that you don't want them to.
If thats what you belive cool.

Forming a business for profit is not a conspiracy. Conspiracy suggests cloak and dagger, hidden from the public, sneaky... Conspiracy is a term that gets associated with people who think Roswell has hidden aliens and the government is implanting us with chips while we sleep.
Every idiology will have its adherents who will conspire with eachother to further its goal. Why you have a hard time grasping this is anybodies guess.
Not every conspiricy need be illegal, or hush, let me ask you a question.
Was the milan conference a conspiracy?

So if mood and mind have changed, why apply the same logic, same stereotypes, that existed in the past just because throughout history those problems existed? You're carrying those problems forward instead of leaving them in the past.

The problems still exist. And are still very real. Audism is still ingrained and rampant, discrimination against Deaf is still very much a biting problem with sharp teeth. You dont know the half of it. Your not a signer, you havnt felt the sting. You are by no means unique in a newly hh guy comming around and denying to our face our history, facts or what we go through on a daily basis. Its common enough man. But i hope you stick around allot longer, and become Deaf, i think you just need to absorb it all thats all...and i hope you do.

You want things to be better for the Deaf community. You understand that Deaf education is underfunded. You know that these reasons drive people to mainstream their kids. Parents want kids to have the greatest chance for success. So long as mainstreaming leads to a greater chance of success, parents will choose it.
Does soul crushing mainstream lead to better chances of success? Nice pitch though. No doubt about Deaf ed being under funded

In order to lift up Deaf education, it needs money. Money comes from people who have it. The mainstream people have it. Turn them to your side, bring the money, bring the education, uplift the Deaf community. Make the world a better place for the kids, give them the opportunity to succeed.
Alright, well clearly we have different views and measures regarding the above, and how to do it.

Arguing against CI does none of that. It just further alienates and triggers a stronger opposite reaction from mainstream culture.

And arguing for ci just further alienates Deaf culture and triggers a negative reaction from us towards you.
Have some situational awarness man. Really.

I am not alone. I am one of many. We wont shut up. We wont go meakly into the night. We wont be assimilated. There is a spectre haunting the oralists, the spectre of sign...behind the naked facade of happy beaks flapping, behind the vail of false peddled succsesses, from the first Deafie who signed to a hearie "get lost", to the burnt vesage and toppled bust of alaxender bell.....(cant remember the fest.....meh)
Throwing around terms like "cultural genocide" and "conspiracy" can lead to people leeping though. They're extreme terms that generate emotional responses.

Systematic destruction? A secret plan to wipe out Deaf culture? You honestly think there's a group of people out there who are planning the systematic destruction of Deaf culture? Sitting at a conference table, asking, "so how can we further the destruction of Deaf culture this week?"

Ive recomended s few books for you. Perhaps you should read at least one, but certainly more, before you ignore eveeything ive posted.
There has never been any argument to the contrary. Indeed absolutely, there is no doubt about it, ci is legal. If you cannot descern the difference between age of consent laws rwgarding sex, and implanting babies and children against there will, or ignoring their will, then im sad to state i doubt very much the rest of this conversation will bare much fruit.
I agree the conversation is over. It's become circular and neither of us are conveying meaning or adding anything new anymore.

For the record, I'm not arguing for CI, I'm arguing for not arguing against it. Instead just argue for ASL. It's a more positive argument, that I still think will result in a better response and bring more people in instead of alienating.
That's the spirit! Just have happy arguments where nobody criticizes anybody and everybody agrees!
That's the spirit! Just have happy arguments where nobody criticizes anybody and everybody agrees!
Have you not read through the first 13 pages about this topic? This comment and your following suggest you've missed out.
I agree the conversation is over. It's become circular and neither of us are conveying meaning or adding anything new anymore.

For the record, I'm not arguing for CI, I'm arguing for not arguing against it. Instead just argue for ASL. It's a more positive argument, that I still think will result in a better response and bring more people in instead of alienating.

Fair enough.
As for approach. Yours also alenates, the difference is at least im aware and accept it in my part. Early in life i learned im never going to please everyone.nor shoukd i. Same goes with my position here. Your completely unaware as to how your position can and will alenate many many Deaf, i cop it up to your being new, in time youll see how much a position such as yours, pertuculaly your disregard for our history, and deep resistance to being assimilated, alienates . your still a captive to the medical paradigm and discourse. Untill your able to think outside it, happy alientating.
Fair enough.
As for approach. Yours also alenates, the difference is at least im aware and accept it in my part. Early in life i learned im never going to please everyone.nor shoukd i. Same goes with my position here. Your completely unaware as to how your position can and will alenate many many Deaf, i cop it up to your being new, in time youll see how much a position such as yours, pertuculaly your disregard for our history, and deep resistance to being assimilated, alienates . your still a captive to the medical paradigm and discourse. Untill your able to think outside it, happy alientating.

When you attempt to debate: it's not time to hit your pipe heavily. Your posts are full of spelling, grammar, and logic errors. You aren't trying to be creative when you debate. That's essentially trolling.

Nic is hardly alienating anyone by arguing for ASL. CIs aren't going anywhere. Treatment for hearing loss and eventual cures will always be pursued. The cold, hard reality is that deafness is a disability as defined in the dictionary. Parents and people are going to choose the path that provides evening the odds and independence.

You should be flattered Nic has engaged you for this long. She will be an awesome parent if she isn't already. Amazing level of patience. No one will humor your nonsense outside the confines of this website or other heavily Deaf-cultured environments. I would hope you are aware of this. Your best bet is to champion ASL and drop the nonsense.

Don't ever take your comparison of implanting infants to "a cure for black people" outside of this thread. You will be laughed at and ignored, and rightfully so. It's ridiculously bad. Don't embarrass your community.
Fair enough.
As for approach. Yours also alenates, the difference is at least im aware and accept it in my part. Early in life i learned im never going to please everyone.nor shoukd i. Same goes with my position here. Your completely unaware as to how your position can and will alenate many many Deaf, i cop it up to your being new, in time youll see how much a position such as yours, pertuculaly your disregard for our history, and deep resistance to being assimilated, alienates . your still a captive to the medical paradigm and discourse. Untill your able to think outside it, happy alientating.
I disregard history across the board when history holds back progression. I live here and now, and here and now this is what can help.

The difference in our approaches is generational. My approach might alienate the old, your approach probably alienates the new. Which group is the future of the culture?

Side note: this thread got pruned pretty heavily, what's up with that? (or am I just seeing more posts per page now?)
When you attempt to debate: it's not time to hit your pipe heavily. Your posts are full of spelling, grammar, and logic errors. You aren't trying to be creative when you debate. That's essentially trolling.

Nic is hardly alienating anyone by arguing for ASL. CIs aren't going anywhere. Treatment for hearing loss and eventual cures will always be pursued. The cold, hard reality is that deafness is a disability as defined in the dictionary. Parents and people are going to choose the path that provides evening the odds and independence.

You should be flattered Nic has engaged you for this long. She will be an awesome parent if she isn't already. Amazing level of patience. No one will humor your nonsense outside the confines of this website or other heavily Deaf-cultured environments. I would hope you are aware of this. Your best bet is to champion ASL and drop the nonsense.

Don't ever take your comparison of implanting infants to "a cure for black people" outside of this thread. You will be laughed at and ignored, and rightfully so. It's ridiculously bad. Don't embarrass your community.
Thanks BleedingPurist.

I'm not a parent and actually don't intend to be. Also a he, not a she. I'd have taken Nick as my username but it was taken, somehow Nic wasn't so I went for it. It's a bit androgynous so easy mistake, definitely no worries :)
. . . I'd have taken Nick as my username but it was taken, somehow Nic wasn't so I went for it. It's a bit androgynous so easy mistake, definitely no worries :)
And all this time I thought your name meant you had something to do with network interfacing. :lol:
Side note: this thread got pruned pretty heavily, what's up with that?

Ecp was on a roll last night, and I pointed out the fallacy of her thinking in her long rant against Caz.

I was charming, but I think she cried to moderation that I was not sufficiently impressed with her.

So they took it all down to save her humiliation .

Just a guess...