4 years old accused of improperly touching teacher

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I haven't stopped anyone from anything. I am simply offering my opinion that we don't have enough information to form an opinion. I honestly don't see how jumping to conclusions will help us better understand a situation. And then, when we are the ones put in a similar situation, we have absolutely no appreciation when others are jumping to conclusions about us. In fact, the only way we can expand our knowledge is by admitting to ourselves that we don't know everything and that there is generally more than one scenario to any given situation. We all come into the discussion with different backgrounds, and I am simply suggesting that my experience may differ from yours, and that doesn't mean that my experience is wrong, nor is yours.
The fact is, we don't know that the school has acted properly or inproperly. We can't possibly know given only what little the media choses to offer us.
I am certainly not condoning the school's actions, but I am also not condemning them based on what little we know.
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Heath said:
He really would not understand sex at that age being 4 years old. I could understand if he was 13 or 14 years old and he had a sexual deviance mindset towards the girls but at 4 years old, come on, I don't buy it. I can remember when I was 4 years old I did not know or understand what sex was about. I did not even know much less what the word sex meant or anything like that so I really don't buy it that a 4 years old can have a sexual deviance mindset. That is a bit far-fetched to me.
This is "far fetched" given YOUR experiences. I however, have a stepson who was a sexual deviant at age 4. He molested his sister and my daughter. He had been exposed to inappropriate pornography while in the care of his mother. He was not born a monster any more than any other child, but he was groomed to be one by his mothers actions or lack thereof. Even the professionals admit that there are circumstances where certain 4-year-olds are capable of sexually deviant behavior.
David Davis, the executive director of the Advocacy Center in Waco tends to agree with Blackwell. He says assuming the boy has not had sexual encounters, or been inappropriately exposed to pornography, most four-year-olds are sexually innocent.
*”most” indicates that there are some four-year-olds who are not sexually innocent
*”most” indicates that there are some four-year-olds who are not sexually innocent
I agree with u some kids are not sexually innocents at 4. I remember my early childhood with a boy who was 4 at that time and I was not 4 yet. He asked me to show mine and he showed it to me his. He was into it and I hated it. Still hate him for that to this day. I also watched my friend's son growing up, from the age of 2 to 8 , he was touching his mother's breasts ( I would not let my sons to touch mine at beginning age 2). I told her not let him to do her but she lets him. She thought it was cute but now she is so sorry and sad. Her son is 12 and he got expelled from school by touch other girls' breasts. From what the school professors said it is sexual abuse, for him to touch girls. Better for this young boy to learn than be sorry in later life.
This is "far fetched" given YOUR experiences. I however, have a stepson who was a sexual deviant at age 4. He molested his sister and my daughter. He had been exposed to inappropriate pornography while in the care of his mother. He was not born a monster any more than any other child, but he was groomed to be one by his mothers actions or lack thereof. Even the professionals admit that there are circumstances where certain 4-year-olds are capable of sexually deviant behavior.
*”most” indicates that there are some four-year-olds who are not sexually innocent

Eve, That's why you were speaking of a 4 year old boy being a sexual deviant because you experienced that your step son had done the same. I wondered what your husband would think when you said that "his son MOLESTED your daughter and his sister. I think that's kinda a harsh word to say about a 4 year old. Even 2, 3, 4, 5 6 year olds are really curious about the "private parts" as the kids call it. I just don't see how you can say that about your step son actually MOLESTED the kids. He may have seen some pornography but that doesn't mean he molested them.. would you rather call it as "curious"? Unless he did go far enough to insert his penis into her vagina at the age of 4.. that would be the responsibility of his mother and father. Its not just his mother to be blamed. Its both actually.

but speaking of what was on the news about a 4 year old hugging a teacher.. How can a 4 year old really say Oh I was hugging my teacher when the teacher can empower over the little boy??? The teacher has the stronger authority to get enough supporters to blame on the little kid. the teacher admits that the boy hugged her? what's wrong with that? it was just a hug... so what more can they accuse him of? sexual harrassment? how? the teacher just said the boy hugged her... so he got suspended. goes home and his mommy and daddy says "NO NO NO you cannot hug anybody!! the boy says but mommy, we hug all the time... so does that make sense? The teacher hasn't said he touched her improperly... so how are we jumping to the conclusion?
*nodding* RebelGirl, your post make good sense.

Some parents or teachers confused between "sexual abuse/molesters" and "playing doctor".

Small children do with "playing doctor" to curious the sex of bodies but with those case what 4 years old boy did with teacher is not "playing doctor" or "sexual abuse/harassment" but just want hug. Unfortunlately paraniod teacher label 4 years old as sexual harrassment because his innoncent hug touch her breast... Oh please *:roll: sigh*

Check my nearly 2 years old thread.

RebelGirl said:
Eve, That's why you were speaking of a 4 year old boy being a sexual deviant because you experienced that your step son had done the same. I wondered what your husband would think when you said that "his son MOLESTED your daughter and his sister. I think that's kinda a harsh word to say about a 4 year old. Even 2, 3, 4, 5 6 year olds are really curious about the "private parts" as the kids call it. I just don't see how you can say that about your step son actually MOLESTED the kids. He may have seen some pornography but that doesn't mean he molested them.. would you rather call it as "curious"? Unless he did go far enough to insert his penis into her vagina at the age of 4.. that would be the responsibility of his mother and father. Its not just his mother to be blamed. Its both actually.
Yes, he MOLESTED them. Every professional we have taken the children to have admitted that he MOLESTED them. And yes, he attempted penetration and admitted such. So no, I don’t call that merely “curious”. And I really don’t care how my husband feels about me calling a spade a spade. And no, I do not blame the father, because he is not the one who had the children in the same room with him while he was having sex with another individual. That would be their mother who did that. She is where the blame lies. It took 2 court orders and all of our savings and retirement just to get the kids into therapy, because their mother didn’t want her dirty little secrets being revealed. Luckily, my stepson has been in therapy for several years now, and many many dollars out of our pocket (the mother doesn’t pay a penny towards the children’s therapy), and he no longer acts out sexually.
Like I said, you all are so quick to jump to conclusions without ever accepting the possibility of alternate theories.

RebelGirl said:
what's wrong with that? it was just a hug... so what more can they accuse him of? sexual harrassment? how? the teacher just said the boy hugged her...
How do you know that is all there was to it? The teacher said there was more to it than just that.

RebelGirl said:
The teacher hasn't said he touched her improperly... so how are we jumping to the conclusion?
Yes, the teacher did say he touched her improperly. Maybe you should go back and reread the article more closely.

Liebling said:
Some parents or teachers confused between "sexual abuse/molesters" and "playing doctor".
There is a HUGE difference between sexual abuse and playing doctor, and I am sure the school teacher knows the difference as well. Until you have personally experienced the difference, you don’t know how big that difference is.
I agree Liebling, children uses other children's bodies because of their curiosity as you stated "playing doctor" even most children fondle their genitals. Which is very common along in all children, I think it's Eve that always seems to jump to conclusions, I've seen some people like her screamed "rape" or "sexual harassment " or "sexual assault", or "sexual molestation". :roll:

This four years old in this story did nothing wrong, a hug is a hug, no matter how you look at it, it's not his fault that he's short and the teacher's breasts got in the way. There's no sexual references, did he actually fondle her breasts? No, he did not. I believe a sick-minded person would actually believe a hug is some sexual references. Hugs are meant for anyone for whom we really care, I'm just growing so tired of people like teachers jump to conclusions about hugs that aren't inappropriate touching, it's all in their heads, they're the one with sick-minds.
Like I said, you all are so quick to jump to conclusions without ever accepting the possibility of alternate theories.

I do not see that we jump quick to the conclusions. I didn´t see total of philosophical illogic that a 4 years old boy had being suspend at school because he hug and touch his face on teacher´s breasts

How do you know that is all there was to it? The teacher said there was more to it than just that.

Yes, the teacher did say he touched her improperly. Maybe you should go back and reread the article more closely.

Yes we have... "inappropriate physical behavior interpreted as sexual contact and/or sexual harassment." is total ridiculous.

There is a HUGE difference between sexual abuse and playing doctor, and I am sure the school teacher knows the difference as well. Until you have personally experienced the difference, you don’t know how big that difference is.

For your information, I know the difference.
That's ridiculous :mad2: Young children need attention....

If they carry on like this then it will develop from small children into bitter and aggressive/volience young adult because they don't have that' kind of loving and caring feeling like that...

Nodding, some of these kids don't have fathers in their lives, and then school wants to tke someone who could be a positive influence and say "no,no no!"
Cheri said:
I've seen some people like her screamed "rape" or "sexual harassment " or "sexual assault", or "sexual molestation".
Speaking of yourself here?
Well, I certainly don't go around crying "rape" when there isn't a rape, so it must be you that you are making reference to making false allegations.
Seems you're not going protection your child if someone call'n your child is BAD MOLESTION touch their daughter... How can you deal w/your child?

*hmmmm* You will not able handle and angry the people who accusing you..
They want press charge your child who is 4 yrs old.. Not even knowledge about sex stuff at all.. What will you say ?
Well, I certainly don't go around crying "rape" when there isn't a rape, so it must be you that you are making reference to making false allegations.

Eve, do yourself a favor, will you please grow up :ugh: I was only giving an example, don't take it personal.

Well this story is about a boy being accused of hugging a teacher isn't it? Let's just stick with the topic... its not about anybody else but this topic. everyone is entitled to speak of their own opinion instead you come in and say we jumped to the conclusion, well this isn't the first time you've done this. Just stop it and speak whatever you want to say. Just stop using your "I know it all" It isn't all about you, okay? You just basically think everyone in here is really stupid but yourself. so stop it.
Yes, I do not see any conclusions are being jumped. This thread is about the situation of a years old boy. I do not see the news link mentioning the 4 years old boy was molested. Maybe he has seen his parent had sex, or came into watching pornography by his dad or whichever, there's no evidence to support that.

I agree with some members here I used to hug adults when I was his age. I see no reason why kids should not hug adults. Kids wants love and attention. I think the school systems need to be overhauled and straighten out than going overboard with this. I have noticed a lot of teachers going overboard with such small child for this stupid reason. Seems like the teacher's discipline on children are getting worse these days
I have noticed a lot of teachers going overboard with such small child for this stupid reason. Seems like the teacher's discipline on children are getting worse these days

:nods: I second that!!
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