Search results

  1. Heazie

    florida deaf community?

    ^ I live in Orange Park which is part of JAX. I would love to attend this event. Has anyone been to the Saturday meeting that is held for the deaf people here in JAX?
  2. Heazie

    Closed Captioned shows & Movies at (List)

    Hi! I do know that NBC CC The Office but not My Name is Earl. I think its strange because both of the shows come on the same night. Odd eh? If you ever find CSI: Vegas CC please let me know :) Thank you for the information! I am now watching House since I've missed one eppy so far this...
  3. Heazie

    Spider-Man 2

    So why shouldn't Topher be Venom? Tobey isn't a bodybuilder either. Once Spiderman is over with he's all overweight or whatnot. So what if Topher is Venom, maybe Sam see something that he thinks Topher can bring to Venom. I myself, think its a good choice, but that is just me. Everyone has...
  4. Heazie

    Apple newbies

    I've been around Apple since I was in college and finally got one about two years ago. I would so not go back to PC's. So many things you can do on Mac's just as you can to PC's. I enjoy it :) But not a newbie to Mac either.
  5. Heazie

    picture of your desktop

    [off topic] That's great! Will be nice to meet the Mac users here, PM me if you like :) So back to the orginial topic. ;)[back to the topic]
  6. Heazie

    Living Between Hearing and Deaf Worlds?

    Well my great-grandmother and I are the only hoh in the family, and I never meet her. My mother told me that she knew something was wrong with my hearing due to the fact that I wouldn't respond to her or when I would say certain words I couldn't pronounce it the way it should be. Especially...
  7. Heazie

    picture of your desktop

    I so don't like taking up the space of the board, so instead I will post the link of what is on my desktop. I have an iMac, and yes I am a Mac freak. I wuv my Mac and wouldn't DARE go to a PC. So here it is, and yes I did make the wallpaper :) My Desktop at this moment Enjoy!
  8. Heazie

    Actor Don Knotts dies at 81

    When I saw this on the front page of Yahoo this afternoon, it just made me sad. To see the Don Knotts passing away. I used to watching him in Andy Griffith Show, Three's Company and of course Matlock. Such a wonderful actor, I know he's in a better place, but it was nice to have him with us.
  9. Heazie

    Hiya! A newbie here.

    Aww thank you for all the warm welcomes, I really appreciate them :) I am happy to finally find a vB that is for deaf people, since I have a lot of experience with vB codes as well as in graphics. ;) I will be sure to place some of my work up. Again, thank you so much for the warm...
  10. Heazie

    Deaf and Hearing Relationships

    I think the reason may be that, he wants someone that is like him, meaning deaf. I can understand from his point of view why he would want that, for I feel the same way. Although I do date hearing people too, it just that he gets frustated when he has to repeated himself. Not my fault that I...
  11. Heazie

    Hiya! A newbie here.

    Hello, my name is Heather and I am hard of hearing, which I'd rather say deaf for I don't like being yelled at when I say hoh. I can read lips very well and have taught myself as a young child. I am the only one in my family, other than my great-grandmother, that is deaf. Anywho, enjoying...