Hiya! A newbie here.


New Member
Feb 26, 2006
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Hello, my name is Heather and I am hard of hearing, which I'd rather say deaf for I don't like being yelled at when I say hoh. I can read lips very well and have taught myself as a young child. I am the only one in my family, other than my great-grandmother, that is deaf.

Anywho, enjoying the view of the board so far, for the one thing that caught my eyes were the jobs posting. I myself, am wondering about being a sign language interpreter too. I have been interested in it since College and just wondered how I would go about doing this. Now that I've seen the posting about it, I will have to contact the agency and see if I can do that. :)

Oh, btw, I am from Jacksonville, Florida, so not sure if anyone else is from here as well. See you guys around! :bump:
Hello Heather, :wave:

Welcome to Alldeaf and enjoy your stay here ;) ....
Welcome you stay AD and let's breath away...

Yea.. some of members who living in Florida...
you'll see...

Hafta fun...

G'day Heazie,
Welcome to AD. Hope you'll learn heaps here. I always regarded HOH as deaf. Cheers! :wave:
Aww thank you for all the warm welcomes, I really appreciate them :)

I am happy to finally find a vB that is for deaf people, since I have a lot of experience with vB codes as well as in graphics. ;) I will be sure to place some of my work up.

Again, thank you so much for the warm welcomes. :D

GalaxyAngel, is there not a lot of people from Florida here? Hmm, I will talk to some of my friends so they can join too!
:wave: :welcome: to Alldeaf Heazie!! I hope you will enjoy your stay on this forum!! The members are wonderful!! Have fun posting, and welcome aboard!! :D