Search results

  1. P

    Computer pop-ups

    Ditto here...I've installed the toolbar from Google and it works like a charm! :) :thumb:
  2. P

    Is that okay to dating your co-worker?

    Never. Not good idea. Too uncomfortable if date and not get long with ex date and still work at same place.
  3. P

    Deaf Student Dies During Wrestling Practice

    Oh no. Terrible to happen! :cry:
  4. P

    Cell Phone Adapter's

  5. P

    Doctors remove 80kg tumour from woman

    Wow, long time no visit here! Lady still alive after operation? :shock:
  6. P

    Could you speak and lipead?

    I can't lipread or talk that good. Most times I use paper and pen. Better than nothing and hearing people need accept this way for me to talk with them.
  7. P

    Bad News....

    That's sad. I lost two cats - both old, one ran away and other one died in sleep like your dog. It very hard and upset me a lot. Time will make pain go away soon.
  8. P

    coca cola vs. pepsi

    My favorite is coke, not pepsi. Pepsi taste funny so I drink coke.
  9. P

    Gay bishop consetration may split church

    I think the world is sad because not many have open mind and accept different people. I think world will be better if all agree and have open mind. More accept of different people.
  10. P

    PETITION: To the DVD Producers

    I got that same email a few days ago. How can find out it's a hoax? How can know? Where can I do that to find out any emails that may be hoax? Thank you ~PA~
  11. P

    Duracell commercial

    Yeah should write and put in complaint about no captions. They should be reminded of ADA laws.
  12. P

    US surfer loses arm in shark attack

    Sad for that to happen. What happen to the girl now?
  13. P

    World's oldest person dies

    Wow, that lady lived long time!