Bad News....


New Member
Jun 2, 2003
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I found out on Saturday night that my dog Sweetie passed away 2 weeks ago and she didnt call me because it would be hard so she told me this in person. Jeremy and I visted my family last weekend by the way.

My dog Sweetie was 13 years old and her birthday is coming up this month. She is a small dog with white hair and she looks like a black lab but only smaller. I don't know what breed she is though.

My mom told me that Sweetie woke up in the morning with her and my baby brother Matthew. Then she feed Sweetie hot dogs.And my mom sat on the counch while Sweetie was on the floor getting ready for a nap. She died in her sleep and her heart stopped. She died happy with a full belly and had no pain.

I know that I am pregnant and I am trying to be strong but I seem to cry alot lately and looking at pictuers of Sweetie. It's hard for me and I don't think I will ever get over it.

I try my best to cope with it but it takes a while maybe years...Sweetie was my baby and she was my whole world since I was a little girl.

I blame myself because I haven't seen her for a while because I was so busy with everything else.

:( :( :(
IM soo sorry for ur loss, but hey don t feel gulity she knows u love her all the same and she is right there with u in spirit, just remmy the good times with her and if im not wrong, i just can feel that she will be with u when ur baby is born, and who knows maybe part of sweetie will be in part of ur baby as well.... theres nothing but love between u all and that's important! just know u have my condonlence. She's in heaven now watching over u.....
:grouphug: HUGS girly!! You do have my deepest condolences and please keep in mind that you are pregnant. You need to remember about the baby you are carrying and yes, it's perfectly normal to be upset over Sweetie. Make sure you are eating and sleeping well because you do have to think about your pregnancy. It is important, hugs!

u have my condolences on the passing of ur beloved dog Sweetie -- she is now with God and will greet u again one day Wildkatress -- its perfectly ok to grieve and Freaky is right, please do take care of urself and dont forget to eat and sleep as well
Oh no, that's really sad... I would be very upset if I found out my cat died, I've had him for 8 years. It's okay to miss your dog, I know it's very hard to lose a pet :(
I am sleeping well and taking care of myself and the baby but I am still grieving over my dog Sweetie. I don't know if I will ever get over it honestly. It's like something that has been a part of me been taken away like Sweetie was my whole world plus she was my baby. I spoiled her so bad and gave her lots of love since she was a puppy. I don't know if I will ever have a dog of my own someday. I am trying to cope with it but it will take me a long time. :(
Huggs.. am so sorry.. losing a pet just like a losing person.. so hard.. i went thru many animals that i had.. even tho, i still cry on and off.. just missed them miserable.. and I gave away my two precious cats last year.. it was hardest thing i did.. but now i have this BelleJean the parrot.. I am trying not to attract but I already am..
hang in there :ily:
I am truly sorry for the loss of your dog...I know that feeling...think of all good thoughts you had with sweetie.

hang in there :)
That's sad. I lost two cats - both old, one ran away and other one died in sleep like your dog. It very hard and upset me a lot. Time will make pain go away soon.
I am so sorry :( I have had a cat that passed away. it was very hard and pain ful for me....she was my baby.....just think of the good times and frame those pictures of you and your sweetie together!!! remmy that they will always be in your heart forever.......