Recent content by Sabiya

  1. Sabiya

    Why do I still feel like a fraud?

    It's been awhile since I last posted here, almost 4 months. I've reached the breaking point, and decided to go for Supplement Security Income. I do not qualify for SSDI because I've only made $23,000 in over ten years (some jobs paid as little as $1.75 an hour), I'm in the USA by the way. For...
  2. Sabiya

    How do you do hearing tests?

    After some thorough research, I finally realized what I've been denying all along: I have tinnitus. But it's only affecting me when it's too quiet and when I'm anticipating certain sounds. Like if I think someone's gonna knock soon, I'd "hear" a knocking noise about four times before a REAL...
  3. Sabiya

    If you had the money would you open an Papa Johns?

    No, because it's a total rip off being a franchisee.
  4. Sabiya

    How are you feeling today? Part II

    Right now I'm feeling a bit upset. I told my mother I am taking a break from job hunting in vain to finish learning programming (a hobby skill that can bring in some income maybe... to help pay for my last remaining classes at school), and while I didn't tell her this, but I also am gonna try...
  5. Sabiya

    Given the chance to choose between hearing and Deaf who would choose to remain Deaf?

    I was born hearing, due to a surgery at 18 months old, I now had moderate to severe hearing loss as well as nerve damage to parts of my body. I would prefer that I was hearing all the way. I've been so mistreated in the past due to my deafness that I'm sick of it. Sick of being passed over...
  6. Sabiya

    What is the most annoying questions hearing people ask you?

    Yes, it is boring because they are repetitive. After like the umpteenth time, I just want to tell them to shove it. I don't have much patience for repeated questions. :giggle:
  7. Sabiya

    If you work, what do you do?

    Currently unemployed. I took a semester off from my accounting program only to find out that my state cut funding for the community colleges. I'll have to transfer to another state in order to finish my program and graduate. I'm re-learning some graphic design stuff and learning how to code...
  8. Sabiya

    Speech Regression?

    Thanks for the advice, glad to know that I'm not the only one. I was getting increasingly worried that I may just be going crazy! :)
  9. Sabiya

    Anyone here works in library?

    I volunteered in high school at the library for two years, then I worked at my college's library for 8 months. Best job for deafies if I say so myself. I loved the fact that the library wasn't so noisy, another poster was right though, it's really hard for someone to get a job at a library...
  10. Sabiya

    I got a very strange mail from DMV????

    No judgment on you or anything OP, but I don't understand how one can get so many speeding tickets. I only got one speeding ticket in 2010, which I took the driver's ed class again to drop it. The previous ticket was when I was in an accident with a negligent driver, I was at fault too, but...
  11. Sabiya

    Question for HoH/Hearing Aid/Amp users.

    Yes we do drive! I have an amp, it was $300 and my audiologist prescribed it. Lasted only a year and a half, after that it started cutting off randomly. I stopped using it for a year. Went back to it about a year and a half ago, fully charged it and........... it doesn't work. Period...
  12. Sabiya

    What is the most annoying questions hearing people ask you?

    Here are some questions/comments that I've been asked over the years: "Why do you wear hearing aids?" "How did you become deaf?" "Do you know sign language?" "Can you read my lips?" "You're deaf/HoH, how come you can't sign?" "I feel sorry for you" "OMG, you're so lucky! You can just...
  13. Sabiya

    Speech Regression?

    Maybe it's because I'm fatigue more often, stressed or it's all in my head... but for HoH and other deafies that went through Speech Therapy, do you find that after so many years without it, you start slowly regressing? I can still communicate effectively, but in the past 2 years I have...
  14. Sabiya

    Deaf hairstylist?

    Ha, accounting isn't an easy job. I'm almost done with my associate's in accounting and having a terrible time finding an entry level job. But it's due to my location overall, in TX they hire people even with no experience in accounting for entry-level jobs, no formal degree necessary. In my...
  15. Sabiya

    What do I need to prove I was discriminated against?

    Um, correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't there another method for government employees? EEOC site even states that for a violation against government employees they have to go through some other channels and not through the EEOC, since the EEOC is for public and private companies and their...