Recent content by rf_king

  1. R

    Facebook Scam

    By the way....a 6 digit password can be cracked in 3 seconds.
  2. R

    Facebook Scam

    Use a 12 or more digit password. It takes something like 500 years or more to crack one by brute force. Most hackers won't try after a lengthly period. They're very easily created. Try using your favorite movie line, how many dogs you have, how many kids. Here's some examples...
  3. R

    Unemployment Bill

    I have a number of friends unemployed. Two of them lost their benefits when those extensions expired. They were both on it for about 1 and 1/2 year and were lazy bums not looking for a job. It wasn't until their benefits expired that they started looking. They both had a job within 2 weeks...
  4. R

    Another Stupid Cop Killed A 7 Year Old Girl and Covered It Up

    Once again, you don't know the details. They were there with a warrant looking for a felon. The guys girlfriend/wife fights with the police and a firearm was discharged. She's the darwin award winner for fighting with officers that possesed a valid search warrant. It's VERY tragic that a...
  5. R

    NORAD scrambles F-16 Fighters to Arizona-Mexico border

    The FAA regulates air travel and if they have a radar contact that crossed our border via air F-16's are automatically scrambled. If we didn't check it out, someone willing to do harm to our citizens would easily be able to "attack" a border city. I'm glad our Air Force tailed this idiot. They...
  6. R

    There is not any automatic shut to stop the oil!

    We do need to take care our environment, and the conservation efforts are much more alive now than they were a century ago. They will get this cleaned up in due time. I guess we should all quit driving, heating homes, building homes, and farming. Currently these REQUIRE oil and until someone...
  7. R

    There is not any automatic shut to stop the oil!

    I am aware of the fact that people died on the rig, and I've said prayers for their family. Like I said, it's very tragic and I'm heartbroken. Our media doesn't talk about the people who where killed in the blast, but instead of a bird that was covered in oil. There is no way to make a 100%...
  8. R

    World's Biggest Beaver Dam Visible From Space

    Can this be classified as a god dam?
  9. R

    There is not any automatic shut to stop the oil!

    SHIT HAPPENS!!! Yes it tragic and they're doing their best to correct it.
  10. R

    'This is Alabama...We Speak English'....

    gimmi gimmi free health care!!!
  11. R

    'This is Alabama...We Speak English'....

    When my family moved here from Germany during WW1 they integrated and learned english. We have become so PC that our country is becoming saturated with trivial PC laws and have lost focus as to what it is to be a true American. If i were to move to France, Italy, Egypt, China, or anywhere else...
  12. R

    There is not any automatic shut to stop the oil!

    They have a manual shutoff valve on the sea floor. When the oil rig sunk it destroyed this valve and they can't get it shut. I don't understand why they wouldn't have a contigency plan in place. NOAA has a plan on the books to handle a spill such as this, been there since the early 90's. The...
  13. R

    Russian moon rover found....40 years later.

    Now we just need to send someone with a car battery and jumper cables to get it moving again.
  14. R

    What is the best way to meet other deaf/hard of hearing people in your community?

    I can remember going to the Putt Putt on Summer Ave. for Deaf gatherings. I always had a blast.
  15. R

    What is the best way to meet other deaf/hard of hearing people in your community?

    Bethany, both of my parents are deaf and live in Atoka, which is not far from Cordova at all. I've tried to get them onto this forum but they seem to be sticking to facebook. I'm sure they would add you as a friend if you on FB.