There is not any automatic shut to stop the oil!

We do need to take care our environment, and the conservation efforts are much more alive now than they were a century ago. They will get this cleaned up in due time.

I guess we should all quit driving, heating homes, building homes, and farming. Currently these REQUIRE oil and until someone comes up with a viable replacement we can't stop drilling for it. Ethanol isn't viable because we eat corn, the price of grain has increased a lot because of using ethanol. We see it trickle down through increased prices in milk, beef, chicken.

Quoted from wikipedia
"Extinction, though, is usually a natural phenomenon; it is estimated that 99.9% of all species that have ever lived are now extinct"

"Several extinctions during the Holocene extinction have been attributed to the rise of human activity; however, there is no clear consensus among the scientific community on the effect of human activity on extinctions. Only recently have extinctions been recorded and scientists have become alarmed at the high rates of recent extinctions.[4] It is estimated most species that go extinct have never been documented by scientists. Some scientists estimate that up to half of presently existing species may become extinct by 2100."

How do humans know what is normal to the earth??? For most of earths existance there have been no ice caps, yet there they are. We are more like a flea to the earth.
Oil drilling need be heavily regulated, including need of automatic shut.
the animation looks very clever but in real world? I don't see how they can position it over the leak with these aggressive ocean current. extremely difficult.

there's a chance that the container would rupture the pipeline to even worse problem if positioned wrong.

I hope to Hell this does not happen! It would horrible! And it will kill off thousand of wildlife , the oil will be along the whole coastline! this never been done before and from what I heard it will not stop the oil from leaking!
I hope to Hell this does not happen! It would horrible! And it will kill off thousand of wildlife , the oil will be along the whole coastline! this never been done before and from what I heard it will not stop the oil from leaking!

it's not designed to stop the leaking. it's designed to have it leaked in a controlled manner. the top of the container has a nozzle where another pipe will be connected to have it pumped into oil container. see the video here at this page -

Containment dome prepped over oil leak site -
We do need to take care our environment, and the conservation efforts are much more alive now than they were a century ago. They will get this cleaned up in due time.

I guess we should all quit driving, heating homes, building homes, and farming. Currently these REQUIRE oil and until someone comes up with a viable replacement we can't stop drilling for it. Ethanol isn't viable because we eat corn, the price of grain has increased a lot because of using ethanol. We see it trickle down through increased prices in milk, beef, chicken.

Quoted from wikipedia
"Extinction, though, is usually a natural phenomenon; it is estimated that 99.9% of all species that have ever lived are now extinct"

"Several extinctions during the Holocene extinction have been attributed to the rise of human activity; however, there is no clear consensus among the scientific community on the effect of human activity on extinctions. Only recently have extinctions been recorded and scientists have become alarmed at the high rates of recent extinctions.[4] It is estimated most species that go extinct have never been documented by scientists. Some scientists estimate that up to half of presently existing species may become extinct by 2100."

How do humans know what is normal to the earth??? For most of earths existance there have been no ice caps, yet there they are. We are more like a flea to the earth.

All the bottled water we drink does not help either! I hate buying it but the water is distgusting tasting and smelling!
Water taste fine. I don't know where you get yours.

you're very lucky to have water that taste fine! I live in Mass. and my city has horrible water! My sister town water is worst than mine! And I will not let my dog drink it when I go to visit her! If you lived in a town or city all your life you do get use the water! I have lived my city 24 years and I still can't drink it! Two of my neigbhors lived here all their life and they think the water
it fine! Gross! :(
Most homes' tap water are fine while the taste varies but they are potable to begin with. It won't kill you. If you want to remove the taste in water use Brita or other carbon filtering devices. Mine has a taste to it but it doesn't bother me. One can always add fresh cut lemons to a cold drink of tap water to mask the taste of water.
Most homes' tap water are fine while the taste varies but they are potable to begin with. It won't kill you. If you want to remove the taste in water use Brita or other carbon filtering devices. Mine has a taste to it but it doesn't bother me. One can always add fresh cut lemons to a cold drink of tap water to mask the taste of water.

I can't drink lemon in my water , it bad for my heart burn and I my next had
Brita water pitcher and I hated that! I love nice cold water with nothing it in! Water is my favorite drink!
I been hearing on the news that people are getting hairs so it can be use to clean up the oil. I wish I knew about this , as I just got my hair cut! Some hair parlors are saving all the hair peole have cut off, I am going to see if any
hair parlors are doing this in my city.

I found a web site about this , this is the link, , I hope it work! I tried it ,and it work!!