
White Russian:


I don't burn so don't judge me. :ty:

Well I have something to tell you... The name for kinds of marijuana are all messed up because lot of people grow the marijuana all over the world, like when I see your picture, I thought it was white ironic, which look alot alike it but you called it White Russian. So be careful about naming the marijuanas.

Holy smokes! This guy sure does like bongs!


Question: Is it true that if one fills a pot bong with wine that the effects are stronger? Not that I care...I am only curious. :afro:

I never tried the bong with wine, just water but almost never use the bongs, I don't like bong really much because they use lot of marijuana and ran out the marijuana fast.

Do you use your fingertips, a dollar bill or another secret method?

Not that I know anything about it. :afro:

Nope, I doubt that I can use the dollar paper to smoke the marijuana, only paper same as cigarette can work with marijuana.
sara1981 isn't pushing nobody, she's speaking her opinion, let it be, and I happen to agree with her, in her words that drugs are bad for people, It's true. Drugs such as marijuana, ecstasy, cocaine, LSD, crystal meth and heroin are not safe to anyone, it can effects their brain, heart and organs.

Well yeah, but I'd rather people who use drugs to use marijuana over any other list you stated on your post... Those drugs other than marijuana are scary!
Well yeah, but I'd rather people who use drugs to use marijuana over any other list you stated on your post... Those drugs other than marijuana are scary!

What about legal drugs like alcohol and cigarette? I agree with you about marijuana isn't bad.

Have you notice about drug test that require by companies to hire people?
What about legal drugs like alcohol and cigarette? I agree with you about marijuana isn't bad.

Well my opinion, marijuana are actually safer than alcohol because most of the times when someone was a abuser, rapist, murder, angry, fighting, etc. was when they was drunk. I have almost never seen anyone that are abusing, raping, murder, etc by smoking the marijuana, most of the time when I see people became stone, they just sit and staring at the television or eating too much, it's like their brain are baby.

About the cigarette vs marijuana, well they both seems tied to me because cigarettes doesn't ruin the brain like the marijuana does, but are more addictive compare to marijuana which make cigarette lead to damage the lung more than marijuana.

Have you notice about drug test that require by companies to hire people?

Yupp I do, most of the jobs does require the drugs test around my location. I did the pee test at my latest job that I applied. Some of potheads I have known does do something to sneak out the drugs test such like drinking lot of water to cleaning their bladder, or stay away from the marijuana for couples of weeks before the drugs test.
PuyoPiyo: Do you ever see the legalization of pot in our lifetime? Fat chance, right??
PuyoPiyo: Do you ever see the legalization of pot in our lifetime? Fat chance, right??

I never experience the legal marijuana, only illegal marijuana.

About the fat chance of marijuana, well I am not sure if the fat chance was the biggest issue of marijuana because most of countries that legalized marijuana doesn't have much obesity people like we do in America.

In the spiritual home of the super-sized meal, more than 119 million adults - or 64.5% of the adult population - are either overweight or obese.

Obesity in the US is linked to 300,000 deaths a year and said to add billions to the country's medical bills.

And the problem is growing.

By the time of the next Olympics, doctors predict that three out of four people in the country will have a body mass index of more than 25, the benchmark of corpulence.

BBC NEWS | World | Americas | US slowly wakes up to obesity crisis

But there's only average of 20 percent of population in America smoke the marijuana.

InfoFacts - Marijuana

So I am not sure about the obesity issue in marijuana that much..
Well when I said Fat Chance i wasn't talking about obesity. The cliche Fat Chance means that there is no way (not how) that something will happen. bad.
These are the most libral countries for pot use:

Cannabis laws state by state. Decriminalized in Western Australia & South Australia. Tasmania, Victoria, & Queensland policies involve ticketing for below 50 grams.

No amount of cannabis is legal to possess in Belgium, however possession of up to 3g of cannabis by adults, for personal use, is tolerated in Belgium. It is also said that 1 female plant is tolerated. Police will take the name of an individual in possession, but the Belgian state will not prosecute. We've been told that a new law to allow for medical use of cannabis has lead the police to be more forgiving about possession of small amounts of non-medicinal cannabis. FA tells us that there is no legal way to buy or import cannabis or its seeds. See (French only). (Thanks CG, FA. Aug 2006)

Cannabis is schedule II in Canada (for more than 3 kg). Canada's cannabis control laws are spottily enforced, with the west coast (British Columbia) being well known for its high quality cannabis and low levels of enforcement. In 2002, Canada's federal government made several findings in favor of cannabis legalization and medical use approval. Although the status of medical cannabis is still in flux (sep 2002), the Canadian government has several times voiced its intention to support full medical use. Non-viable Cannabis seeds and Cannabis stalks (that do not include leaves, flowers, seeds or branches) are exempted.

Busts in Canada continue, especially of larger growing and distribution operations.
In July 2000, an Ontario Court of Appeal ruled against the Canadian law because it did not address medical necessity and on July 31, 2001 a new regulation was enacted by the cabinet which addressed medical use. In January 2003, a lower Ontario court ruled simple possession laws banning cannabis unconstitutional, although it is unclear what the long term implications of this might be.

Cannabis is a Class C drug in Britain.

Cannabis is prohibited. According to joh, "Seeds are legal to sell but illegal to import and export." (Unconfirmed, thanks joh)

Although India has a long history of the use of Cannabis, including involvement with religious traditions, it is illegal to grow or possess. In some areas, it is openly ignored by authorities. (Thanks Clude)

Cannabis is prohibited under the Japanese Cannabis Control Act. [see also The law on hemp ] (Thanks embroglio). However, viable cannabis seeds are available in headshop as of June 2005, selling for Y1300-Y2500 (12-23 USD) each. Growing the seeds is illegal and the shops have warnings that the seeds are just curiosity samples and the shop will not answer questions about cultivation. (Unconfirmed) (Thanks s4m)

A new bill, passed by the Mexican Federal Legislature in late April 2006, has not yet been signed into law, but would decriminalize very small amounts of cannabis (under 5g) but would stiffen penalties for larger amounts and remove current discretion judges about the definition of "personal use amounts". See (Spanish Language). Also see SignonSanDiego : Mexico Decriminalizes Drugs. from Cannabis is illegal in all forms in Mexico and possession can result in stiff fines and long jail sentences. Police can often be bribed on the spot and it is said that police plant cannabis on innocent bystanders near the U.S. border in order to solicit bribes from tourists. (Unconfirmed, thanks MW and JH)

Although cannabis is technically illegal to possess and sell in the Netherlands, the government does not prosecute individuals (over 18) who smoke cannabis. Possession of less than 5 grams or growing of less than 5 plants will not be prosecuted. Certain cafes/coffeeshops are allowed to sell cannabis and hold 100 grams behind the counter and another 500 grams in the back. In March of 2003, the Dutch government changed the law to allow doctors to prescribe cannabis for medical purposes through pharmacies. BBC Sep 2003.

Cannabis is illegal in all forms in Norway including possession and sale of seeds. (Thanks SJ)

Pakistan / Peshawar
We received the following from a contributor:

"In Peshawar and the northern parts of Pakistan, smoking Hash (called Charas here) is socially acceptable and even sold on an open market where the government has no power to intrude. You can be jailed for up to six months if you're caught with Charas in other parts of the country, but it's very very common to bribe the cops with as little as $5-20. Also, many shops have Charas behind the counter, but will not admit to it or sell it unless they know you. Most people who get caught here usually only do so because somebody tipped the cops. Otherwise getting caught for Charas possession is rare." [IM, May 2006]
(Unconfirmed, thanks IM) See Drug Law : Pakistan.

Possession of cannabis is illegal in Poland. Even small amounts (1g) are not tolerated and penalties can be high. Since Jun 2005 according to the new law, a new resocialization program for drug addicts has been formed as a alternative to putting young people in prison. Cannabis is still a public enemy treated the same way as 'hard drugs'. (Thanks RaN)

Cannabis is banned in Portugal in all its forms, however since 2000 consuming and buying small quantities of cannabis (as with all other illegal drugs) is not a crime, it is only punishable by a small fine. Further, in major cities, the police have a rather tolerant atittude towards cannabis consumption and it is largely ignored. Note that anyone found possessing quantities of cannabis more than considered typical for an average user in 10-days can be presumed to be a distributor and can be prosecuted and jailed. (Thanks J)

According to a contributor: "Cannabis growing, possession or selling is prohibited. Seeds have no legal status (neither legal nor illegal). If you are caught with seeds they will take them and you will receive not more than a warning. Possession of small amounts (1-3 grams) is only punishable by a small fine (~ $150-200). For bigger quantities possession or for growing (only for personal use) you can stay 3 or 6 years in prison. If you sell cannabis you can take over 6 years in prison." (Unconfirmed, thanks exploziv_gbb)

Possession and sales are illegal in Sweden, but we do not have information about fines, punishements, or other details.
If you have information about the legal status of this substance in any other country, please let us know."

United States of America
It is, as of today, totally legal to smoke your ass off and get completely waisted in America! And remember that if you buy two fatties at your local Marijuana Store, you get the third one free. Now go stuff your grass pipes and enter the purple haze. Peace brother. :afro:
Well when I said Fat Chance i wasn't talking about obesity. The cliche Fat Chance means that there is no way (not how) that something will happen. bad.

Ohh! No worries :)

Well the marijuana supporters have been raising every years passing, and they successfully passed marijuana as medical, and last time I heard that Nevada almost legalized marijuana by the market at votes about 57 percents versus 43 percent or something. Also I always know Alaska do legalize the marijuana and will be the only state that legal marijuana. I don't know if it will never happen or will happen. :)
Ohh! No worries :)

Well the marijuana supporters have been raising every years passing, and they successfully passed marijuana as medical, and last time I heard that Nevada almost legalized marijuana by the market at votes about 57 percents versus 43 percent or something. Also I always know Alaska do legalize the marijuana and will be the only state that legal marijuana. I don't know if it will never happen or will happen. :)

yea....theres no penalty at all for possession of 1 oz or less in oz is more than enough if you get the good stuff....nice....
Well when I said Fat Chance i wasn't talking about obesity. The cliche Fat Chance means that there is no way (not how) that something will happen. bad.

It has already been decriminalized in my time. The next step is legalization, and they have legalized it for medical use already.
In Florida the strong stuff is called crippi. What about where you come from?

Again, I am naive to all this stuff...I have some impersonal associates (not friends) that tell me this stuff on rare meetings. :afro:

In my area, the strong stuff is called "good shit.:giggle:"
Well this might start heated debates, but i'm wondering what everyone's opinion of marijuana is. Do you smoke it? Do you hate it? Do you support prohibition or decriminalization/legalization?

If you smoke, please do share your stories with us. Was it some disgusting ill-fitted mexican ditch weed, or was it a fine sativa?

If you hate cannabis, would you ever reconsider your stance on the drug?

In a society where alcohol use is so heavily used and abused, would you consider marijuana a safe alternative to alcohol?

When you smoke, do you get the munchies :popcorn: and sit on your fat ass all day? Or is it more of a :laugh2: giddy time?

Do you have? a mind??


really, my opinion is depends on the topic of marihuana.

I am support for Marihuana, If people got hurt themselves body. they can use smoke marihuana. It would be more better, not like that with the medicine. The medicine is worse than Marihuana.

I am support for Marihuana, If people do have have fun and enjoy smoke with marihuana, It is more better than alcoholic. If People drink a lot of alcoholic, they would become aggressive. how sad!!!

I am not support for Marihuana, If People use everyday with marihuana.
that is all! :)
supposedly 90% of mediciene is created by petro chemicals. the same stuff drilled out of oil wells. Probably why most medicine is so toxic.

Weed and opium were made illegal to maximize profits for drug companies. Over the counter medicine like aspirin and tylenol kill about 10k people every year. It has nothing to do with safety