
PuyoPiyo said:
Exactly, just like the alcohol. Some people are addicted to the alcohol, but some not. But in recently science studies reported that marijuana are less addictive compare to alcohol.
What does science do for us to compare? Statistics shmackistix.

PuyoPiyo said:
Sure, let's go to the Mary Jane store! :P
That the only thing I could shop slowly...
Actually, mother's milk and baby formula are the true gateway drugs to heroin and crack. Scientific studies show that 100% of all drug criminals were at one time or another fed mother's milk or baby formula.

Humor aside, even if marijuana and other recreational drugs are legalized as liquor is, the laws regarding driving and operating equipment dangerous to co-workers and the public while under the influence need to be strictly and mercilessly enforced.
Actually, mother's milk and baby formula are the true gateway drugs to heroin and crack. Scientific studies show that 100% of all drug criminals were at one time or another fed mother's milk or baby formula.

Humor aside, even if marijuana and other recreational drugs are legalized as liquor is, the laws regarding driving and operating equipment dangerous to co-workers and the public while under the influence need to be strictly and mercilessly enforced.

The decriminalize pot only movement is flawed by it's arguments to put pot over or below other drugs, claiming it works the same way for everyone, in my opinion.

The history have plenty of successful users of opiates and cocaine products like sherlock holmes and sigmund freud. Statesmen during the WWII was stoked on meth. Most drugs can be used in ways that are almost harmless. That's something we have to take into consideration if we are going to decide that hitting the bong is so much better than chasing the dragon.
The decriminalize pot only movement is flawed by it's arguments to put pot over or below other drugs, claiming it works the same way for everyone, in my opinion.

The history have plenty of successful users of opiates and cocaine products like sherlock holmes and sigmund freud. Statesmen during the WWII was stoked on meth. Most drugs can be used in ways that are almost harmless. That's something we have to take into consideration if we are going to decide that hitting the bong is so much better than chasing the dragon.

Personally, I believe, and it is supported in certain scientific circles, that the natural form of these drugs are far less harmful than the street versions. It is what they cut the street versions with to increase profits that are more harmful. Also, the pharmeceutical subsitutions for opiates are far more addictive and harmful than the natural narcotic. For instance, hydrocodone and oxycodone (as found in Oxycoten, and synthetic versions of opium) are more harmful to the liver and other vital organs than the the natural drug. So, chasing the dragon would appear to cause fewer side effects than chasing the oxy.
Although it will not happen in my lifetime, decriminalization should affect all drugs, not just marijuana. My argument isn't so users can giggle at the world while ruining individual lives and whole families. It's to dissolve the present base of criminal activities, reallocate wasted law enforcement funding, and stem some of the drain of U.S. dollars to foreign countries.

I want to say this as gently as possible as we speak about flawed arguments, but citing Sherlock Holmes as an historical figure instead of a fictional character doesn't really create a great deal of confidence, either.
Although it will not happen in my lifetime, decriminalization should affect all drugs, not just marijuana. My argument isn't so users can giggle at the world while ruining individual lives and whole families. It's to dissolve the present base of criminal activities, reallocate wasted law enforcement funding, and stem some of the drain of U.S. dollars to foreign countries.

I want to say this as gently as possible as we speak about flawed arguments, but citing Sherlock Holmes as an historical figure instead of a fictional character doesn't really create a great deal of confidence, either.

Exactly. It is our socially constructed drugs laws that place these drugs in the criminal element. Without these laws, the criminal element no longer has control of the trade, law enforcement dollars are not wasted fighting a useless battle, jails and prisons are not
Personally, I believe, and it is supported in certain scientific circles, that the natural form of these drugs are far less harmful than the street versions. It is what they cut the street versions with to increase profits that are more harmful. Also, the pharmeceutical subsitutions for opiates are far more addictive and harmful than the natural narcotic. For instance, hydrocodone and oxycodone (as found in Oxycoten, and synthetic versions of opium) are more harmful to the liver and other vital organs than the the natural drug. So, chasing the dragon would appear to cause fewer side effects than chasing the oxy.

Agree about chemistry. A friend of mine, an ex-heroin junkie praises his new pharmeceutical subsitutions. It gives him a calm high for 12 hours, and he can work and stay with his family. He is in a much better state now than before, but I am not sure if it's because he don't have to worry about the next fix and not is allowed to use other drugs, or it's because the high from the subsitute is calmer and less intensive. Hope it don't kill his liver.
Although it will not happen in my lifetime, decriminalization should affect all drugs, not just marijuana. My argument isn't so users can giggle at the world while ruining individual lives and whole families. It's to dissolve the present base of criminal activities, reallocate wasted law enforcement funding, and stem some of the drain of U.S. dollars to foreign countries.

I want to say this as gently as possible as we speak about flawed arguments, but citing Sherlock Holmes as an historical figure instead of a fictional character doesn't really create a great deal of confidence, either.

Ok, Doyle is a such great writer he makes me belive Holmes is a real person :)
If all kind of drugs was made legal, how is the indepedent guerillas going to get money to buy weapons and fight the suppressing goverments, with drug markets controlled by goverments?
Have to agree with Barney Frank! Again, Barney Frank rocks!

News release from Barney Frank


Congressman, 4th District, Massachusetts

2252 Rayburn Building · Washington, D.C. 20515 · (202) 225-5931


March 24, 2008

Washington, DC -- Congressman Barney Frank released the following statement regarding his plan to introduce legislation to remove federal penalties for the personal use of marijuana:

“I think it is poor law enforcement to keep on the books legislation that establishes as a crime behavior the government does not seriously wish to prosecute. For highly-trained Federal law enforcement agents to spend time prosecuting people for smoking marijuana is a diversion of scarce resources from their job of protecting public safety.

“The norm in America is for the states to decide whether particular behaviors should be made criminal. To make the smoking of marijuana one of those extremely rare instances of federal crime – to make a ‘federal case’ out of it – is wholly disproportionate to the activity involved. We do not have federal criminal prohibitions against drinking alcoholic beverages, and there are generally no criminal penalties for the use of tobacco at the state and federal levels for adults. There is no rational argument for treating marijuana so differently from these other substances.

“To those who say that the government should not be encouraging the smoking of marijuana, my response is that I completely agree. But it is a great mistake to divide all human activity into two categories: those that are criminally prohibited, and those that are encouraged. In a free society, there must be a very considerable zone of activity in which people are allowed to make their own choices as long as they are not impinging on the rights, freedom, or property of others. I believe it is important with regard to tobacco, marijuana, and alcohol, among other things, that we strictly regulate the age at which people may use these things and enforcement of the age restrictions should be firm. But criminalizing choices that adults make because we think they are unwise ones, when the choices involved have no negative effect on the rights of others, is not appropriate in a free society. If the law I am proposing passes, states will still be free to treat marijuana as they wish. But I do not believe that the federal government should treat adults who choose to smoke marijuana as criminals. Federal law enforcement is a serious business, and we should be concentrating our efforts in this regard on measures that truly protect the public.”


Congressman Barney Frank - Representing the 4th District of Massachusetts
I am against weed because you never know how you're going to turn out or handle it when you try this just like any other drugs. Plus, people act really weird while on it, and the weird part is that it's not normal behavior.

There are other ways to relax that's healthy that can make you high...exercise! There's also meditation.....breathe! There's also Vitamin B which highly reduces stress.

I am sorry, but I really don't see the real point of smoking drugs. It's not like there's nothing that a drug cannot do in a healthier way. I think they are plain excuses.

They alter your mind, which is a real turn off because it's weird.
People light up thier pipes at street corners where I lived in California. many 215 permits........cops cool about it....medical need........ain't sure I want peeps driving around all loaded like that.
We spend too much money jailing and prosecuting marijuana.
The cartels make too much money off of it.
People who want weed will find it....why let the cartels have the money.
Once legalized it become less fun and cool. Boring.
For many with minor medical reasons to seems that the carcinogens and general smoking health would be a not good to balance.....will gov get sued at some point for people dying from weed smoke? I don't wanna pay it.
for those who tell me no skoke probs from are biased....and I smoked for 30 some years...ya ain't kidding me. Once it was legalized in my area it took all the fun out of
But alas......the cartels should not profit off of it....the pot money just helps to enable them to focus more on other deadly dope. We are basically feeding thier army that we claim to be 'at war' with. The bottom line.
We spend too much money jailing and prosecuting marijuana.
The cartels make too much money off of it.
People who want weed will find it....why let the cartels have the money.
Once legalized it become less fun and cool. Boring.
For many with minor medical reasons to seems that the carcinogens and general smoking health would be a not good to balance.....will gov get sued at some point for people dying from weed smoke? I don't wanna pay it.
for those who tell me no skoke probs from are biased....and I smoked for 30 some years...ya ain't kidding me. Once it was legalized in my area it took all the fun out of
But alas......the cartels should not profit off of it....the pot money just helps to enable them to focus more on other deadly dope. We are basically feeding thier army that we claim to be 'at war' with. The bottom line.

Good posting. Regarding the carcinogens....carcinogens in tobacco do not come from the tobacco itself, but from the chemicals added to it when it is processed. Those chemicals are not added to weed.
I am against weed because you never know how you're going to turn out or handle it when you try this just like any other drugs.

fair enough...people do react to it in different ways (it can make some people really lazy)...thats a valid reason to be wary of weed; however, why does it have to be illegal? alcohol is legal despite the fact that it kills many people and causes tons of problems...the only real problem that i see with weed right now is the criminal activity that comes with it...but if it was legalized (including the growing of cannabis), it would solve that problem...

Plus, people act really weird while on it, and the weird part is that it's not normal behavior.

normal is relative...what is normal to me may not be normal to you...

There are other ways to relax that's healthy that can make you high...exercise! There's also meditation.....breathe! There's also Vitamin B which highly reduces stress.

those are good suggestions, but there are some people who would rather smoke cannabis (me, for example)...let people do their own thing...

also...while smoking weed does help relieve stress, not everyone does it for that reason...many people partake because it is fun and relaxing (not always has its drawbacks..)...that is why many people are attracted to the green...hell, there is even a whole culture dedicated to smoking cannabis...

I am sorry, but I really don't see the real point of smoking drugs. It's not like there's nothing that a drug cannot do in a healthier way. I think they are plain excuses.

you dont see the point to it...thats fine...but there are many others who do not feel the same way as you do...

They alter your mind, which is a real turn off because it's weird.

thats the attractive thing about alters your mind...

besides, people have been trying to find ways to alter their minds for thousands of years and will contiune to do so...its human nature...thats why so many people do or have done mind altering substances (ex- alcohol, cigarettes, cocaine, caffeine, acid, shrooms, saliva, etc etc etc)...

and...about the health thing, people can just make some "special brownies", honey oil, or cannabutter and then ingest it...or use a vaporizer...problem solved!
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I read everyone's post about Marijuana. Blah! I didn't understand why in Netherlands is legal Marijuana to make a relax. But in the America is illegal to have a weed. There is 2 much problem with different drugs like cocaine, crack, heroin, meth and other control substance. If use weed only. It will be no problem. The criminal people are not smart about different drugs to try and get addictive. They're not smart about money. Smoking cigarette, Cigar are same with weed. It same with alcohol do legal. The people get DWI and died by crash and abuse on people. But Crack and meth are bad!!!!! The most is bust on meth lab in the America and Canada.

Exactly. Wars on Drugs doesn't help anything except for packing people in the prison and cost people who don't use the marijuana the taxes. It's better to just legal the marijuana and funding the group for those who really have problem with the marijuana.