The Murder case of JonBenét Ramsey

He did it folks! His ex wife had that Tape confesson from 2001.If the Jury lets him go it would because he has a good lawyer.Im Telling you time and time again Americas Justice system is flawed!!!

Thats interesting....I just saw the ex-wife saying that he was with HER on the christmas that JonBenet was killed. So he was with her and then she has a taped confession from a later christmas.
Thats interesting....I just saw the ex-wife saying that he was with HER on the christmas that JonBenet was killed. So he was with her and then she has a taped confession from a later christmas.

Exactly. All this crap being leaked to the media is starting to get on my nerves. Lets get this to court first before we judge this guy. Personally, I think this case is so muddied by mistakes, and people prejudging the parents, that we may never know who really killed that child.

Regarding Karr, I'd really like to see a match between him and the DNA found on her body. Barring that, I just can't say for sure that he did it.
Whats about that randsome letter her wrote to the ramseys huh?

Buck, please stop jumping the gun. There's just as much evidence supporting the idea that he didn't do it; as there is evidence saying he did. Therefore, we really should wait until this goes to court, and all the evidence is presented, before we proclaim this guy guilty or innocent.
If the Prositcuter starts asking questions to prove he didnt do it and she thinks he was trying to get out of Thiland then The Governor should fire the prositcuter.Cause thats not her job to defend and prove he didnt do the crime.Her job is to prositcute not to defend.
If the Prositcuter starts asking questions to prove he didnt do it and she thinks he was trying to get out of Thiland then The Governor should fire the prositcuter.Cause thats not her job to defend and prove he didnt do the crime.Her job is to prositcute not to defend.

This makes absolutely no sense.
It does make sense.Cause i have a feeling the prositcuter isnt going after karr like she would go after any hardcored cold blooded murderer.
It does make sense.Cause i have a feeling the prositcuter isnt going after karr like she would go after any hardcored cold blooded murderer.

Or, the prosecutor is doing the right thing, and just not letting information leak out about what they have or don't have.

Like I've been saying, we really need to just hang back, and let the investigation go forward. This case has been open for 10 yrs. The last thing anyone wants, is for them to rush things. If they get to trial, they want to nail the perp; not do all this police work, and have the guy let go on a technicality. Personally, I don't know about you, but if I was investigating this case, I'd want to NAIL this asshole! Wouldn't you?

Lets wait this out and see what comes of it. Just because we're not hearing much from the prosecutor, doesn't mean she doesn't have a case. She very well could have, but isn't saying much about what she has on the guy.
If i was the prosecutor id push really hard as he admitted the crime.And Ask for the Death penalty because my Boss re-election campaign is what counts.To make the people of colorado satisfied.
I just finished watching TV film about her today, what a tragic story and surprised to know few people who were involved with her case have quit their jobs!
But the People of Colorado wants the prosecutor do her job and give this guy the Death penalty.The people dont care all hes doing is getting media attention.They want him to die even he didnt murder JonBenet.
But the People of Colorado wants the prosecutor do her job and give this guy the Death penalty.The people dont care all hes doing is getting media attention.They want him to die even he didnt murder JonBenet.

Of course... i dont think Karr did... but you dont need to be above the law.. you always jump to wrong conculsions quickly....
But the People of Colorado wants the prosecutor do her job and give this guy the Death penalty.The people dont care all hes doing is getting media attention.They want him to die even he didnt murder JonBenet.

That sounds like a lynch mod mentality, and that won't get anyone, anywhere.

It doesn't matter how badly someone wants something. You still have to follow a process and that is what the prosecutor is doing. You can't just bring this guy out and hang him without a trial.

I want justice done for Jon Benet. If it means that we cut this guy loose and continue the investigation, so be it. If this guy did it, he should pay for it. However, lets not assume he's guilty and go straight to execution without first exercising the proper process and finding him guilty.

Find him guilty first, and then, execute him. You can't do it any other way, just because YOU think he's guilty. He may not be. But, we don't know if he is or not yet.
I want justice done for Jon Benet.

Me too. I want justice being done, too.
BUT, that's the BIGGEST problem here. I'm afraid
that this is being un-realistic about getting
the justice done because there is no such justice
being done anymore nowadays
due too many flaws in the justice system.

Look at OJ Simpson, just as an example
about the Justice.
Thats how Governors,Mayors and you Town Councilmen loses his job.Cause when a story breaks and the people demand something you DO IT!! Im Suprised New Orleans Mayor Nagin still got Re-Elected and New Orleans isnt rebuilt.
I have my doubts about this guy. Something still does not seem right to me about the whole thing. I'd be curious to see what evidence was there, especially any evidence from this guy..
I think Karr did something really sick in Thailand (even worse then what gary Glitter did) and he is trying to use the Ramsey case to get fame or whatever his crazy ass is looking for...
I think Karr did something really sick in Thailand (even worse then what gary Glitter did) and he is trying to use the Ramsey case to get fame or whatever his crazy ass is looking for...

Thats what I thought,,, i am sure Karr did not murder jobenet... someone inside the family or close friends or relatives.,, because no footprints on snow...
I think Karr did something really sick in Thailand (even worse then what gary Glitter did) and he is trying to use the Ramsey case to get fame or whatever his crazy ass is looking for...

That's an interesting thought. It's also probably true.

We have a pretty good idea that this guy is guilty of something nasty. But, I have my doubts about it being the Jon Benet murder.

Questions: If this guy is cut loose for the Jon Benet murder, can he be transported back to Thailand and held on those charges?

Also, what kind of penalties do they have over there? I'm wondering if it would be better , if they didn't have enough on him for Jon Benet, and he WAS prosecuted over there for those crimes?

Just my wheels turning.. *sigh* I don't know. This is a sick and twisted fuck, but what do we do with him? That's the question...

On, and who's Gary Glitter? PM me if you don't want to throw this thread OT.