"sissy boy" experiment gone wrong

Oh yeah... I remember that. It did disappoint me, too. I'm not happy with Rouge (sp) cured herself to be normal so she can be with her lover... Ah, well. I guess it is just a movie. I guess... =/

With Rouge her power wouldn't allow for skin to skin contact. Since she was unable to control her power she would absorb the person's mental and physical abilities until there was nothing left. Something as simple as holding a another person's hand can be detrimental to that person. Can you not see how depressing that could be?

Now I shall go back to my geek corner. LOL
Problem is that for certain deafness a cure is likely to happen someday.
Poor boy being treated so badly even in his own home and family except his brother and sister tried to help him.

There nothing wrong with sissy boys. Everyone is different, if all is same life be boring.
I have personally struggled with homosexuality and I don't support this type of therapy. It only makes things worse. People just think you wake up one day and just decide that you're going to be gay and that you can just as easily turn the switch off by waking up and immediately deciding that you're not gay after all.

If a person want to re-orientate themselves it's going to take YEARS of hard struggle to finally feel comfortable with themselves. It grinds me to no end when I hear some one say "Homosexuals deserve to rot in hell!" Well truth is God made a new covenant to preserve life (this is found in Genesis) and now we live under NT covenant in which anyone can go to heaven. I think a lot of people are going to be in for a rude awakening when we get to heaven and we find ourselves standing next to Nazis, Jews, homosexuals, blacks, Hispanics, and what not.

It's possible for a person to re-orient themselves if the person actually WANTS it and I would not recommend doing it through this kind of therapy. I believe you are born with your sexuality. If homosexuality is a choice then heterosexuality is a choice just as well.

You can't pray away the gay, you can't fix them, you can't force them to change the way they feel. All you can do is just love and accept them as human. Accept them for who they are. You can't force a person to change.
I have personally struggled with homosexuality and I don't support this type of therapy. It only makes things worse. People just think you wake up one day and just decide that you're going to be gay and that you can just as easily turn the switch off by waking up and immediately deciding that you're not gay after all.
You can't pray away the gay, you can't fix them, you can't force them to change the way they feel. All you can do is just love and accept them as human. Accept them for who they are. You can't force a person to change.

I totally agree. I find that gays who became straights "successfully" were NOT religious but rather it's just spontaneous and they just accept their sexual changes. None of them actually sought therapy for it. I know way many gays who told me about their "therapies" to become "straight" and they are still gay!

Those who try so hard to change their sexual orientation because they believe it's a "sin" or try to fit in with their peers are much more likely to be suicidal and have poor self esteem.

My friend who's only 20 and he was struggling to become straight and went to therapy.. his family did everything to remove him from any possible homosexual influences and put him in Christian camps. He blamed his homosexuality on his father who failed to show affection to him when he was growing up but I think it's much more likely that his homophobic father KNEW his son was not quite "normal" and stopped giving him affection. So even with affection, he'd still be gay IMO. I told him that he's meant to be gay... and I don't see how he can be "straight." He was crushed by my blunt remarks but it's the way I see it. His mannerisms, his feminine characteristics, and his thinking are pretty stereotypical.
My friend who's only 20 and he was struggling to become straight and went to therapy.. his family did everything to remove him from any possible homosexual influences and put him in Christian camps. He blamed his homosexuality on his father who failed to show affection to him when he was growing up but I think it's much more likely that his homophobic father KNEW his son was not quite "normal" and stopped giving him affection. So even with affection, he'd still be gay IMO. I told him that he's meant to be gay... and I don't see how he can be "straight." He was crushed by my blunt remarks but it's the way I see it. His mannerisms, his feminine characteristics, and his thinking are pretty stereotypical.

Ya know what's funny? Even if his dad was affectionate with him, ya know what his mom would say? "It's because his dad was too affectionate with him". They find ANY reason for it because if there is a influential reason for it, it makes it sound like it's more "correctable".
Of course people want to blame homosexuality on something to make it seem correctable or more easily corrected. I've had friends tell me that they were forced to go to the preacher and confess their sin to him and then the preacher would 'counsel' them. It usually went one of two ways and neither had a good ending:
1. The preacher would have them repeat the same prayer over and over again for hours in hopes of walking out straight, or some form of psychological abuse. Sometimes it included physical abuse such as whippings if homosexual behavior was not abstained from or if the person acted too gay. The preacher would make them believe that this was 'out of love'.


2. This opened a door for the preacher to have sexual relations with the person in the name of 'counseling'. This is where a lot of male on male sexual abuse comes from. Many boys are afraid of coming forward with sexual abuse for fear of being outed or seen as a sissy boy which might lead to further 'therapy' or abuse for them.

These people are now gay adults that have troubled relationships at best.

I, myself, suck at relationships. I don't like discussing my own sexuality because well, to me it's sort of delicate in a way. I don't want to be cut down and I've been cut by homos and heteros. Part of me still says I am gay, that's just a part of who I am, and yet there's something else that says that I don't need to be doing this. It's hard. It's hard when even my own family isn't religious, and yet they frown upon my homosexual behavior. I've been called dyke by my father. It's just hard. Yet on the other end of the spectrum I have my friend Margaret who's very religious yet she's also quite tolerant and accepting. She knows I am struggling but she doesn't lecture me, she doesn't condemn me, she just listens and simply says - "The Lord will help you with that and I'll be praying for you." That's just her way of showing support even if she doesn't agree with it 100%. I just wish more people were like her. I couldn't even bring up the subject with my parents, let alone come out to them.
this screams of the same issues raised by "normalize" therapy for "kids with a disability" so sad

Im genderfree but as far as my parents are concerned im in the closet about my gender and sexually.

The problems they have with my Deafblind+ lifestyle are theirs and theirs alone.