post here if your not here

Do the stupid know that they are stupid?
I am here and there about to go somewhere lol
There are times I might not be here when I had to go somewhere for the weekend or longer. I don't have to make the introduction at all every time I was absent from AllDeaf Forum. I am happy to be here any time I want to read and post.

So I am here. ;)
Ah, that is the question isnt it.
To be or not to be?
am i here, there,
What is this "i" perhaps im not.
but we know a no thing is itself a something afterall all have the number zero...
What would hamlet sign, nietzche write, I wonder what my fortune cookie holds....oh.....
one star in sight bots...
One star in sight
Gotta a light?

The question here is maybe not to be or not to be, perhaps it is where you are or where you are not. Maybe even where you are about to be.
The "i" in here is not you nor me. The "i" is he who wonders in time and space but never grows old. He who's name is known by all. And i am the one that wonders what Shakespeare would sign and salvador dali would paint!
If I can not stand the posts, then I am out of here. :)

I love post #31 from Authentic. Exactly. :)
post here if not hearing I think that the question, posted before finish writing question
I'm certainly somewhere if anywhere at all. I can't be everywhere, but if you looked everywhere and didn't find me would that make me nowhere? Nowhere is somewhere I might be.