Hi Everybody


New Member
Sep 2, 2003
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Hi everyone, I'm a newbie to this all deaf. com though that my friend, Katzie is a member of this website! :-D I'm an resident of Erie, Pa and native of Staten Island, NY. I have been living in Erie since 1999 with my hubby, chris and my son, Michael and loving every minute of it and I have family and relatives who lives everywhere in U.S.A . I hope to make new friends and get reaquiated with old friends who haven't seen me online or whatever!

I hope to meet everyone! :)

Susan Schwartz-Bedner :ily:
Welcome to All-Deaf v2.5 hope you enjoy this and write things down. be creative :)
Welcome to alldeaf , and we will try not to hold it against you that you are friends with Katzie.
Welcome to AD and I hope you find this site a very fascinaiting and educaitional place! ;) :wave:
IrishGalofPa said:
Hi everyone, I'm a newbie to this all deaf. com though that my friend, Katzie is a member of this website! :-D I'm an resident of Erie, Pa and native of Staten Island, NY. I have been living in Erie since 1999 with my hubby, chris and my son, Michael and loving every minute of it and I have family and relatives who lives everywhere in U.S.A . I hope to make new friends and get reaquiated with old friends who haven't seen me online or whatever!

I hope to meet everyone! :)

Susan Schwartz-Bedner :ily:
Welcome to the AD :D
IrishGalofPa said:
Hi everyone, I'm a newbie to this all deaf. com though that my friend, Katzie is a member of this website! :-D I'm an resident of Erie, Pa and native of Staten Island, NY. I have been living in Erie since 1999 with my hubby, chris and my son, Michael and loving every minute of it and I have family and relatives who lives everywhere in U.S.A . I hope to make new friends and get reaquiated with old friends who haven't seen me online or whatever!

I hope to meet everyone! :)

Susan Schwartz-Bedner :ily:

Welcome to the AllDeaf.com IrishGalofPa! Enjoy and write on it! :)
A warm welcome to you IrishgalofPA.... hope you enjoy this site. I recently had the honor of visiting and staying at your hometown Staten Island just a few short weeks ago.... Awesome place!

Hi IrishGalofPA :lol: Welcome to All Deaf! I see you've found your way here! *HUGS* So good to see you here! I could've responded to this sooner, but my internet at home has been down for almost 5 days *grumbles* We had our internet disconnected from our old place and told the internet provider to transfer to our new home address. Two weeks later we got disconnected. They really screwed it up. Grrrr! Hopefully they'll turn it back on today or tomorrow (Tuesday). Thank God I'm back to work and get on the internet! LOL

BBNT - be nice! ;)