Did you know that...?


Active Member
Feb 26, 2008
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I want to start this thread with a question "Did you know that..?" to see if you knew it or not. :)

Did you know that some materials in finger nail painters come from fish scales?

You can bring "Did you know that?" questions up afterwards. :)
I did not know that!

Did you know that a butterfly can taste with it's feet? :)
so can fly

I didn't know either of those things.

Did you know because steel expands when it gets hot, the Eiffel Tower is six inches taller in the summer than in the winter?
so can fly
I did not know :) Makes sense though.
I didn't know either of those things.

Did you know because steel expands when it gets hot, the Eiffel Tower is six inches taller in the summer than in the winter?
Wow! That's really neat!:shock:
no way! Did you know? Butterfly is deaf!

I didn't know for a fact, but I figured.

Did you know that a cat has over 30muscles in each ear?
did you know i know everything?
oh boy I am so un-learned....

did you know that dolphins can recognize themselves in a mirror <like apes can>
I did not know that red dye is from the beetles! ICK!

Did you know that our almost 4 months old starting to learn to roll over!? Back to tummy! He is trying to figure out how to move his arm out of his way when he roll over...so cute! :) His new milestone!
did you know that I don't know anything?
did you know that I don't know anything?

I knew that! :P:giggle:
Did you know that dark meat in chicken is formed by mitochondria and it makes ATP via a form of fermentation due to a lack of oxygen in those muscles. Why? Because the chickens use their muscles a lot, and therefore the oxygen level in those muscles will be low causing it to be dark. The same also applies for migratory birds whose wings and breast meat will be darker than it's legs as they spend the majority of their time in flight.