Another Q' about hearie familys communicate....


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May 14, 2008
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Do your hearing familys communicate in sign or fingerspelling with you because you're Ddeaf/Hhoh?
Nope. I'm an oral deaf, but do have a hearing dog, which they cherish and know that I trained her myself.
Not too much. My mom knows sign and my sister a few signs, but otherwise I have to lipread... :(
Everyone in my family can fingerspell and knows minimal signs, but I am oral. Signing not used much.(I also only know minimal signs.)
My sister and I converse in ASL on visits. Since she lives in California and I live in Oregon, we e-mail the reast of the time. I write in English, and she writes English in ASL syntax, but we understand each other.

With our other siblings who don't know how to fingerspell or sign, I speak and speech read, and interpret for my sister. What a bunch of lazy, thoughtless louts they are.

My girlfriend signs SEE with me a lot, and I speech read the rest of the time.
My youngest sister can do some basic signs. My oldest sister can fingerspell but she often doesn't.

They all expect me to do the hard work and speak with them while trying to play the guess game called "speechreading." Two of my sisters do use IM and textmessages. My mother very recently started calling me on my VP but often she will ask one of my sisters to text me and and ask me to call her. :roll:
I have a Deaf brother who is fluent in ASL so we converse in ASL. The rest of the family do not know sign language except for maybe the alphabet.
My entire family uses ASL.

My mother who is hearing said that it's more appealing than spoken English, especially the cuss words! :lol:
They all expect me to do the hard work and speak with them while trying to play the guess game called "speechreading."

Great line, Deafbajagal! I'd like to use it from time to time, 'cause it's true so true.
All my family don't sign, except for my younger sister who used to fingerspell and probably forgot about it after a long time no see her. My son can sign ASL with me only at home. I don't know if he is trying to teach his daughters to sign with me. Maybe not. My husband knows a few signs just the easy parts. I noticed from time to time that my nieces (my husband's side of the family) tried to learn sign words and they are doing right, so that is good. :D
Mum signs a lot, three of my sisters knows signs, but two relies heavily on sim-com whereas the other one can communicate in signs without voice also she's the only one out of all sisters who knows Auslan.

My brother and another sister doesn't sign. Nor does my nieces and nephews.
Oral also. Everyone talks. I lipread fairly well if English was your first language. Otherwise, I nod my head. Such a bad idea though - I've gotten myself into some awkward situations. Like admitting, I've met a person 4 times at different parties and admiting I've never learned their name or understood anything they had ever said to me. Otherwise, I allow myself to be oblivious to the talking. If it was important, someone will tell me. Otherwise, I don't concentrate on conversations where it is obvious that others want me to understand. Way too much concentration and focus that I don't always have.
Whole family speaks orally and clearly. They did sign when i was small but as i got older and speaking more, then signing frizzled out... I don't have problem interacting with the family.
I have two oldest brothers and three oldest sisters. Oldest brother left home when I was 5 so he never learned some sign. Then my second oldest brother learned some sign and fingerspelling but over years we do not see each other, he forgot alot of it. Then I have three oldest sisters, they all know sign languages, one used to be vr for the deaf and other used to work at state hospital as RN nurse so she used some skill to work with deaf patients there. My closet age sister, we fluently very well with each other in sign language. My mother signed very well and she used to work with deaf adults for 10 years. Then my dad, what can I say about him, he was old dog that can not learn a new trick. He fingerspel most of time and few signs even thou he took classes and he still can not remember them.
My family is all oral. They know some sign but don't use it anymore. I speech read and sit there lost at family gatherings...
Apart from my deaf cousin and my sons, My mother can sign pretty well. She has the tendency of signing in English rather than ASL but nevertheless, I am able to understand her. My father can sign but he is not exceptional at it and is very rusty on it. My sister, brother and step-sister are at the beginner's level and they tend to rely on finger-spelling most of the time. Some of my cousins only signs a little but they also rely on finger-spelling too. Other than that, the rest of them are on a spoken dialogue.
don't i wish my family could sign! my older sister knows about as much ASL as I do but she never uses it unless she knows i'm not wearing my hearing aid, like in the swimming pool or when I'm being woken up.
My family is all hearing so all dialogue is spoken and I get to play 'Speechreading'.
I'm Oral but I also can sign...haven't learned until 6th grade but my family refuse to learn and they only speak, so I just listen and lipread when they talk.

lol...they have to cover their mouths if they want to have private conversation if I'm in the room or in front of them, because I'm prolong to read their lips.