AllDeaf members ages

I wouldn't worry about that. As long as you are happy that is important. It really does depend a lot on where and when u are raised and that OK.

I am just being silly....:)
When I was 18, I was still living with my mom..going to college on a full ride fast-pitch softball scholarship, working at 1 job and had a serious, I wasnt mature for my age at 18. I was still immature and childish at the time. I still depended on others to take responsibility for my actions.

I applaud u for being so mature but pls do set aside time for some fun and games cuz life is too short for seriousness 24/7.

Thanks Shel! I like my serious life, I do have fun though. Just not that often! hahaha. I just moved to a new town...well 10 months ago now...but I still don't have many friends here. Working on that though..slowly, very slowly, I am tapping into the Deaf community.
39 years old?!?!

5x5 = n + 1=

*groan* how many do y'all pass pre algebra?