your dream


New Member
Jan 29, 2014
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If you could vacation anywhere in the world where would you go and who would you go with and what would you do? Im curious to see these answers!
the very tip of south america alaska south pole anywhere see ice bergs cook islands
the very tip of south america alaska south pole anywhere see ice bergs cook islands

Better hurry as I hear they will all be gone in about 30 years or less....
derek i love going to flea markets myself. I LOVE antiques. im just an old soul haha

Caz Alaska would be mine as well. Thats one place I would to go.
Africa. entire Africa.
the very tip of south america alaska south pole anywhere see ice bergs cook islands

yep sooooooooooooooooo right but do asaskans know they falling into sea....all this fraking stuff be end of world,america said the hope to go as far as core of earth fraking,mad
All over England. I would go with my husband.

I have loved England ever since I was a child.
In my dreams, I would love to win the lottery to just travel on the powwow trails both USA and Canada and visit my son and his family in Washington State. That would be great if I could win the lottery. :D
I would want to frequent places that have flea markets. Location doesn't matter.

When I lived in Berkeley, Calif. I loved to go the flea market during the weekend. There was a lot of great Southwestern items there and I really like that.
My dream is to have my own little house with a little back yard for my little dog and the house would be where it does not snow.
England is something of a run-down dump, IMHO. Normally I'd say 'Barbados!' but my parents just got back from a week there where it rained. Every. Single. Day.

I'll still stick with a nice private white sand beach somewhere, provided my BFF can come with me.
I liked England-- never a dull moment although we picked the wrong day to go to Westminster Church (Abbey? I can't remember right now...)

me-- Scotland, go back to England and Italy.. travel the entire US to visit friends... Belgium.. Australia...

that's just for starters... lol
I would love to travel to tropical beach that has many stores in the area.