You people suck!

I am sorry we suck and I didnt know that vibrators had feelings. Next time, I will be more sensitive to my vibrator's feelings. :giggle:

Wonderful! Now was that so hard? :tears:


Yikes! I think this thread needs to be closed!
You have no right to be insulting us...
You obviously got a problem, buddy.
I think your avatar is too nasty and using
a member's name? thats a no, no!

I'll bet you got one of those big black ten inch hummers that gives the lawnmower an inferiority complex, dontcha? :squint:
Oh geeeeez @ Barney and Byrdie!!! I am looking forward to the next response to that. So hilarous!
Oh my gosh..thanks for the wonderful image in my head. :giggle:
Barney digs guys too. :naughty: :giggle:

HEY! There was just that ONE TIME when Cheri’s boyfriend drank all her beer after the liquor store closed and passed out with his head in the bathtub. It was no fun for me either, believe me. I wasn’t very happy about being soaked in Lysol and run through the dishwasher, either. Thanks for the memories, blondie. :squint:
HEY! There was just that ONE TIME when Cheri’s boyfriend drank all her beer after the liquor store closed and passed out with his head in the bathtub. It was no fun for me either, believe me. I wasn’t very happy about being soaked in Lysol and run through the dishwasher, either. Thanks for the memories, blondie. :squint:

You can get retired , Barney ...please apply to the insurance :giggle:
I just noticed that I don’t have ANYBODY in my friends list. Wassup wit’ you people? Ain’t I good enough for y’all? We vibrators take a hell of a lot of shit from you people, and this is how we get treated? Oh sure—use me, abuse me, let the dog chew on me after you’re done with me, but ask me to be on your friends list? Oh perish the thought! You peeps suck. I’m outta here. That’s right, you heard me, I’m done. Finito. Hasta la bye-bye, baby. Go find a cucumber somewhere for all I care.


*umm* think so, maybe you can send your vibrator to me. I can apply your friends list. That is only suggest :naughty:
HEY! There was just that ONE TIME when Cheri’s boyfriend drank all her beer after the liquor store closed and passed out with his head in the bathtub. It was no fun for me either, believe me. I wasn’t very happy about being soaked in Lysol and run through the dishwasher, either. Thanks for the memories, blondie. :squint:

Aww but u have to understand a lady's need for cleaniness. :giggle: