you got adopt of cats&dogs?


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2004
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i like going have adopt cats because this is my best friends of cats more than dogs!

if you love cats or dogs as best friends tell story but i do love cats because more sweet.
I got my 2 cats and a dog for free and a 3rd cat was born here. I've lost 2 cats last year. The mother was attacked by fisher cat and the Maine coon cat died of old age.
All my pets were free to us. My cats were just come to my house, and need to be care. So, my parents and I welcomed them into my house. And as for my dogs. My dalmation came to my brother's friend's house. And friend's father was going to shoot my dalmation cause dalmation always came to my brother's friend's house all the time. So, my brother wants to care of the dalmation and bought dalmation home safety. And my other dog, Short-haired Collie, were found on the road as a puppy by my dad (yes, my dad were nearly over-run her but luckily, my dad saw the puppy before went over it. What kind of cruel bastards to left the puppy on the road????? Gladly to have my beautiful, healthy, short-haired Collie.) They're all healthy pets.
i have all 3 adopted cats.. all died expect one left which is still alive atm
I adopted my two-year-old cat Foster (a Tabby) from the Humane Society three years ago in october, and we got my one-year-old cat Chloe (I don't know what kind she is but she is pure white) from a barn where my step-sister rides horses. I'd rather get them like this instead of a pet store. Really there are too many homeless animals out there to buy them from a store. Plus they are really expensive!
back in 2000 I adopted a female shorthair named sable from the Animal shelter.. And got my sister's male shorthair cat free named Billy. And 2 years ago I had to put them up for adoption due to the fact I had just gotten divorced and was dealing with fiancial difficulties..

Also had 2 rats from my sister named Baby and Bebe.. they were siamese rats.. very cute and sweet. I loved them. Had to give up cuz of stupid landlord.
back in 2000 I adopted a female shorthair named sable from the Animal shelter.. And got my sister's male shorthair cat free named Billy. And 2 years ago I had to put them up for adoption due to the fact I had just gotten divorced and was dealing with fiancial difficulties..

Also had 2 rats from my sister named Baby and Bebe.. they were siamese rats.. very cute and sweet. I loved them. Had to give up cuz of stupid landlord.

Wow, poor animals :(
they're all doing well now.. I keep in touch with their new owners.. so i'm happy about that. And My boyfriend said we will be getting more pets once we move and are settled... So i'm happy about that.
they're all doing well now.. I keep in touch with their new owners.. so i'm happy about that. And My boyfriend said we will be getting more pets once we move and are settled... So i'm happy about that.

oh the good news :) I'm happy too because of these animals are doing well so far
Wow..WTG for contact the onwer abt ur former pets!

they're all doing well now.. I keep in touch with their new owners.. so i'm happy about that. And My boyfriend said we will be getting more pets once we move and are settled... So i'm happy about that.

Wow, that great to have kept on touch with them!!! That great!!! Just like the human do u know... same thing!!! Wow, so know I know both animals and humans are so much alike!!!!!!!! :lol: Love that store u got there!!! Thanks for the share!

BTW, we now have two cats, Siamese... both are brother, we adopt them last yr Feb which was now a year!!! It was wonderful cats and so damn beautiful and playful... we called them Johnie and Frankie, which it was someone called them first! :lol: Acutally I like that names tho! So lovely cats and beautiful, I must say!! But I do love dog and always want one but we had some dogs in the past... first one was named Sweetheart (mixed), second was Frisco, black lab (full breed) and last one, little dog, Chopin (mix) and cute tho.,.. :lol: All of them were really loveable and playful alot... but when I was very little, with Sweetheart, she and I were very bonded till her death at the age unknown tho but maybe 10 or 11 yrs old at the same time Robert Kennedy got killed... werid! Sighs I have missed the dogs so bad...really want one before I became toooooooooooooooooooooo old! lmao! Oh well... let hope I can get one someday, if not sooner!
all 4 of our dogs are rescue dogs 1 is from a friend's place and 2 is from humane society and 1 is from scanuatry home...

Maxi came to us from humane society first. from my ex and myself was a 6 months pressie to us til things change brought her home to mom and dad, they kept her all these years she's coming up 10 years now, Lilo came to us from the rainbow scantuary,lilo's coming up 4 years, Kiko came to us from the humane society after nearly being hit by a car in front of mom's store so he chose mom and we took him home. Cosmo came to us from a farm, who basically doesn't like the idea of chasing cows or goats just gets afraid of anything bigger but does herd my 3 dogs LOL. He's a cattle terrier/aussie heeler dog he's such a good dog he's right now 8 months and getting his gonads cut off right now should be home in an hour. poor guy.

Will show u pics of the dogs soon....
Go and adopt! :) *if you can afford it and have time/room for it ofc :)* both of my dogs are from the shelters, and I couldn't ask for better dogs (although they can be mischevious at times! lol) and it's so much better than getting a pet from a BYB :)
I adopt 7 rats and 3 mices

They are my babies, I love them and cannot live without them

But I would like to adopt two or three of dogs and maybe one or two of cats, plus few of horses, cows, pigs, chickens, turkeys, goats, birds, etc and more of rats and mices.

Even, would want to buy all of them and keep them around in my new home if I buy many acres for my home. But it will be cost me more money for food and such like that... That's me, I just want them to having a warm and love home :dunno:

but I could be dare to do that if I have 50 billion money :naughty:
we adopted two cats. First cat was from an adoption program through PetSmart, the other cat we took care of... it was an abandoned stray kitten with a litter of other kittens. A friend found them under a dumpster nearby, she adopted most of the kittens out, and there was one left, so I took that one home with me.
all of my living animals are rescue animals or adopt from another person

they're all a blessing indeed!
When I get my own place, I'm thinking about adopting a cat. :)
i like going have adopt cats because this is my best friends of cats more than dogs!

if you love cats or dogs as best friends tell story but i do love cats because more sweet.

I have two wild mother cats who are preggy right now... if you live near me..You are welcome to come and adopt some kittens when they are born... one mother cat is due anytime.. other probably in May... I gave 4 kittens away last year...the wild mother cats are calico...

I have two cats indoors.. they are fixed...
I have two cats, Pumpkin and Garfield. They always sleep with me every nights. I love them to death ! They are my babies !