You ever get people who tell you not to use sign language?

Same here.

My father was visiting one time and he turned off the close captioning on my television set as it "bothered him". He set the remote between us and I picked it up and hit the "MUTE" button.

"What did you do that FOR? I'm missing out what's being said!"

I looked at him, smiled and said, "My point."

The captions came back on......

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: really good one. I really never thought about this when my Dad did like that. I wish do like what you did... really super!!! I will remember your post if my friends have problem with their parents for that... :D
Same here.

My father was visiting one time and he turned off the close captioning on my television set as it "bothered him". He set the remote between us and I picked it up and hit the "MUTE" button.

"What did you do that FOR? I'm missing out what's being said!"

I looked at him, smiled and said, "My point."

The captions came back on......

hahaha, good one! :bowlol:
Same here.

My father was visiting one time and he turned off the close captioning on my television set as it "bothered him". He set the remote between us and I picked it up and hit the "MUTE" button.

"What did you do that FOR? I'm missing out what's being said!"

I looked at him, smiled and said, "My point."

The captions came back on......

:bowlol: ... Beautifully done by getting your message across and hopefully it got through to him once and for all!
:bowlol: ... Beautifully done by getting your message across and hopefully it got through to him once and for all!

It did! :lol:

The neat thing....when I go and visit him at his house, he always turns on the CC's!

Obviously the message was received.
I remembered when I was in mainstreamed schools (elementary and high school), my deaf classmates and I were told that we were not allowed to use sign language. That was a slap to our faces that we were not allowed to have one. When the principal hired a hearing English teacher who was hailed from a Deaf Institution to work with us, Deafies. We asked him if he can teach us sign language and he told us that he was sorry that no can do because if the principal finds out that he helps us with sign language. He will get fired from his job and we don't want him to get fired. We were so angry and very sad that we were not allowed to sign at all. We tried to protest to have sign language but our method was not working so we gave up. We had to put up with the hearies through the schools years.

Like what Signfrmtheheart had mention in the thread about a Deaf boy who was being discriminated from his mother who does not understand how important to communicate with ASL or any kind of sign language to be able to fully function on understanding what the person said. She expect him to lipread fully and understand people one hundred percent. It is not about making the speech but to the context on trying to understand when people speak to us. Like in mainstreamed school we were not capable of understanding what the teachers and the hearing students said. That is what make us furious. That is why we need the visual sign language like ASL which we are all very happy after we graduated from high school. As for the hearing they get to sign while the Deaf and Hard of Hearing are not permitted to sign because we have to use our voice to speak. :ugh: How irony is it? :mad:
I get people all the time who tell me not to use sign language. I pisses me off :mad::mad2: soooo much!!

My wife does because she doesn't know Sign Language and I am not Deaf. Makes it hard to practice lol. THIS IS WHY I NEED DEAF FRIENDS !!! lol . :laugh2::lol:
Same here.

My father was visiting one time and he turned off the close captioning on my television set as it "bothered him". He set the remote between us and I picked it up and hit the "MUTE" button.

"What did you do that FOR? I'm missing out what's being said!"

I looked at him, smiled and said, "My point."

The captions came back on......

lol that is funny!!! :lol:
How about this... tell the naysayers that it's a matter of preference in using ASL rather than using voice if you are capable of that too. I think some people need to be educated in that manner.. that ASL isn't a "last resort" thing.

Good one, Brydie.. lol, I should do that.

Shel, that's rather fishy if they don't practice what they preach! Yikes. Lucky you having a deaf brother, though!
Not all the time, but yes.

I am hearing. I used to be able to speak Spanish well, but thru lack of use am at about a 5th grade level now. Used to sign pretty good but again lack of use has made it where I can get by with mutual cooperation.

I have been told not to sign and not to use Spanish -- Because I don't have too.

Of course I don't have too. I do it because I want too; because I want to practice and become proficient; because if the people who speak these as their native languages will talk with me I can.

It does not so much make me angry as it tells me these are people I do not want to associate with.

That is the problem I have with my wife. She doesn't like it because she doesn't understand what I mean. Even though I speak while I sign. So obviously she can understand me.
That is the problem I have with my wife. She doesn't like it because she doesn't understand what I mean. Even though I speak while I sign. So obviously she can understand me.

Careful here Celticty. You are in Jasin's thread. He is very anti-hearie.
My father was visiting one time and he turned off the close captioning on my television set as it "bothered him". He set the remote between us and I picked it up and hit the "MUTE" button.

"What did you do that FOR? I'm missing out what's being said!"

I looked at him, smiled and said, "My point."

The captions came back on......

I absolutely love that. You very clearly made your point! I'll have to remember that.

My best friend's mom told that to my friend and I at dinner table one time. She said it was rude cuz none of the others could understand what she, her deaf brother and I were saying. Can u believe that? The 3 of us couldnt understand what everyone else was saying cuz they were just chatting away and not making sure we were able to follow what they were saying. I was furious...furious and wanted to walk out ..dont remember why I didnt.

I can totally relate to that. It has made me want to get up and walk out too. Aside from that, I think the only other place I've been told not to sign is when playing poker at the local casinos. I still have an issue with it even though I'm well aware that the casinos have the right to request we not sign (in accordance with Roberts Rules of Poker in that everyone must speak the same language) but it still upsets me that I can't sign (especially when I am *NOT* playing) because then I basically have to shut up ... Oh well ... I would rather shut up and fume rather than get kicked out of the casinos.
That's great

But it sounds like there's a lot of prejudice in deaf culture against hearies...we are people too and we there are a lot of hearing people who understand deaf culture because they grew up with it or know deaf people. I think this bitterness has less to do with how we treat you, but more to do with general hating of people who are different than you.
But it sounds like there's a lot of prejudice in deaf culture against hearies...we are people too and we there are a lot of hearing people who understand deaf culture because they grew up with it or know deaf people. I think this bitterness has less to do with how we treat you, but more to do with general hating of people who are different than you.

Or just a lot of experience with how we are treated. Old saying " Walk a mile in my shoes."
One girl told me, but you have a normal voice .. use your voice. I was like, you are insulting me, you obviously dont respect me or deaf culture.

i've been told to use voice while I sign. I was like, then whats the point of signing?

I am a hearing person. I agree with you on you should be able to use sign language freely. Nobody should and could tell you to stop.

But there is something I do not understand and I hope you will help me in this. If I wanted to talk to you in person and I do not know sign language , and you can speak, why is it wrong for me ask you to use your voice also? If I do that, why am I insulting you?

I dont get it, because to me if I was hostile to you, if I wanted to insult you, I would totally ignore you instead of trying to communicate with you. I would say he is deaf anyway, who bothers caring what he does, forget about him. So if I take you serious, if I try finding a way to talk to you, and I realize you can speak while I can not use sign language, what is wrong with us having a voice conversation, or at least me asking you?

I am not judging, I really dont see why this is insulting and I would like to understand it.


P.s: I read couple messages above somebody saying be carefull jasin is anti hearing. So if its a personal issue, there is no need to argue about it at a personal level. But I hope we can still talk about this in general.
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Regarding those cases with the mother not wanting her kid using ASL in school and the principal in one poster's school banning sign language, I'd like to see those people get arrested for child abuse.

I've never had anyone directly tell me not to sign. Someone in high school once saw me signing during an afterschool meeting. He just happened to be in the room for unrelated reasons. My sister was there and heard him say that sign language was not real. He wasn't someone I knew and I didn't know about it until my sister told me later. So I didn't do anything about it.
I am a hearing person. I agree with you on you should be able to use sign language freely. Nobody should and could tell you to stop.

But there is something I do not understand and I hope you will help me in this. If I wanted to talk to you in person and I do not know sign language , and you can speak, why is it wrong for me ask you to use your voice also? If I do that, why am I insulting you?

I dont get it, because to me if I was hostile to you, if I wanted to insult you, I would totally ignore you instead of trying to communicate with you. I would say he is deaf anyway, who bothers caring what he does, forget about him. So if I take you serious, if I try finding a way to talk to you, and I realize you can speak while I can not use sign language, what is wrong with us having a voice conversation, or at least me asking you?

I am not judging, I really dont see why this is insulting and I would like to understand it.


P.s: I read couple messages above somebody saying be carefull jasin is anti hearing. So if its a personal issue, there is no need to argue about it at a personal level. But I hope we can still talk about this in general.

Have you ever heard a Deaf person speak with or without hearing aids talk in a funny voice (high pitched and/or loud voice) and always mispronounced words that are not correct to the hearing ear? Deaf people were made fun of by the way they speak. If you could not understand their sign language, then the only solution is to write down on paper with pen. If the Deaf person could not read the note, then that is the only language that the Deaf person sign if not spoken. Just have to learn to go with the flow. No matter we prefer sign language like ASL, BSL, Auslan or any other sign language because it is visual better than voice. We were discriminated from not having the ASL access to us. They want us to speak in an only oral environment and lipread 24/7. :ugh:
Have you ever heard a Deaf person speak with or without hearing aids talk in a funny voice (high pitched and/or loud voice) and always mispronounced words that are not correct to the hearing ear? Deaf people were made fun of by the way they speak. If you could not understand their sign language, then the only solution is to write down on paper with pen. If the Deaf person could not read the note, then that is the only language that the Deaf person sign if not spoken. Just have to learn to go with the flow. No matter we prefer sign language like ASL, BSL, Auslan or any other sign language because it is visual better than voice. We were discriminated from not having the ASL access to us. They want us to speak in an only oral environment and lipread 24/7. :ugh:

English is not my first language. Now try to imagine me as a teenager in a country where they are talking so fast I can not really pick what they are saying , and also I cant really make them understand what I am saying either. At first because my english was so little and then still my accent was making it difficult. I didnt have a chance of saying pen and paper or sign language please either.

You may not be able to speak well, but nobody can magicly know it right? I should ask you if you can speak right? and you should write down you really can not speak well, then I should say , ok lets keep writing. But if one day we become friends, and if I hear and like your voice, I should say, you should speak more often right? Not because I am ordering it, but friends always say things like that to each other. You paint great, why dont you do more, its a great story you should be a writer, this was a great speach, you should give a speach there too... They do it even when their friend is shy about it. Then you probably will say, no no no I am embaresed. Then I will say, please at least when we are alone, nobody will hear, its our secret.. Then we laugh.. Friends do it you know.

But everything will start with one small step. I will ask you if you can talk, and you will write down you can not do it well. I will take the pen and keep writing.. Story will go on..

I do not see anything wrong in asking it, because asking if you can speak is different than telling you "speak or get lost". So would you get insulted when I ask you if you can speak , or would you just tell me you can not do it well?
