would your wife test bulletproof glass?

When I was about 14, my dad was showing me how to use a framing nail gun. He was very careful not to point it at anything and was being very careful to explain exactly how dangerous it was. He started to show me how to use it when it went off and a nail went through the palm of his hand. In less than split second, he dropped nail gun and pulled the nail out of the palm of his hand. When the nail gun fell to the ground, it went off nailing his foot to a wood deck.

Hilarious in retrospect ..... we laugh about it now.

Against all our good advice, my husband once drilled through his knee while balancing a board on his leg.

For some reason, he never laughs when we bring that up! :lol:
Against all our good advice, my husband once drilled through his knee while balancing a board on his leg.

For some reason, he never laughs when we bring that up! :lol:

I'll bet you do :lol:

After that episode with my dad, I didn't want to be anywhere near that nail gun ... but he insisted I learn. Talk about severe "fight or flight" syndrome :lol:

edit: OUCH!!! Drilled through his knee?!!! OUCH!!!
Yikes, that would be so scary to hold a bulletproof glass.
I have no problem standing next to target with my best friend shooting :dunno:
That man is NUTTY bet his wife don't like ideal if i were her it be my turn to shoot lol.
That safety glass was probably tested beforehand but still, a foolish thing to do...like a circus act.
Thanks Bottesini: the best place for nail guns/rifles/shot guns/machine guns or bazookas-locked up somewhere else! Can't use in your house. Wise words indeed.

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07
That's why you leave things like nail guns to the "professionals". Better their appendages than mine :D
Not to override one's choice in being "stupid". Lock them up-guns etc! Live longer!

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07
That would be a shotgun, not a rifle.

"A double-barreled rifle or double rifle is a type of sporting rifle with two barrels instead of one, available in either side-by-side or over-and-under."
It was a double-barreled rifle ! It was a sporting rifle and it left a big hole in the floor and we had a basement full of water!
"A double-barreled rifle or double rifle is a type of sporting rifle with two barrels instead of one, available in either side-by-side or over-and-under."
It was a double-barreled rifle ! It was a sporting rifle and it left a big hole in the floor and we had a basement full of water!

Yeah, it is very rare. I challenge anyone to find a manufacturer of mass produced double barreled rifles. There aren't any. However, there are or were a couple of companies, most likely European or Russian that made a few. One that comes to mind is an "elephant" gun....your Dad had something rare, something hardly anyone has ever seen.
That's why you leave things like nail guns to the "professionals". Better their appendages than mine :D

Sometimes the professionals have accidents ;) and sometimes ... they don't even realize it:

BBC NEWS | Americas | Toothache man finds nail in skull

Doctors at the hospital said it was the second time a patient had failed to notice a nailgun had fired a nail into their heads.

I used to be a general contractor and never had a serious accident (knock on wood). I have seen plenty of them though (falling from a roof, scaffolding, power equipment accidents, etc.). It always just made me a bit more cautious.
Sometimes the professionals have accidents ;) and sometimes ... they don't even realize it:

BBC NEWS | Americas | Toothache man finds nail in skull

I used to be a general contractor and never had a serious accident (knock on wood). I have seen plenty of them though (falling from a roof, scaffolding, power equipment accidents, etc.). It always just made me a bit more cautious.


I feel like I saw that on Grey's Anatomy once...jeebus! *holds tummy and tries not to think about nails in brain*

I feel like I saw that on Grey's Anatomy once...jeebus! *holds tummy and tries not to think about nails in brain*


yeah I know ... its like "Doctor, I got this enormous headache and excedrin isn't helping"

"Uh, dude, you have a nail stuck in your brain ....." :shock:]

maybe Ibuprofen?

yeah I know ... its like "Doctor, I got this enormous headache and excedrin isn't helping"

"Uh, dude, you have a nail stuck in your brain ....." :shock:]

maybe Ibuprofen?


Did he have some kind of neurological disorder that prevented him from noticing the obvious?