Would you go back and change?


New Member
Apr 26, 2005
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If it were possible to go back in time and change from not hearing to hearing would you do it?

I was chatting with a friend this morning and we got to talking about it.
I thought on it for a time and I still am. I know I would never ever go back and change that fact. Not hearing has made me who I am, helped shape who I am. I am very happy with who I am today and would not want to chance that changing at all. I have thought this morning about how not hearing has effected and shaped my entire life and being, many little things I had forgotten through the years flood my memory right now as to how they have made me who I am today. So I would not change it at all.
I am wondering how others may feel about this.
Well, God made me who I am and being deaf meant to be then be it. I wouldn't change anything in the world with my hearing. But It is sure would be nice to hear something that I've never heard before, the sounds of the ocean, the sounds of the wind and etc. That is something I would like to hear wouldn't matter if it is only for a moment. I would like to experiences that sounds just one day or one moment of my lifetime. :)
This is hard to say for sure...

While I have some curiosity as to what it would be like to hear, I never had that privilege. One of the biggest frustrations for me is that I cannot enjoy music (it's just NOISE!) and listen to the radio in the car...

...but then again, I never have, so I don't know what I'm missing. :) I don't mind being deaf - mainly because I don't know anything otherwise. So...no, I wouldn't change anything. I think that had I meant to hear, I would have been born with my ears in working order. ;)
Honestly? I would go back and change it, yeah. I don't know how I could but ya know. How do you beat genetics?

I know what I'm missing.. late night phone calls while laying in the dark on the floor, listening to the teacher without looking at them, birds, the doorbell, friend's voices and conversations, music (clearly), watching tv with no CC, watching movies with no subtitles, having a regular phone, hearing it ring, telling telemarketers to stop calling, cats' meows, dog barking, airplanes, people talking at the mall, announcements, people treating me equally..

god I could go on.. :(

On the other hand, being deaf has opened up a different life. A different way of doing things, etc etc.
I wouldn't change being deaf!

One thing I want to change is my shyness tho, wish I would be more confident in socializing!
Oh that will be nice if it can change from deaf to hearing... but it is only a dream. I am a realistic person, I cannot afford to be daydreaming about it.

But I do wonder if it ever change from deaf to hearing, will it makes me insane? I mean, I am used to be a deaf ever since birth then suddenly becomes to hearing and able to listen to these noises and other things constantly. Just like "voices in our heads" stuff :P
Are you kidding? Being deaf makes the married life so peaceful...
If you met my In-Laws you would understand...
I would never change that...
Hahaha :lol: @ C.C. Sinned. That's another 'pro' for being a deaf.
C.C.Sinned said:
Are you kidding? Being deaf makes the married life so peaceful...
If you met my In-Laws you would understand...
I would never change that...

LOL I know what you meant by that.
C.C.Sinned said:
Are you kidding? Being deaf makes the married life so peaceful...
If you met my In-Laws you would understand...
I would never change that...
oh yea i uddy what u mean!! :lol:
:rofl: I know what you mean, C.C.sinned...

yeah, I know it would be nicer to become hearing one day out of curiously but I know it will NEVER.... This is a life... :roll:
I am hearing - I would never want to be deaf! (no offense) I understand it is your way of life and you have learned how to deal with situations, any situation, in your own way. I handle situations in my own way too, in my "hearing" way. And that has made me who I am. Plus, I would know what I am missing if I went from hearing to deaf. The things I am accustomed to would be gone. I wouldn't be able to hear the rain falling on the roof while I'm curled up in a blanket on the couch. I would miss the sound of my ever-so-annoying cat, as much as I love her she IS annoying, crying and meowing and scratching at the bedroom door to tell me she is hungry. I love the way it sounds when she sits on my lap and purrs while she rubs her face against me. There are so many sounds I take for granted. Those things don't sound important - but as soon as they're gone, they are.

I can see how someone who is deaf would not want to be hearing. I'm not sure what you would miss out on - I am not part of that culture. Maybe you would stop using sign to communicate and you would begin to miss that people don't use sign to speak to you. Maybe you would miss the way your spouse stomps his or her feet to get your attention, or the way they tap your shoulder. I don't know!

The most important thing hear is, when you go from one culture to another, no matter what culture you started out in, you will miss things! Things are not the same! So no one should want to become the other. Does anyone think that is selfish? Sure, it would be cool to experience the other culture, but you are who you are and you should not want to permanently change that to "conform". Be yourself!!
No i wouldnt change my deafness to hearing... because for one sole purpose: My friends and my future.

Being deaf was a hard life, and it still is... but im getting better because its nearly time for me to go to RIT :) If i changed my deafness to hearing instantly... My deaf friends will probably lose interest in me and the interpretenders will lose their jobs... So yeah... i'd rather be what i am, what i was born to be.