Would appreciate an opinion


New Member
Jul 3, 2011
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I am asking for your opinion of a situation to settle an ongoing discussion. Both parties agree to abide by the general majority input of this forum and end the discussion.

You have just met a person and are visiting their home for the second time. While you are there they take you picture without your knowledge and then post that picture on FB again without your knowledge. No disparaging remarks were made and it was not obscene. It was simply done without the knowledge or consent of the subject. How would you respond?

Thank you
I wouldn't mind at all if it was not to make fun of me.

However my stepmother is very upset by people taking her picture at all.

I have two granddaughters who compete for the opportunity to be on my Facebook.

What I mean is different people react differently. So if it bothers you, that is what is important.

You have a right to have your feelings respected. If you don't want your picture taken and shared, just tell the person to take it down.
i hate having my picture taken but almost everyone i know doesn't seem to respect that. they still post it on facebook and every time i tell them to take it down, they just laugh and say "WHY?!"
Wirelessly posted (droid)

We're like the People's Court now? lol
How would the person in the FB photo respond?
I wouldn't have a problem with that. I'd glady save a copy for myself. Why would I care unless I were trying to hide my whereabouts?
If the person doesn't want the photo on FB, she may kindly ask the poster to remove it without blaming the poster. I doubt that it was intended to be harmful.
I understand that people from different cultures may have a different perspective. In that case, give the poster the benefit of the doubt. The poster did not know your concern and intended no harm.
Cultural differences exist even in different parts of the U.S. What is common practice in the South may be unappreciated by Yankees. Southern people tend to be more familiar with each other. It's expected that people take great interest in each other. Un fact, not taking great interest is a snub. In the category of interest: weddings, births, hosting/attendence at parties, graduations, promotions, etc. People who don't belong to this culture may call this being nosey and in their business. Thus, the cultural misunderstanding exists. I think that it's more important to be kind and gracious instead of being "right."
The poster should respect the wishes of the person who's image was posted. If I posted a picture of my sister and she asked me to take it down. I would take it down quickly! I might not even ask her why.

When I was going through my divorce I became somewhat a recluse. I went through FB and removed any links to my name from everyone's pictures. Even asked a few to take down my picture. I refused to tell them why, just wanted them down.

For this reason I almost never post pictures of other people. My dogs on the other hand find themselves on FB all the time. They have no choice!!! :)
Wirelessly posted (droid)

FB is routinely used as evidence in divorce and child custody. You may protect yourself some what by not posting anything "public."
If you were tagged in that picture and you don't want to be tagged, you can remove your own tag.

If there's a picture of you and you don't want the picture there at all, you can kindly ask that person to remove that picture. If they refuse, then they're not really your friend... and there's no point going to that person's house again.
Wirelessly posted (droid)

FB is routinely used as evidence in divorce and child custody. You may protect yourself some what by not posting anything "public."

The point here is the picture was taken and posted without the subjects knowledge or consent by a total stranger. I am not the subject.

This is also not the People's Court. I asked the question here because
1. The regular posters are intelligent, educated people from diverse backgrounds and I have come to respect their differing points of view.

2. The members are all from many different cultures, countries, and experience levels, are not aware of the people involved in the situation and therefore are completely unbiased. It seemed like a nice way to resolved the questions of privacy, courtesy and just plain good manners or blow it off as the best option. You made some good points and I thank you for your responses.
If I was upset about it, I would just tell them to take the picture down because there doesn't seem to be any ill intent on their part. I would not have problem asking this even if it was someone I just met. I would also explain that I have no issue with them, just the picture itself.
It's common courtesy that one asks before posting a photo of a friend or relative on their page or if friend expresses dislike, to take it down.
Wirelessly posted (droid)

Savvi, always bring your sense of humor. It's how I keep my sanity. Apparently you didn't notice the "lol." No offense was intended. I need smilies on droid. No smilies. Except for the silly ones I can make on little keyboard.
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I would be very upset if someone posted my photo with out asking me first!! How do you feel about this? I was out with Marty and teenage girls fell in love with and wanted to take a photo with Marty.
I said it was ok as long my photo was not taken. Marty had his photo taken with the 3 girls and is now on facebook! I not not like my photo taken and feel people should respect that.
I am asking for your opinion of a situation to settle an ongoing discussion. Both parties agree to abide by the general majority input of this forum and end the discussion.

You have just met a person and are visiting their home for the second time. While you are there they take you picture without your knowledge and then post that picture on FB again without your knowledge. No disparaging remarks were made and it was not obscene. It was simply done without the knowledge or consent of the subject. How would you respond?

Thank you

very simple -

1. if you don't like it, then you should tell that person to kindly take it down.
2. if you don't mind them posting pix in FB but would prefer that the person asks you before he/she posts it up, then tell that person about it.

simple as that.
I have had my picture posted on FB many times. Not once has anyone ever asked me for permission prior to posting. So I think it's quite common practice. The photo should be removed promptly when asked.

It's simple really. Ask to have the photo removed. Remove photos promptly when asked. Don't make it difficult by asking questions, just do it out of respect.
I have had my picture posted on FB many times. Not once has anyone ever asked me for permission prior to posting. So I think it's quite common practice. The photo should be removed promptly when asked.

It's simple really. Ask to have the photo removed. Remove photos promptly when asked. Don't make it difficult by asking questions, just do it out of respect.

security your posts and your permission picture disable I am adjust to pemission!!
Wondering if this person was drinking alcohol in the photo???
I wouldn't mind being photographed with beer or wine but some people would. Like if they don't want people to know that they drink or if they are underage and drinking. Yes, we know that some underage kids drink. I was young once. :naughty:
very simple -

1. if you don't like it, then you should tell that person to kindly take it down.
2. if you don't mind them posting pix in FB but would prefer that the person asks you before he/she posts it up, then tell that person about it.

simple as that.

3. Call hit man (his number 342-234-9084)