WORLD WAR III Is Just Around the corner

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Oct 28, 2004
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China is threaten to use military force if taiwan declares indepedance and the US will get involved!!
The Story Here
I hope not. Perhaps, an alternative way is for us to stop buying all items that made in China so that maybe China will be broke later.
ravensteve1961 said:
China is threaten to use military force if taiwan declares indepedance and the US will get involved!!
The Story Here
I hope the USA will win in the world from the World War 3 unless his allies are France, Britsh, Germany, and other countries. I don't like to see lot more wars in real life from the future of war.
No, Not another war :( I don't like to see anymore killing.
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Quit worrying!
Cry me a atlantic ocean and build me a bridge and
Get over with your whining

Btw ur whining won't help unless you're on national tv... Or especially on Jerry Springler show!
nozobo said:
Quit worrying!
Cry me a atlantic ocean and build me a bridge and
Get over with your whining

Btw ur whining won't help unless you're on national tv... Or especially on Jerry Springler show!

I agree with Nozobo. Someone hand me a tissue for the 3rd time...*smh*
Starting war usually boost the economy! Trust me, once war is going on, soldiers go overseas, and those who can't join stays home and will be asked to join in manufacturing to manufacture ammunations, and other military things. It will boom, and you will work and earn $ and lifetime experience. You see, back then in 30's most of people don't have job, and refused to join war II until finally 1939 American joined the allies and fought against Hilter regime, guess what happened? America got out of depression, everybody has job afterwards.
War has been fought thoughout countries over THOUSANDS of years. Its nothing new, it has happened before, and there is existing wars, and there will be more coming up in future.
diehardbiker65 said:
Starting war usually boost the economy! Trust me, once war is going on, soldiers go overseas, and those who can't join stays home and will be asked to join in manufacturing to manufacture ammunations, and other military things. It will boom, and you will work and earn $ and lifetime experience. You see, back then in 30's most of people don't have job, and refused to join war II until finally 1939 American joined the allies and fought against Hilter regime, guess what happened? America got out of depression, everybody has job afterwards.
War has been fought thoughout countries over THOUSANDS of years. Its nothing new, it has happened before, and there is existing wars, and there will be more coming up in future.

it worked during the great depression but has not worked agian since.

now people fear and start saving up instead.
No, look hard on timeline. USA NEVER went in war til 1941 I think. When USA got involved with allies, USA finally got out of great depression.

Cjanik said:
it worked during the great depression but has not worked agian since.

now people fear and start saving up instead.
That's true. But for WWIII, I doubt it that we would win because in the 30's they had low-end technologies. Nowadays, our people invest their stock oversea especially China. Some powerful countries have bought technologies all over the world. Pratt & Whitney sold some F-16s to Russia, Poland, and probably China. This is old news - it was in the 1980's. Our government is supposed to protect our country. I guess that the government is screwed up big times. Even worst, Russia's fault for not secure their nuclear parts - many parts were sold on the black market, and it is too late now. The Russia don't have the records how many parts on the self that were missing. What a dupe!
diehardbiker65 said:
No, look hard on timeline. USA NEVER went in war til 1941 I think. When USA got involved with allies, USA finally got out of great depression.

Technically, yes, but they were asked to help in Vietnam so it was hard to tell whether it (the country itself) went into a war as a nation, but I believe that they only went to help, not to get completely involved. They were like allies in war.

I'm bad at wars, what about Persian Gulf?
What makes this called "World War III"? If you look at history, the whole world wasn't at war during World War I or World War II. Yet, they labeled them that way.
VamPyroX said:
What makes this called "World War III"? If you look at history, the whole world wasn't at war during World War I or World War II. Yet, they labeled them that way.

The biggest part of the world was at war during WWII.

Formal Participants in World War II
Axis Powers (signers of the Tripartite Treaty)


Co-signatories of the Tripartite Treaty

Hungary (November 20th, 1940)
Romania (November 23rd, 1940)
Slovakia(1) (November 24th, 1940)
Bulgaria (March 1st, 1941)
Yugoslavia (March 25th, 1941)(3)

Countries that were annexed by, or at war with, Axis Powers before World War II

Austria (annexed by Germany, "Anschluss", March 13th, 1938)
Czechoslovakia (Sudetenland annexed by Germany, October 10th, 1938)
Ethiopia (annexed by Italy in 1936, after the Abyssinia crisis, independence restored in 1941)
Republic of China (at war with Japan since 1931)

Allied Powers/Allied Forces

Brazil (from August 1942)
France (4) and her colonies(5)
New Zealand
South Africa
Soviet Union (from June 1941)
United Kingdom and the British Empire.
United States (from December 1941)

Countries that were attacked, occupied, or switched sides during the war

(Most countries below had declared their neutrality before being assaulted. Note that countries already listed above are not listed here)

Albania (occupied by Italy April 7th 1939, by Germany September 26th 1943)
Belgium (invaded by Germany May 10th 1940)
Czechoslovakia(1) (Bohemia and Moravia occupied by Germany March 15th 1939)
Denmark (occupied by Germany April 9th 1940. Greenland stayed officially under Danish souvereignity, but was under American protection since April 9th 1941. The small Greenland Army was created to repel German invaders early 1943.)
Estonia (annexed by the Soviet Union June 18th 1940, occupied by Germany September 5th 1941, re-annexed by the Soviet Union in 1944)
Finland (attacked by the Soviet Union November 30th 1939 and June 26th 1941)
Greece (invaded by Italy October 28th 1940, German occupation from April 6th 1941)
Iceland (occupied by Britain May 10th 1940, by USA from July 1941)
Iran (occupied by Britain and the Soviet Union, August 1941 to May 1946)
Iraq (started with pro-Nazi PM, refusing military transit or base (treaty) rights to Britain, invaded by Britain 1941 to 1958)
Latvia (annexed by the Soviet Union June 18th 1940, occupied by Germany June 25th 1941, re-annexed by the Soviet Union in 1944)
Lithuania (annexed by the Soviet Union June 18th 1940, occupied by Germany June 22nd 1941, re-annexed by the Soviet Union in 1944)
Luxembourg (invaded by Germany May 10th 1940)
The Netherlands (invaded by Germany May 10th 1940)
New Guinea (occupied by Japan, September 1942-August 1945)
Norway (invaded by Germany April 9th 1940)
Philippines (occupied by Japan, December 1941-June 1945)
Syria (occupied by Free French and British, June 1940-April 1946)
Thailand (Occupied by Japan, declared war on the United States and United Kingdom on January 25, 1942)
Tunisia (Used by Italian and German troops to attack Egypt. Later occupied by Allied forces)

Supporters of the Allies

Costa Rica
Dominican Republic
El Salvador
Saudi Arabia

Countries that remained nominally neutral

Sweden (with exception for the Winter War)
Vatican City

Slovakia proclaimed independence of Czechoslovakia on March 14th, 1939.

Nazi German influence and Wehrmacht presence was considerable until the

German occupation in September 1944. The rest of Czechoslovakia, the

provinces Bohemia and Moravia, were occupied by Germany March 15th 1939,

and proclaimed German protectorates. Czech nationals fought extensively on

the Allied side.

Egypt was technically neutral, but Cairo soon became a major military base

for the British forces. This was because of a 1936 treaty which gave Britain

the right to station troops on Egyptian soil in order to protect the Suez


Yugoslavia began the war as a neutral but Yugoslavia's Regent signed the

Tripartite Treaty on March 25th, 1941, and met an anti-Nazi coup d'鴡t when

he returned on March 27th. This led to German occupation from April 6th


France surrendered to Germany on June 22nd 1940, and the Vichy

government was installed, which cooperated with the Germans. However,

substantial French forces escaped the German advance or switched sides

and continued to fight on the Allied side as Free French.

French colonies initially fought alongside their parent country. When France

surrendered most recognized the Vichy government.

A relatively unknown footnote to WW2. The Mexican Republic declared war

on the axis powers after the oil tanker "Portero de Llano" was destroyed by

German submarines. Mexico's 201st Expeditionary air force (under US

command) participated in the bombing of Japanese targets in the Philippines

and served as translators between US forces and Spanish-speaking Filipinos.
Dont you know what WWIII Is? Its this!!

And If US attacks china for invading tawain they would more than likey to launch a nuclear missle to hit the US and then we would launch ours to china
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