Woman With Longest Nails Loses Them In Crash


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Apr 26, 2009
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SALT LAKE CITY - A woman who held a Guinness World Record for her long fingernails before they broke off in a car crash says it was the most dramatic event of her life.

But Lee Redmond, who lost the fingernails in February, says it's now much easier to do things and her hands seem to fly with the weight of the nails gone.

The 68-year-old won't grow her nails out again, saying it took 30 years the first time and she may not live for another 30.

Redmond hadn't cut her nails since 1979 and entered the Guinness World Records book in 2002 for longest fingernails on a woman.

The Guinness Web site says her nails measured a total of more than 28 feet (8.53 metres) long in 2008, with the longest nail on her right thumb at 2 feet, 11 inches (88.9 centimetres).

US woman who held record for long fingernails talks about breaking them in crash

It probably wasn't the worst thing in the world that she lost the nails. :P
If I remember history, it used to be a way in China for important people to show they had no need to work.

Personally it just seems filthy to me, and I think she is better off without them.
i think those nails are creepy and gross. must be reallt hard to wipe after using the crapper :ugh:
They're ugly! I can't even wear fake nails and do housework, etc. I wonder how she has mastered everything on a daily basis with those nails?
She clearly does not have thyroid disease. :P My nails break all the time even with my thyroid meds. I keep then short but that doesn't always keep them from breaking.
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im rather not get long nails HELL NO!! But i went to regal nails i went there every months for refills my nails but im rather not get long nails but my chose shorter nails will be best!!
:shock:I often wonder how people with long nails like this lady manage to tackle everyday tasks?
I remember reading this last February when it happened.
that just gives me creeps, those nails are not natural looking and ugh, they look awful on her. It's a good thing that now she has short nails, IMHO. I wonder how did she managed to cope with daily tasks with such long nails.
How did she drive a car with those fingernails? I am glad to know she is not going to regrow her fingernails.
Her hands would look freaky even without the nails. I'm officially grossed out now. :lol:
Gotta love those gold lame pants! *snark*