Who use to play sports here?


New Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Hey the reason I ask is cuz my good long old teammate/friend came by to my house to stay a couple days. Its been damn long I havent seen him. He and me use to be on the soccer team and he one of my very good friend. His name is Carlos so be nice to him you hear.

Carlos: Hey whats up? My boy tells me alot about this site. I checked around and I gotta say its tight. He was my first deaf friend I ever had so we are bucho boys. We were the best player around. And I gotta say Speedy looks out of shape. What the hell you been doing boy. Being lazy lobo boy? Hahahaaaa. So who is friends with lobo boy here? I wanna see who gotta put up with this boy. And who is his girlfriend here. See ya around. Lata.

Wolfboy: Hey you pinchi rata! Its been a while I havent play sport you pipsqeak. Im trying to get back in shape where I use to be. I still play the best fool. And damn Its been long that I hear someone calling me Speedy. Jesus man you keep asking me if i have girlfriend. Quit asking fool fore I smack you silly rat boy Sorry all for the for the silly things here its been long we havent seen each other.
:eek: eh...? oh well yeah...sports are good and healty :thumb:

well i like street hockey, swimming, and baseball...

and also playing DOAX on Xbox :P
I used to wrestle and play soccer.

Edit- I forgot to include a brief period where I played lacross.
Hola Carlos!! Too bad I didnt have time to chat with you...lots of things going on yuck........... so what is up....... I love to watch guys playing soccer - I myself cant run. I dont know why, I think I have exercise asthma.....but I am good at swimming, rollerskating and volleyball. :) Not on any team of course, just for fun....

Back home EVERYONE is obssessed with soccer but they call it football.....I am like dang cuz it s like at least a 100 degrees and they are playing soccer?!!?! I am ready to pass out from the heat.. I have a question for you - number 21 of the mexican team that played in the recent world cup - what is his name....me and my friends cant remember!!!
I used to play for the grrls softball team in high school sometimes will play football with my neice and nephew :)
Originally posted by BabyPhat21
Hola Carlos!! Too bad I didnt have time to chat with you...lots of things going on yuck........... so what is up....... I love to watch guys playing soccer - I myself cant run. I dont know why, I think I have exercise asthma.....but I am good at swimming, rollerskating and volleyball. :) Not on any team of course, just for fun....

Back home EVERYONE is obssessed with soccer but they call it football.....I am like dang cuz it s like at least a 100 degrees and they are playing soccer?!!?! I am ready to pass out from the heat.. I have a question for you - number 21 of the mexican team that played in the recent world cup - what is his name....me and my friends cant remember!!!

Carlos: Hola Babyphat. I saw my friend chatting you. So how are you and how did you meet lobo? I hear good things about you and he also said that you are fun to chat to. Im doing fine. Just visiting my uncle and good friend of mine. Ill never forget this boy. Lobo told me you like soccer boys. You should watch us someday. I hear that you live in Cali. Lobo said he is moving to Cali. You two planning to meet? We gonna have a match tomorrow and see whos still the best. Be ready lobo you bout to be mowed down on the greens. hahaha he told me "you wish" we'll tell you the info. Exercise asthma? You should swim more often and its the best way to help you breath easier. But I see you said you're good at swimming. Keep on doing that.

Oh its futball. Yea its crazy to play in 100 degrees outside but thats how we like to play. Thats how we mexicanos get tan. Drink a lot of water so you wont pass out from the heat. The name of the player #21 Um I really not sure I think its Arellano Jesus hold up im asking lobo. He said yea. Viva El Mexico! Alright nice to talk to you Babyphat. Lata.
I consider drinking Molson Canadian & cheering at my boys, the Maple Leafs, the Habs, the Blue Jays and the Expos, a true sport!!! *jumping up and down & attracting the players' attention!!!* :naughty: Heh!!
Originally posted by Freaky
I consider drinking Molson Canadian & cheering at my boys, the Maple Leafs, the Habs, the Blue Jays and the Expos, a true sport!!! *jumping up and down & attracting the players' attention!!!* :naughty: Heh!!

Carlos: Haha Ooooh yea? Care to cheer for me while I beat lobo?

Thats nice everyone. Keep on playing sport and soccer is the best. Hey Stevey Boy. Give me some tips to flip Lobo like a rag doll. I want to get him into a headlock. Hahahaaa Lata.