Who loves Math?

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Here's some fun for people...

(a - 7)^2 + (a - 14)^2 = a^2
Find x.

(a - 7)^2 + (a - 14)^2 = a^2

a^2 - 14 + a^2 - 28 = a^2

2a^2 - 42 = a^2

a^2 = 42

6.48 or 42

I hope I'm right.
(a - 7)^2 + (a - 14)^2 = a^2

a^2 - 14 + a^2 - 28 = a^2

2a^2 - 42 = a^2

a^2 = 42

6.48 or 42

I hope I'm right.

...did you just distribute an exponent, and then use it as a multiple?
no it doesn't

(a - 7)^2 + (a - 14)^2 = 2a^2 - 42a + 245

Where's your work? :D

(a - 7)^2 + (a - 14)^2 = a^2

First, we rewrite equation

(a - 7)(a - 7) + (a - 14)(a - 14) = a^2

Next use First, Outer, Inner, Last (FOIL)

a * a + (-7)a + (-7)a + (-7)(-7) + a * a + (-14)a + (-14)a + (-14)(-14) = a^2

Then simplify

a^2 - 14a + 49 + a^2 - 28a + 196 = a^2

Combine like terms

2a^2 - 42a + 245 = a^2

Subract a^2 from each side:
a^2 - 42a + 245 = 0

Now we Factor trinomial
(a - 35)(a - 7) = 0

What happens here is, using FOIL again, we start with
(a - b)(a - c) = 0
Then we find what b and c are, their sum must be 42 and their product must be 245.

35 * 7 = 245
35 + 7 = 42

(35 - 35)(35 - 7) = 0, (7 - 35)(7 - 7) = 0 also.

So we have:
(35 - 7)^2 + (35 - 14)^2 = 35^2
28^2 + 21^2 = 35^2
784 + 441 = 1225

(7 - 7)^2 + (7 -14)^2 = 7^2
0 + -7^2 = 7^2
49 = 49
Oh, and technically when factoring at the end, it should be -42 sum and 245 product, so for that part it would actually be a -35 and a -7... but I didn't want to make it confusing.

In other words
(a + -35)(a + -7) = 0
But I didn't want to make a look like it could have been a negative for this.

Ah, and the actual answer for a is a = {7, 35}
Damn, I forgot something my remember. ahhhhhhhhhhhhh

sorry my wrong! :( :( :( :(

Let see

2x + 5(6) = 40

This is equation. Enjoy it! :D
Damn, I forgot something my remember. ahhhhhhhhhhhhh

sorry my wrong! :( :( :( :(

Let see

2x + 5(6) = 40

This is equation. Enjoy it! :D

Haha. I have to do this... sorry!
2x + 5(6) = 40
2x + 30 = 40
2x = 40 - 30
40 - 30 = 10
2x = 10
10 / 2 = 5
2x / 2 = x
x = 5

Here's another one, since I did both of yours...
5x + 16 = 41

Oh, and I noticed you were close with your answers, but maybe forgot a step somewhere... it's ok, I just started remembering this stuff again myself, hahaha.
pop quiz hot shot!

what is the sum of every integer from 1 to 100?
I have no idea what is that?

Your answer correct X=5. :D

Good job.

I haven't find another math. lol
I'm gonna prove that 2 equals 1!

Let... A = B

A = B
AA + AA = AA + AB
2AA = AA + AB
2AA - 2AB = AA + AB - 2AB
2AA - 2AB = AA - AB
2(AA - AB) = AA - AB
2 = 1
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